Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I can’t believe that the devs are still on about pretending that Mercy is fine, and that the rework has ever been anything but a huge failure.

Mercy is in a spot that we don’t like. We hate the rework, and we’ll keep complaining about it until that changes. It was true when Mercy was god-tier, and it’s still true now.


OWL keeps bringing revenue, so from that point of view everything is fine…

I think Lucio’s rework was pretty darn successful (yes, I consider it to be a rework). It’s the exception though, not the rule. Every other rework has either failed in its intended purpose, caused further balance problems, alienated a large portion of that hero’s playerbase, or some combination of/all of the above.


She is fine. Myself and many others enjoy playing her. The rework is not a failure to me or those players. But forget us right? We don’t matter. You feel as if you own the character and will complain until the game dies.

And “screw you” to all of the players like me who enjoy Mercy?
I hope you enjoy complaining for the entire lifespan of OW.

Ah… Titanium. The poster-child of stating their opinion as if it were fact

Nothing more to add. That post just got a chuckle out of me. I know it is useless to engage you for real lol

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Then why are ‘THEY’ not tweeking it, making the mechanic have a little UMPH to it instead of 60 hps and the same damage boost as normal, but either spread out if the team is grouped up. Give it say 70 hps to 1 person an 50 hps to the others grouped up, an up the Damage Boost to 1 person and to a lesser extent others grouped up. About the only thing that Valkyrie is really good for is going full on Battle Mercy and pulling a Quad Kill (which I have done recently) due to unlimited ammo. Everything else that Valkyrie helped with has been stripped from it for 'Balance" by the same people who hate Mercy in the first place, the Pro Players which ‘THEY’ have been using to help ‘Balance’ the game.

  • Fast Flight- Reduced to 12.5% of original flight speed (-75%= 25% -50%= 12.5%) making her flight only slightly faster than running. This was done because people WERE going Battle Mercy an wiping the floor with the enemy team because of-
  • Added Blaster damage- Removed because of “Moth Meta” because no one could hit Mercy while she was in flight an with added damage she could take out the entire enemy team.

But now all we get from ‘Someone’ is “At least they aren’t a Mercy Main”… I can understand balancing for OWL to an extent, but letting the top 1 to 2% of players dictate what is good for the rest of the game is not a good idea. Lots of Streamers have left because the “Balance” changes across the board (not just on Mercy mind you) is making a great game like every other FPS on the market, boring…
Overwatch was a “Team Based Shooter” with characters that didn’t just use guns to get kills, but it is turning into a FPS with some Heroes that don’t use guns to make kills. An the only thing you keep hearing is “Mercy is a No Aim, No Brain healer” from those same Pros and streamers, or “Mercy is always hiding”. Lets see, in the no aim category you have:

  • Junkrat- who can Spam grenades an get kills. But DPS so leave him alone.
  • Lucio- who’s healing is AOE. But he can be used as a DPS, an he gets kills, so leave him alone.
  • Moria- healing comes out in a cone shape, takes some aim. But her damage is a lock on so NERF. Except it has the exact same hit-box as Zaria, just the animation goes straight to center body mass, so it is not lock-on.
  • Brigitte- while damaging, or during Ultimate, it is an AOE. But she got Nerfed and Nerfed again because she was taking out Flankers, just like Moria, too easily.
  • Torbjorn- Lock-on Turret which was fixed (Nerfed) during Ultimate to not give out the extra damage. Also removed (Nerfed) the Armor Packs he always threw out to help his team.
  • Symmetra- HAD a lock-on beam, which got Nerfed with her 2nd Rework. Removal (Nerfed) of half of her Lock-on turrets (3 instead of 6). Removal of Shield Generator (Nerfed) and Teleport pad put on cool-down (Nerfed) instead of an Ultimate that could bring team back quickly from spawn…

Humm, I’m seeing a pattern here. Anyone that could bring back teammates quickly from spawn (Mass Rez/Teleport from spawn) is being removed, along with extra Armor/Shields (Torbjorn/Symmetra), making it easier to kill enemies. Next they are probably gonna Rework or flat out Nerf Brigitte to give out less or no Armor to fellow teammates. It isn’t just Mercy that has been reduced in power, lots of others have been too. Any Hero that requires less “Skill” to play is being reworked/nerfed to where they require more aiming skill. To the detriment of handicapped/nerve damaged players, unless said one is already a spammable and DPS Hero (Junkrat). Plus everyone is worried about ‘Healer Power Creep’, but let the power creep hit DPS and ‘THEY’ an the Pros/Streamers are fine with it. Next patch-

  • D.Va Nerf to Defense Matrix “Cooldown increased from 1 second to 2 seconds”.
  • Brigitte - “Damage reduction from armor reduced from -5 to -3” and “Now has a maximum duration of 30 seconds”
  • Reaper- “Life steal increased from 30% to 50% of damage dealt”

Along with all the buffs to McCree, Bastion (he HAS needed help for over a year now), etc. etc. ETC.

But back to this:

No, because there were options of Rezing less than 4-5 players, a Tempo Rez of 1-3 during key moments of the game were helpful, rather than Rez on a cool-down of only 1 person with the restrictions of:

  • 1.75 second cast time (even during Valkyrie)- making Mercy ‘Sniper Bait’ with the help of-
  • Slow movement speed during casting where Mercy can ONLY cast and not move much (or she moves outside small cast area and Rez fails), cannot crouch much less heal/damage boost/or use pop-gun.

Mercy players wanted an “E” ability that helped during mid-fight, which she was lacking (an probably would have made Mass Rez less used), instead we got Rez on “E” with the Rework that almost no Mercy player wanted. Jeff, in the developers update before Rework, guaranteed that they were not gonna ruin Mercy with the Rework. No, it took 7 Nerfs to do that, and we are currently at Nerf 15 to Mercy. People keep bring up “Remove Rez from the game”, fine… There goes several Sprays, Achievements (“Huge Rez” is currently almost impossible to get), change all her Merchandising, and dig a grave an put Mercy into it because Resurrect has been her thing since the beginning of the game and completely removing it would kill her. Even Jeff isn’t THAT uninformed about Mercy. But as an Ultimate, Valkyrie is severely lacking compared to ALL other Healer’s Ultimates, or in the case of Ana’s nade Burst Healing. Kind of bad when an “E” ability is more powerful than a fellow Healer’s Ultimate…
An on this:

It never happened, unfortunately… Why? Because they didn’t use Mercy for the most part, an if they did it was ONLY for Pharah Mercy or pocket healing a sniper. But IF the Pros would have used Mercy’s full kit, instead of just using Mercy as a Pocket Healer, we might have seen this type of play. I can bet that if one of the Pros HAD managed to pull off a Mass Rez, or better yet a “Huge Rez”, that the crowd would have gone wild.


That’s not a label; that’s reality. There isn’t a single element in Mercy’s current kit today that wasn’t in her kit when the rework first came out. There are things that were in Mercy’s kit when the rework first came out that do not exist in her kit today.

Mercy has only lost things since her rework. That’s reality.

So what you just said may as well be: “I defend her current state, regardless of reality.”


Well, if you are so vehemently against another rework, we could always go with a straight revert.

Factually, more people liked playing Mercy prior to the rework than today.


I mean you didn’t adress any argument so we can’t really consider what you say, can we ? It’s not relevant if you don’t give details, because you’re not trying to give others your point of view


A revert might well be worse than a rework

In my opinion, a revert would be far worse than leaving her as she is

In any case, I dont want any changes made at this point

The people who have a problem with Mercy are upset over the lowered skill ceiling after the rework.

Changes to raise Mercy’s skill ceiling while maintaining the same floor she already has will make a world of difference to the complainers, while not affecting you in the slightest. The only change you’d notice in Mercy’s gameplay is having more playstyles (in addition to the one you already enjoy) to choose from.

You have nothing to lose if Mercy gets reworked in the “proper” way that the #reworkmercy movement wants. Nothing that you enjoy about Mercy’s playstyle would be removed.


A fun and engaging Mercy.

Over half of the Mercy playerbase ditched Mercy after the rework. Raises questions as to just how “fun and engaging” the post-rework version of Mercy is.

For a very large portion of the playerbase, they have failed to fulfill their stated vision for Mercy. This is enough to warrant a rework.


Actually, that was in an interview some time after that.


Much more time than Soldier:76, a hero who isn’t supposed to be nearly a mobile as Mercy, spends not moving due to self-imposed penalties.

At least on ladder, “Mercy only with Pharah” in higher ranks was not the case. I played Mercy at Master as well a lot and she worked just fine without Pharah there (In GM/T500 games as well, the ones i had). I also know from other high rank Mercy players the same story.

In coordinated play, sure i agree, she was not the best in there. But that wasn’t an issue with Mass Res. More with her base kit not having a lot of midfight potential.
And as i said, that could have been fixed quite easily.

That reason is simply that OW is not at all like other games which have a res mechanic. There are many things in OW which wouldn’t work in other games. In terms of Ult’s we have a literal earthquake, a nuke, wall hacks, aimbots, massiv Aoe dmg and heals, boosts etc.

Well… Mass res was infact balanced. It never really was problematic at all. It also was not trash at all. We know those things because of the success players had with her and her pretty good pick rates.

Your next point is more an opinion. I can’t really say something against that other then i disagree heavily.
But i can give you a few reason to why it would be way more worth it to bring it back than keeping the 2.x.

For one it would unify a good amount of the palyer base again, even more with proper adjustments. (That’s in regards to this very topic of Mercy)

A ton of players would stop complaining over and over again, presumably going back to the game again and buying stuff (Lootboxes. That would be better for the devs)

Game balance would be better. Mercy unlocked so far the most interesting meta’s of them all. with a changed 1.x, all the new sups and other new heroes, the resulting meta would presumably work out extremly well. Especially considering that DPSs get way stronger right now.

Just to point that out.

Hide and res was already more than enough times established as just wrong. Caused by the Sr exploit which has nothing to do with Mass Res it self and it was extremly rare. Not to forget that it clearly left a player wit hbad win rates.

And about E res.
No, it was never a better thing than the old res. From it being the literal definition of Over Powered to contradicting her gameplay strongly. In no point of it’s existence, it was the better option.

It’s gone because of a very minor group which 1. Never really played her properly 2. Placed opinions as facts and 3. Went into the entire story with that “No skill Mercy” thought.

It was fine as it was and more than enough stats prove that.

Well, that’s on you then. I based all my arguments on stats and analyzes and nothing of that shows any major issues with 1.x Mercy. I could see it if you just didn’t like it, but saying it had tons of problems and basing the opinion on that is just unreasonable to me.

maybe elaborate on that?

Yes, it was not contradicting to her gameplay/kit.
In terms of gameplay, Mass Res worked absolutly fine in combination with her beams, gun and GA/AD. It had a flow which worked as well as a clockwork.
Leting others die was the worst way to paly her and that also got havily punished.
The point of it was to keep your team alive… pretty obvious for a res ability.

Oh I’m biased? After asking so many about their opinions and arguments on that matter, analyzing stats and old metas up and down while trying to form an idea which would be good for everyone… I am biased?

No words for that really.

You gave me answers like:


Without even going into my points and arguments. But I’m the one which is biased here. Sure.
And then this:

At no point did i say that i liked it and that i just want it back only for that reason. I would lie if i would say that i didn’t liked it, because i did. But i would never base my opinion just on a subjective feeling (Although, there are as well many stats about that which indicate that the current Mercy is considered as the worst (2.x)).

Maybe try to have a proper conversation first before making conclusions like that. Makes you look way more biased than you claim others to be.


Factually, the anti-mercy faction has plenty of different issues with Mercy, some of which are mutually exclusive of one another.

It isnt a single issue, it is many.

Factually, the folks backing reworkmercy do not all agree on what changes they want made, and again, many of those want mutually exclusive changes (ex: “I want rez removed”, “I want mass rez returned”)

In the unlikely event that these anti-mercy folks do adopt one set of changes as the ones to be made, it is unlikely in the extreme as I see it that Blizzard will implement those changes as specified by this faction. They own this intellectual property, and they will decide what changes will be made if any.

I’d even argue that they’d outright refuse to even look at changes agreed upon by this faction given who the figurehead is, given that individuals history with Blizzard

Worst of all, given how horrendous (imho) the results of recent reworks have been, we all have a great deal to lose every time Blizzard reworks a beloved character.

For a very large portion of the current playerbase, Mercy is considered to be fun, engaging, and effective.

This is enough in my opinion to warrant not doing a rework

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That didn’t stop Blizzard before and there’s always room for improvement.

You yourself has made suggestions trying to appeal to both sides, I’m sure Blizz can do even better.

Unfortunately, you’re right - they have proceeded with reworks that were received poorly many times in the past year or so. I am taking more about what they shouldnt do than what they do, tho

Also true.

Sadly, tho, Blizzard in my opinion has found more ways to make characters worse than they are than ways to make them better in recent reworks

Based on this experience, I’d ask anyone favoring a rework - why would you want Blizzard to rework a beloved character knowing how recent reworks have gone?

I am not in favor of the change I think you are referring to - #big mainlittlechain - and I dont think it will appeal to all folks, just a larger set of folks than are happy with her at present. It definitely will not appeal to the folks advocating for mass rez or no rez

I’ll add that #bigmainlittlechain does not require a rework. It is a numerical change - no animations to code, no new powers to balance, and etc

Why do people expect anyone to agree on Mercy’s issues, when very rarely players agree on anything specific about this game?

Apparently, those who believe Mercy should be altered must pass this impossible test that is to reach a consensus among random internet people. We should start a Mercy Main Symposium to reach a consensus, put that feedback into a thesis and then forward it to Blizzard, that ought to do it, right? But wait, then the criticism would be that we don’t include diverging opinions and our “figureheads” are flawed or whatever.

It’s a silly demand and it’s why you don’t hear people making it about those who want to see Reaper, Bastion, Brig improved. “Hey Bastion mains, you can’t agree on anything, therefore we should do nothing.”

Also, I don’t recall voting for a figurehead nor given my representation to anyone.

To make it better. Failure the greatest teacher is.

I said you tried, not that you succeeded.

It’s similar to dozen other suggestions, many of which support whatever #ReworkMercy is because “rework” is a broad word, it could mean different degrees of change.


I mean they kinda did that in developing the rework/revert proposal in this thread :thinking: