Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I would say that it was more due to the fact that Tracer’s existing counters (Torbjorn and Symmetra) were flaming garbage.

It’s cute that you think they ever listened to begin with.


Lmao “factually” has become a meme on the forums.
I want Moira to get a voiceline that says “factually, your incorrect” or something


I think people (“Mercy mains”) are just fed up and angry at the treatment, as well as the hate, they’ve received for so long from the devs. and the community alike.
Their responses are justified, in my opinion. I never see “Mercy mains” spewing toxicity (I see a few get riled up and feisty, but that’s about it and it’s nothing compared to the toxicity they receive).


In my opinion, this isnt a cute statement, it is an accurate one

Factually, there were (and still are) many among the anti-Mercy faction that stated that what they mainly wanted was more healing. The most recent set of 2 significant buffs to Mercy provided what that particular subgroup was asking for

The above is stated as fact, I take it as opinion, and I disagree with this opinion.


Have you ever heard of sarcasm?


I dont believe that devs have expressed (or have) any hatred towards Mercy or Mercy players.

It is stated as fact because it is fact

Yes, I have heard of sarcasm

Even though the above is stated as fact, I see it as opinion, and I disagree with this opinion.

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I stand behind what I said, and have nothing further to add.

Many of the actions and words executed by the team can insinuate and imply disgust for “Mercy mains”.


With apologies, I dont know of any such words or actions

I’ll compile a list for you when I have the time!

no problem, I’ll be here

It took me a moment to get this joke. :laughing:

But nah, I’m a good 40+ years too young for grandchildren.


This. So much this.

The word “Factually” actually makes my hands clench in rage now. Kidding but not actually.


question: You’d really and truly want Moira to have a voiceline that would make your hands clench in rage?

hard to swallow pills: mass rez is gone and not coming back. Talking for 10k+ posts about how to balance it is a waste of time.

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