Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Be careful what you wish for

Former Torb and Sym mains might tell you a story about some recent reworks and how they affected their beloved characters

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I use to play sym. The meta shifted in her favor and they reworked her within the same month. Now she is still considered a troll pick by the community. Sym would have been great against brig


what then would you say to folks clamoring for the devs to rework Mercy, knowing that they have little to not control over what they will do to Mercy in such a rework?

That’s why we never wish for Mercy to become part of the meta; we know results way too well.

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sym and torb were, to the best of my knowlege, never considered meta, so with apologies do not understand your remark here in the context of what you replied to

At least in case of Mercy, she was overpowered. Symmetra remained around same power level, but became harder to use.

I expect more buffs to Torbjorn and Symmetra, until they reach meta, so Blizzard could banish them back to useless tier, since they will get reason for that.

Seems like a trend: weak heroes get buffed, until they are broken and played everywhere, and then get nerfed back to their old state.


And other people like the new Torb and Sym

Now, where have I heard this before? :thinking:


the point being that post-rework, those who had loved character x no longer love (or even play) character x

those who want a rework for Mercy should take note of this when considering if they really and truly do want to push for a rework

Last time I checked, Mercy is still missing 50% of her quick play pick rate compared to pre-rework, so it’s not like the situation with new Torb and Sym is any different, aside from the fact that Mercy, despite the number of people dropping her, still has the single largest player base of any hero.


A lot of those said people would likely return if their hero they once loved would be returned or improved upon.

I don’t see how you pointing this out however invalidates our concerns and problems with mercy.

yes we do, we’ve had a whole year to think about it.


I think we are sorta kinda in agreement here (possibly a first for us?)

Reworks have been popular to ask for, but the results have been received poorly by those who played the character prior to the rework

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results of recent reworks

Torb players did not get what they wanted

Sym players did not get what they wanted

Mercy players did not get what they wanted

Because they didn’t consult or include the people who actually played said hero in that rework process.

all of which were not aware of what their fans wanted because they never asked or did polls.

Its not our fault that they don’t communicate with us and therefore get botched results when they WILDLY miss the mark several times over.


If you ask Blizzard to kill spider in your house, they will destroy whole building, yet will leave spider alive. :sweat_smile:


this may be the first time that Cleopatra and I have agreed

except I like spiders

what spider I thought we were here to uninstall all your windows and paint your yard pink?



But in all three cases, other people did get something out of it.

From an outsider’s perspective, new Torb is an improvement over the old one. He can still lock down an area with his turret, but he is no longer taken out of the battle by building one. And his ult is a very potent area denial tool, which I fear more than Hammond’s ult, due to the damage over time it does.

Symmetra is the same thing, although in this case, I can speak from a player’s perspective, as I’ve tried a few games with her rework. She’s a lot more flexible than before, where you were basically required to set up that ‘car wash’ in order to get value out of her, while with her new kit, you can fire your turrets wherever you want the to be, use your TP to get around tight spots or to outright dance around the enemy team, and her ult can completely deny Rocket Barrage and similar ranged ults, that would otherwise clear the objective.


And then we come to Mercy. A lot has been said and done about her.

The main beneficiaries of Mercy’s rework have been the Battle Mercy players. Why heal if you can kill the enemy instead? Never mind that that is not the way Blizzard intended for her to be played, given that Mercy has the highest penalty out of all supports for swapping to her weapon.

If you played Mercy passively, you basically got shafted. If you played a mix of passive/aggressive, then Mercy might still be good for you, but her main focus seems to be damage now, which is the polar opposite of what she is supposed to be doing, and a good way to get insults, if you’re looking to get those.

We DO, for the most part (you being a notable exception), want a rework that:

  1. Makes Mercy’s Ultimate a Hero Moment again, be it through Valkyrie [ungh…] or Mass Rez. Majority of posters would prefer Mass Rez of some sort, with tweaks.
  2. An ACTUAL “E” ability, preferably not Rez on “E”

Assuming for the sake of argument that I believe you, given the experience of the two named recent reworks, I think you’ll get what Blizzard decides to give you, not what you ask for or want

I think Cleopatra’s spider analogy is quite fitting, given the results of recent reworks

Honestly, I would never want Blizzard considering a rework of any character I love, so I can’t conceive of asking for one as you all seem to be

I actually think my analogy worked better as they forgot about the spider we asked to be taken care of and they instead removed all my windows and colored my lawn pink.

you know blizzard things.

you ask for mcree buffs like tweaks to ult,shift or e.

but instead we get mcrightclick season 2

we totally asked for that beast to come back.