Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Depends from ult: some ults can easily be charged back, when needed, while some(mostly support/combo ults) are taking a while to prepare. Switching hero will mean leaving your team without important ult(usually defensive) for a while.

The root of the problem is that rez count and healing are the only meaningful stats Mercy has any control over. It doesn’t give performance evaluating algorithms a lot to chew on.

Just look at what other heroes can be evaluated on:

  • weapon accuracy
  • damage dealt
  • elimination/death ratio
  • damage blocked
  • healing provided
  • hit ratio of skillshot abilities (e.g. sleep dart, hog hook)
  • number of times an autolock ability is used (e.g. hack, zarya bubble)
  • total number of players hit with your ult

Out of that list of seven, Mercy 1.0 only contributed performance-related stats in TWO categories: healing provided, and # of players hit with her ult. The rest of her stats (defensive/offensive assists and total damage boosted) relies on teammate RNG, not Mercy.

Even now, Mercy still only provides her own stats in two categories: healing provided, and # of times to use her autolock ability. The number of people hit by Mercy’s ult has become irreleveant because it’s now swept under the rug into Mercy’s “total healing provided” stat.

A successful Mercy rework would need to give good players more areas to statistically excel in. Otherwise, the SR system will screw everyone over again: either Mercy players won’t be able to climb on their own merits (which is Mercy’s current state), or desperate players will find ways to stat pad the only area they have any real control over in order to force SR gains (ye olde hide n rez).


An this is what it boils down to. Mercy players NEVER had much to go on for SR gain, except her Ultimate of Rez. Back then I was trying anything I could to climb, going Battle Mercy being what was suggested. Number of Rez didn’t become a factor until Mercy received Invulnerability because it was a guaranteed, unless someone shot her in the head before she preformed it. Still, the “Exploit” has already been removed from the game, along with Rez from Spawn, since 1 week before the Rework went Live. It shouldn’t be a problem now.




Hope it will never become best option to climb, since it goes against both character and role.


Currently going Battle Mercy is the ONLY way to:

  1. Get Mercy ‘On Fire’
  2. Get POG

If it isn’t one thing it’s another. I really wish ‘THEY’ would fix Mercy properly…

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Not sure, since I got Mercy 'On fire" from damage boost many times. Guess it’s true for POTG.

Oddly enough, I was on fire and got POTG with Mercy earlier today without using the pistol (in the specific moments of play selected)

Yeah, but as was stated earlier, there is a big difference between Console play and PC play. Last POG I received as Mercy on PC I Rezed 1 person, then took out 3 low health enemies with pistol. The main way I can get ‘On Fire’ is to pull out my pistol and start shooting the enemy, quickest is by actually killing an enemy or three.

Factually, your original statement was that this could only happen as battle mercy

Factually, both occurred for me without going Battle mercy

I wonder. Do you purposefully make these “FACTUAL” comments, regarding your Console playing, just to mess with PC gamers and to tick them off? Because you are doing a WONDERFUL job if it is…
That and your condescending attitude and comments towards PC gamers in general (from multiple comments on this forum).

Because “Factually” you did that on a CONSOLE and not on a PC; which, by the way, most of us play on. An, as we talked about earlier, it is a lot easier to do certain things with Mercy on Console as opposed to playing on a PC due to better aim of both your teammates and the enemy team.

If you try that on a PC guess what, it doesn’t work out so well, IF at all.

  • Not Valkyrie being used to push your team (much less keep them alive)
  • Not Rezing in the middle of a fight (without having another teammate die while you are Rezing 1 person)
  • Not 90% of the things you keep spouting off that “Factually I did…” or “Factually I find…” because there is a huge difference between the two mediums.

Yes, all your statements COULD be true on a console, I don’t know because I play on a PC an use a mouse and keyboard to play. Not that I FACTUALLY want to use a controller for Overwatch on PC. Maybe if you had the game on PC and tried using a Mouse and Keyboard you would figure out that what I had said (and many others who have had you come in and pull your “Factual” comments) is true, for a PC gamer. But just to clarify for your “Factual” sensitivity on more than one medium (PC and Console).

ON PC I FIND THAT going Battle Mercy is about the ONLY sure fire way for a mercy Player to:

  1. Get Mercy ‘On Fire’
  2. For a Mercy player to get a POG.

Factually, you can’t prove either of your supposed facts, so why are you even replying?


Factually, it occurred as I described

Factually, you’re misusing the word, factually, as can be gleaned from the meaning of the word, ‘fact’:

There is a distinct lack of evidence on your part, which is required to make your ‘facts’… well… factual.


Factually, an event that occurred is a fact

It is rather sad that you continue to pretend to be interested in an honest discussion, but keep providing answers which are not even wrong. If you will not argue in good faith, why are you even here?


Factually, I have explained what happened.

I am interested in providing my genuine experiences and analysis to these forums, in this and any other thread in which I participate.

As far as PC goes, it is much easier and reliable to play Mercy by using the pistol, not only with On Fire and POTG potential, by creating windows of opportunity to do your job whether you want to or not.

For example, there are a lot of occassions where I no longer try and heal and damage boost a player anymore because it is far more rewarding and in the end, safer for me to use my pistol. On PC where aim is much more accurate at all levels of play, I am better off helping kill the enemy to either heal the person at the end or make a safe revive because the power level Mercy holds with her support features (healing and boosting) often are fairly weak in a lot of scenarios, including 2v1’s where the support factors can still perform to a weak enough level that it is better to kill the enemy yourself and just revive or heal later. This is true with helping your team be more aggressive as well and trying to be that more aggressive support that you could be previously, whilst this does not apply to making risky heal plays that could save a life by giving a squishy a higher chance of being able to peel from a fight, instead you distract and attack and make room to heal your team. Again, this is regardless of whether you want to or not.

Peeling to me is the primary issue that we need to cover.

Peeling is a necessary aspect of this game, having to peel for too long to get healing goes against the fast paced nature of the game.

This is where 60hps Mercy felt good and 50hps feels bad, because unless a 60Mercy had fallen behind on her healing due to bad priority and juggling, peeling was not something that had to occur for too long, if someone peeled they were able to return fast enough. Now, it takes a fairly noticeable time for someone to return after peeling, ruining the momentum of a fight. If you only have one support and it is Zen, you would notice having to peel when he doesn’t have ult. You would have to hide forever, Mercy is only 20 above that and it is still noticeable, enough that it makes the peel feel too long. Enough that 50 cannot provide someone enough time to peel.

Peeling for Moira is hardly any time at all, especially when you add after heal, it allows you to get back into the fight earlier.
Peeling for Ana is rather quick too.
But they can also sustain you far better in a midfight scenario which Mercy has lost most of the capabilities to do that.

These are important factors outside of the main issues of Valk and E Rez.


I mean they could just decrease the duration to like 8~6 seconds and just boost the numbers. However, like you said it would be like transcendence and supercharger but still inferior and quite frankly I want her ultimate to be unique again.


Dear Jeff Kaplan,

for chistmas I dont want lootboxes this time but another Mercy rework. It would be nice if we could now get one that is making her more engaging and fun to play. Just like you promised so long ago in your developer video about her first rework. I and many others would be very happy if you and your dev team could finally fulfill those promises and end the overall Mercy issue. Thanks in advance.


PS: I wouldnt mind if you also send me a Mercy statue because that thing looks awesome! :slight_smile: