Idea for #reworkmercy

Clearing off how I came up with this, as I'm not a Mercy player

I saw one of the recent videos by Stylosa (and some comments to it) about Mercy. I like solving problems and debating with people to find the best solutions by exchanging and improving the existing ideas. So it got me thinking how to change Mercy to be more fun to play, aka less boring, or as some say "brain dead".

No to Mass Rez

A lot of people are unhappy with Mercy's ultimate, because it doesn't really feel like something big, like the Mass Rez did. So the first thing you'll see in the #reworkmercy topics is "bring back mass rez". Well that's not a good idea. Single Rez is already debatable if it should stay in game. Mass Rez forced unfun (remember fun is the biggest aspect why you probably want Mercy reworked) behaviors, toxicity and overall hate towards the hero. We don't want any of that.

The actual Guardian Angel

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see Mercy? An angel. Even her name is Angela, and she calls herself a Guardian Angel. And now here comes the plot twist: She can't protect anyone like a Guardian Angel does. (That new fairy skin fits her playstyle well. She's just there, helping a little. At least these are the feels with her.)

(Was) Valkyrie

Valkyrie was fun (for Mercy) when it was introduced. It felt great to fly to a downed teammate and bring them instantly back to fight. Form Mercy's view it was fast and impactful: like this is the moment you play this Hero for. Since only one side had this much fun with the Valkyrie, she became a fairy.

New (fitting) ultimate

As we can see that fast gameplay and meaning, strategic choices make the hero fun, let's take the best out of these two ults and create a new, better one. Let's get rid of the notValkyrieanymore and create the Guardian Angel Angela.

Guardian Angel: How it would work

Activating Guardian Angel works like Ana's Nano Boost. You choose your target, but instead of shooting a syringe you launch yourself towards that target.

You can now fly just like with Valkyrie, but you also create a link with your before selected target that works like a lasso. If you fly too far away against it, you’re going to break it.

As long as the ultimate is active and you are linked to your target, he/she can’t die, but can still be damaged, and gets the 30% damage boost.

While linked you don’t have to use your staff so you can bring out your pistol and fight shoulder to shoulder with the linked one (or above head if you want), but you can if you don’t want your target end up with 1 hp when your ult ends.

Mercy can be killed while in Guardian Angel, but as we know “heroes never die” and just like a real guardian she can choose who she wants to save. If Mercy gets brought down to 1 HP, depending what did she choose, she can burst heal herself or the linked one. If she chooses the later, she dies.

The burst heal can also be activated by breaking the link, but only the linked one can be healed then.

Personal Opinion and some behind thinking

I think this ult would be a lot of fun. I didn't like to play Mercy when she had her Mass Rez, because of the reasons I pointed above and don't like playing her in her current state, because of the same reasons Mercy mains want her reworked again (As I understood from all the reasonable posts). I'm quite sure this rework would make us all happy playing her.

That new ult would allow some fun, impactful plays, support team play while still leaving a fair window for countering.

I intentionally wouldn’t give her any damage resistance, because she still can be healed by the off healer or protected by tanks and she has her natural self healing. Also don’t forget she can cover behind the linked target who’s immortal now (that should finally do his job without staying behind that giant Rain’s Barrier!).

I mentioned the current rez above. In my opinion it could go away completely with that rework, but I’m not entirely certain about it. The created combination could be OP now, but it would make Mercy lose her iconic move and maybe feel too unimpactful outside of the ult? I think it should be left for the devs do decide which direction do they want to go about it. They have the bigger picture of the game at the moment and for it’s future.

  • The E could be replaced with a mark, that would give a small bonus to healing (just as small as the 10hp/s she lost with one of her nerfs) and a target, when no one else selected, to dash to.

Finally, I hope I don’t trigger anyone with that idea (and my English) to deserve to get attacked and probably banned once more at the end. Please let’s have a peaceful, reasonable conversation.

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