I always want to be able to use all of my kit, and when an opportunity to rezz someone occurs, I make a risk-vs-reward decision.
Of those rez’s I do decide to proceed with, I do get killed in the attempt at times, but those are generally in situations where I recognize the high risk and decide the potential reward is worth it regardless
I’d say I am successful (both the target and I are alive when completed) about 80% of the time (this is a guesstimate - I dont keep a record of each attempt), and this includes midfight rez’s, and I rarely have a teammate body blocking for me.
I’d say that the target is successfully rezzed maybe 95% of the time, in essence trading their presence on the battlefield for mine roughly 15% of the time, which may or may not be an even exchange
Total failure? Roughly 5% of the time.
I generally use the movement Mercy is permitted during rez to improve my overall cover, ie trying to remove myself from the LOS of as many opponent with weapons in range as possible.
Well woop de doo for you. Your experience differs. How wonderful. It doesn’t change what I’ve had to deal with, or what other people have seen/experienced. You might have some kind of ridiculously good luck and nearly all your Rez plays work out perfectly, but not everyone is some kind of living four leaf clover.
Getting a successful rez versus trading mercy for the rezzed target isn’t the same. She can be booped or pull out of rez range. The numbers aren’t tied together.
I don’t like slow rez either but I’d say I have the similar numbers. Maybe 80:15. I rez snipers so my risk is often much less and easier to get off. I rarely die rezzing because I don’t bother rezzing anything remotely risky and will pull out if valk rez if I find myself …drifting tbh but I’ll say at risk so I’m less of a butt hole.
Even if it’s true, I would rather not see Mercy in OWL at all. Some heroes were never meant for pros, or were supposed to remain situational picks. If hero isn’t picked in OWL, it’s not a sign of their weakness - they simply may not fit pro’s playstyle.
So has symm , sombra, and torb. But they either weren’t optimal or just not the style suited for pro matches.
I think that a lot of the lesser rung heroes are undertuned, but that in terms of pro use, the style of the heroes is mostly the issue. Junk, symm, torb, sombra, mercy, Moira, brig, their styles aren’t direct and shot based. No aim god is inherently good with symm turrets or torb Cheeto puffs. And the impact of Mercy isn’t felt through a gun or tracking. Tracking is important for Moira and sombra but it isn’t going to inherently win you the same reward as zarya.
It’s a style of play that is more mind based and less direct. So pros imo… Suck with them. Watching streamers who are widow mains and McCree God’s try to use symm is embarrassing. Watching them stay In The fight too long because they think they can out dps a McCree on sombra Is tragic.
It’s not their style. And unless a whole team dedicates themselves to a different mindset , it won’t really change. Shooty shoot is the mind set
Under what conditions? Do you know? Unless you substantiate, it’s a useless assertion.
And I maintain that numbers are meaningless if it’s not recorded.
Here’s a specific context: in high ground, GA-jump+falling-rez is my chosen technique when rezzing, it never fails, and even then I don’t do that if I’m aware that there’s a flanker (i.e Tracer) in the vicinity. I can claim it’s 100% effective, I’m pretty sure it’s 100% (or claim 80:15, a number that still doesn’t add up), but I decline to do so because memory is fickle in that it tends to choose favorable evidence.
I used to love torb and it’s literally because I’m a mega b1tch that likes a specific aesthetic that I didn’t play him more. He looked sweaty. #gross
But I have some favorite moments of God tier torb. Those are not moments I have seen in hot topics from pros.
They don’t use the Cheeto flavor dorito bullets to snipe pharah out the sky. Guess “skill” only applies to hit scan and having to consider arcs and travel time isn’t skillful.
And more direct style of pro players is just boring to me, and some other players.
When hero gets reworked in that manner, one becomes dull and no longer interesting.
It is permitted, but the problem is that it doesn’t convey meaningful understanding. If you understand something, you have to know the fact (your original assertion about Mercy being in OWL), you have to know why that fact is true (meticulously absent in all your posts), and you have to know the exceptions to those facts (also meticulously absent in all your posts).
When you know what, why, and how it may not be so, then you completely understand what’s being discussed. Otherwise, it’s the usual way you attempt to derail every discussion with vague generalities with vast dangling implications.
Agreed. I’m actually better with tracer Ashe and soldier than symm. my accuracy is moderate and I have better winrates… But I hate playing them. It’s super boring. I don’t like accuracy being the determining factor…I guess it’s cuz in my head… You can always improve aim. You can also always stay stupid. Watching people fall for symm nest over and over was like… My glee
Maybe it’s because aim is something…automatic. You don’t think about it, it just happens. Nearly only knowledge it requires is where enemy’s weak spot is, rest is reflexes.
Happened to have decent aim as Widowmaker, but sniping just doesn’t feel interesting at all.
Yet the sad truth is, I am a game designer and truth be told, majority of the game designers are like me.
Whilst the Pro’s and players are off tooting their horns and bragging how majestic they are… at the end of the day, they aren’t the developers. Whilst their opinions may matter to a degree, they are not the people who are determining the overall balance of the game.
Since the developers themselves aren’t even pro’s let alone even play the game to the same gaming hours and regularity as a casual or average player… they have even less knowledge and exposure to the live games themselves.
It’s great to have an ego but at the end of the day you are just a cattle for the company to milk money off of you.
Everyone has an equal say, it is whether or not that opinion is respected and whether or not that piece of feedback is relevant to the debate at hand and makes logical sense.
The Rank Ladder has been flawed from the very start and it has been revealed, dissected and proven time and time again that the system doesn’t work the way you would logically think a rank system should work. There are contradictions and flaws within the system and as more and more issues pile up, people just lose gradual interest in the game as the element of ‘fun’, slowly dies with the game as it goes stale.