đź•Š [Mercy] The solution to GOATs?

Was watching a video interviewing about the prospect if “in theory” Mercy should be very good at empowering ranged damage dealing heroes to deal with tank heavy comps like GOATs.

But the biggest reason this doesn’t work is Dva with her Defence Matrix.

GOATs, in all its iterations (I.e. SNOATs) does almost all of it’s big damage with abilities that can go through Defence Matrix.

Leading to people countering GOATs, with GOATs. And other typical anti-tank options are not really viable.

But what if Mercy was the key to countering GOATs, without running GOATs?


Damage Boost

  • Damage increased by 30%.
  • Imbues attacks with the ability to bypass Defence Matrix.

Boom. Mercy is back in the meta.
Junkrat, Reaper, Pharah, Soldier, Bastion, etc. Back in the meta.
That 98% Dva tournament pickrate. A solid dent in it.

So a must pick and makes dva not a counter to pharmercy anymore

Also that isn’t solving goats it just replaces a healer


I’m not on board with this.


Why not? This would be a huge buff to Bastion.

It solves GOATs by making it so you can kill GOATs without using the “bypass Matrix” abilities that GOATs is made of.

The counter to a meta, shouldn’t be a mirror match of the same meta.

Yes, but DM should remain as a counter to Bastion and other heroes who deal large amounts of damage.

This would just remove counterplay.


It would add counterplay, because the meta has stagnated to a point where you either run a comp entirely focused on shortrange attacks that bypass Matrix, or you lose.

Also I think considering all the problems Bastion has. If they aren’t going to make him stronger, they should make him be less countered.

It doesn’t help that they are nerfing two heroes who bypass it.

If matrix is a problem I think a viable Symmetra would fix it.


this is the same theory people had with zen, and it led to zen goats.

any form of damage boosting is only in favor of goats, because the comp works the same way dive does.

doesn’t matter if you have ranged a damage when they just rotate d matrix, bubbles and shield while they kill the 3-4 people within their range while you sit back trying to thread the needle on tanks for full charge head shots with a sniper in a comp that can heal the damage you put into them with brigs armor pack or moiras healing orb and mist faster than you can charge the shot.

They are making him stronger. He still needs more, but it’s a start.

But what your doing is making a mirror match since if dva is used you can use mercy to counter so theoretically you can have her pocket a Zen or Ana or dva and dva is pretty useless. It’s just adding a problem that doesn’t need to exist

Having an ability that only works against one hero is kinda silly. I suggested something similar a long time ago for a different hero, and after reading people’s thoughts, it just isn’t good to make an ability so restricted.

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But what if you could only use bubble and shield? And the bubble has cooldowns. So then you are just left with the shield. It’s gonna crack.

It would be too hard a counter to Dva.

It just seems waaay too specific of a counter.

Honestly to an unfair degree. We don’t have a single character who is read to directly counter a specific other hero, so why start?

I get it has to be controlled… because you wouldn’t want to just say “Attacks can’t be mitigated,” but even so. It’s just way too direct.

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And yet it’s probably needed, or else the game will just be GOATs vs GOATs, with no end in sight.

A hero with a 98% tournament pickrate could use some counters.

youre going to do 2000 damage with a sniper being boosted by mercy and kill 3 tanks being Dmd and bubbled all while being sustained by 3 supports, before they can kill the 4 people you left out to dry.

by all means go do it my friend. go prove your prowess by countering the comp.

I probably would have agreed with this more if it was more like makes damage boost targets weapons count as the beam type instead of projectile or hitscan, it would make it sound less like just targeting a single hero but still achieve the same affect, but than there would be more the thought process of “why do this?”

Who said anything about Snipers?

I’m talking about damage boosted Pharah, Junkrat, Hanzo, Soldier, Bastion, Reaper etc

All those heroes which are nearly unusable at high tier right now.

Because of a certain pink Mech.

Your suggestion is a terrible and lopsided idea, implying D.Va is some kind of linchpin for that comp.

Mercy has the best synergy (along with Zen) with DPS though, so she will probably be more prominent in the next meta people choose to complain about.

Dva is a lynchpin for the entire highlevel tournament scene, hence why her pickrate has been above 90% for over a year.