Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

4 to 5 minutes is enough, baring in mind depending on the Mercy, some of them would hold back on Resurrect whilst Valkyrie because of it’s lower impact can be used more freely.

Again this is down to the player’s utilisation of Mercy’s skill.

It’s down to teammates to stay consistent. Uncertainty doesn’t reward long-time planning.

Valkyrie isn’t changing outcome of the fight, because if your teammates are consistently good/bad, they will remain same without Valkyrie, and most likely will win/lose. It simply lacks power to make a big jump in quality.

On the contrary, other support ults turn bad players into good, and good players become great. Difference between them and Valkyrie is as big, as difference between overhealed player in TF2 and player with ubercharge.

I would agree because Resurrect is situational changing whilst Valkyrie is situational enabling

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It’s also why Valkyrie is doomed to fail, and resurrect is strictly used to resurrect your friends/key players, if you want to put one to good use. Wonder who thought, that giving players same capabilities they already have without Valkyrie is even remotely a good idea…

Chain beams have to go and never return, with all those weak 60 hps being put together in one beam. Teammates are not interested in being supported with Valkyrie, when they receive similar support without one.

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What if it was capped at 3? And you don’t need super speed GA during it. Shorter duration is definitely way better than dealing with 20 second Valkyrie. Six charges is overkill in my opinion (mass rez only saved 5 max). But having individual charges with Valk I wouldn’t think would an issue. Stun or hack Mercy and she loses precious time to rez. I know when I get stunned or silenced in other games, 1-2 seconds feels like a lifetime.

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Could you give an opinion on my idea for her ultimate?

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Feels boring, and enforces pocketing, which always was a bad strategy.

We have given plenty of good suggestions in the megathread but we all know it’s not taken into account, and before it’s stated that “we do read all your suggestions,” it’s clear you haven’t. It’s very clear you haven’t.

A lot of us think you guys just flat out don’t like her, you guys are constantly editing our posts or moving it so you don’t have to read them or see them. You may as well just re-name the Mercy megathread to “Can’t be arsed.”

Even non-Mercy players are asking for the other healers to be buffed a bit. They’re trying to help us. “Instead of nerfing her, how about we get X and Y done to Z to help up their performance.”

People hate playing against Rez, and with it being on a cooldown as her E, it was not fun to use, it was not fun to play against. We’ve all said it time and time again, Rez should be earned. It was perfectly fine as an Ultimate. No one complained. No one asked for Valkyrie.

Hide n’ Rez wasn’t even a huge thing. Say all you want, but the majority of us engaged in combat with our team so we wouldn’t have to hide. Yeah sure, those big 5x Rez’s were really nice, but it was never something we actively looked to achieve.

As far as hiding goes, almost everyone hides before their Ultimate. Some of the biggest offenders are Reaper and McCree.

“We just don’t want to die mid-Ult and we want to get the most out of it.”

Well, so do we. We’re no different than you are, and you’re no different than we are.

I’ve suggested a few times that we get 1.1 Mercy back but have it simply require LoS, there. Hide n’ Rez solved. Maybe just maybe, add the cast time to it but leave the movement speed de-buff out.

I think it’d be a good idea for you guys to bring these changes up with the Mercy players first, get their thoughts and feedback on said changes, and go from there.

There’s just gotta be some give n’ take here. All you guys are doing is taking.

It’s just… awful.

This re-work was not a success, it was far from it. All it did was make everyone hate her more. Please… stop saying it was a success, you’re not the only ones who play this game.


Sup, probably nobody is gonna pay attention to this. But I came up with an idea to make it so that Mercy is the solution to countering heavy tank comps, like GOATs comp.

And the solution to enabling the other HALF of the player roster to be used at high tiers of play.

Be warned, it’s not amazing stuff for Mercy herself, but it would absolutely guarantee her a place in the meta, that isn’t dominated by Moira/Ana.

🕊 [Mercy] The solution to GOATs?

GOATs should stay forever, as evidence, that DPS can be erased from game completely, and game still will be playable. All those buffs to DPS over time, just caused opposite reaction, because players prefer to stay alive.

Since those players were cutting branch that was supporting them, let them all fall.

The Terminology can be very confusing.
Generally talking about Burst and Consistent abilities makes it easier to understand.
If you ask players just what a burst abilitie is, they most likely will refer to abilities with a strong effect which has a short or no duration.
While Consistent abilities will always be something which is having a effect over a longer period of time.

I used to talk about impact too, but i got told many times that this might be misleading from time to time.

I think many do understand the difference, but it still can be confusing.


I mean, Burst to me is not referring to impact.

I am talking about the fact that Mass Rez covered the fact that she had no access BURST HEALING potential or AOE HEALING potential without it.
The AOE and BURST that Mass Rez provided, is what made her balanced when it came to being SINGLE TARGET and RELIABLE (mechanically easy).

Giving her a BURST on E and an AOE on ultimate has thrown out her balance.

The cost of easily consistent, is the access to that which many of the other supports can have near constant access to.
AOE - Lucio and Moira
Burst - Ana

Mass Rez was the Burst AoE to the equivalent of the off supports because it was the only time she could provide those two things, which is what made it more balanced than where we are now.

She needs something that gives her both one big moment where she impacts with a burst and aoe like skill, that doesn’t anger people by bringing them back from the dead.

The only trouble is that many people like flying because it best enables their Battle Mercy behaviours with too easy controlled movement. A small jump boost on E would actually increase the skill of Mercy, it would not only allow a small moment of vertical mobility as opposed to the GA boost which is perhaps too frequently accessible for Mercy’s enemies but also does not hugely help her do her job beyond making survival just that little bit too easy for experienced Mercy players. A cooldown vertical boost not only can it be used evasively, can be used to make getting to team mates on ledges who ignore you a little easier and can enable enough vertical mobility to independently fight certain targets.

Team mate is just out of vision no matter how you jump, boost and then GA.
Jumped off a ledge to avoid an enemy or ult which saved you or killed the enemy but your team mates suddenly moved just out of GA or too lost to save you, boost to give you a few more seconds or even manage to save yourself.

I still think the sling boost is good but maybe not to the extent that we have, it is perhaps too powerful to her survivability. A simple vertical boost on a cooldown could really help everyone in chasing her down and actually give a little more challenge to the Mercy. It also gives her a little bit of solo-survivability. When she is alone she is usually dead, even if you are good with her pistol, simply only being able to use NONE of the rest of her kit makes it a pain, a jump boost gives her a little solo advantage but nothing too crazy. One jump boost might stall someone killing her by them missing a few bullets which could let her manage to make them back off or kill them. It helps the battle Mercy, it helps the support Mercy, it’s good.

Perhaps the vertical jump could retain the momentum concept, so you can still sling boost if you need to by pressing E while GA-ing, but then it has a cooldown to the same extent it would be if you did a normal/smaller vertical jump. So you can have high big glides by using GA + E properly or just use E for a smaller boost as well. And it forces better cooldown management.


i dont have enough time to read all of this, but from what i have read it sound like your putting all of my previous ideas and arguments for mercy into actual comprehensible words. so i will be linking to this post every time someone wants to argue with me about her.

also #RevertMercy or in this case #MakeMercyGreatAgain


Was that about my gibberish? XD

The thing is, the current DPS standing is in a pretty bad situation and since DPS plays favourites more than playing intuitively to counteract the opposing team, DPS play becomes rather stale and bland as people take up one trick patterns.

yes but to a designer it can be detrimental especially if they are just skimming through response to provide feedback to the development/creative teams.

Some will get it, but some won’t…

It’s the same with DPS, it technically should be called a Damage Dealer and not Damage Per Second.

As a battle Mercy, I actually don’t like the free flight function for battling… but that’s just me.

So I have brought this point up before, but people who are insistent that there is only one way to go, has readily shot down the idea of Vertical Movement.

In my opinion… even if Mercy succeeds in res and doing her duty, there is actually very little she can do in terms of self preservation when she isn’t with her team or is focused.

If you strip away her invulnerable, Mercy is basically trapped with no real way out except Guardian Angel and that only works off the positioning of a team mate.

To be honest, you could remove the free flight and just allow her to use hover skill and GA to re-position, as long as the Vertical Jump allows her to get high enough, she only needs to get in range of someone else and then fly towards them with GA.

We keep coming back to this mobility idea it seems… because I will be honest… no matter what people say about her getting Debuff and Buff skills, I honestly do feel that such feature would be relegated to a new Hero, maybe Echo… and not on Mercy.

And it happened for two reasons:

  1. More healers/tanks are hybrid heroes;
  2. DPS heroes can’t be healers/tanks.

CC made strong support mandatory, while correct choice of heroes still allows decent CC/damage output. It was a matter of time, before “blurring lines between roles” will result in one of roles falling out completely.

And which character’s pistol does less damage than that? Only baby D. Va’s, which does 98 DPS. It’s only powerful in the sense that it doesn’t have damage falloff and have big hitbox (but you still have to lead shots). It’s difficult to kill with Mercy, that’s why it’s so satisfying to land those dings. I still have fond memories of taking down an ulting Genji and seeing him go “welp, gg Mercy, time to uninstall”. :grin:


Which is odd, since a lot of Damage characters have similar play styles, unlike Tanks and Healers. If your specific damage hero is countered, there’s likely 3 others that play similar, that you can swap to and still be effective. Yet nobody does so.

Maybe it’s because swapping negatively impacts your stats, and therefore your SR.