Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

But Mercy’s primary mechanics are easy and don’t suffer from the same interruptions that Ana and Moira suffer from.
And they still have to charge ultimates.

And they each have their own issues when ulting.
Moira’s is very good to heal with in non-ult team fights and can be used to deal damage at the same time because of piercing. That is good. But, the consequence is that she can be easily interrupted or killed because she is not able to use fade. She also suffers from not being able to heal through barriers, which she surely deserves to be able to especially with how much closer she has to be to the fights. Her aoe healing, comes because she has to control where it goes. She also has no utility which really could be put on her orbs (like she could have slows with damage on one and like firing speed increase and healing on the other but with the current heals and damage values lowered to make room) and her fade IMO needs 1 second taken off the cooldown so she can perhaps clutch save people as much as Mercy can so there is a “slightly” more mechanical support that contends with Mercy’s spot better. She would be able to be used as a slightly more offensive Mercy but still contending for her position in a different way. This wouldn’t be bad, especially if Mercy gets put in a good place.

Ana, the mechanical queen of supports. Can be hecking ranged, can tell her team to step back into LOS and blast them with heals, etc. She’s pretty good but I think the after heals Moira has could benefit her because Ana needs something to give her a little more consistency and better combination with her own grenade. Because if Mercy returns to a decent position, it is likely Mercy’s will still out-heal her because Mercy’s are consistent and good at managing it. After heals will give her the much needed forgiveness to people who want to learn her but still don’t hit all their healing shots, but will give her important time she needs to spread her focus around. And perhaps makes her more forgiving to be used in more than just tank heavy comps. Because, she can shoot a squishy and let after heals do the rest for a bit and the after heal with a grenade could perhaps hold a tank long enough for her to shoot a squish and then go back to the tank. Giving her a little more time to spread her shots around a little more could really benefit people trying to learn her. Would it make her OP? Idk, but it wouldn’t hurt to test because as it is there is no other way to gradually work your way up to Ana and using, what is IMO the hardest ability in the game of her sleep dart. If you can hardly hit shots normally, then sleep dart will cause your death on her and you are learning with no other options to get you slowly to her level. Her ultimate, she charges it up to give it away to practically turn someone into the hulk and even saving their life in the process too. It’s amazing but whether or not she gets the assists, well the lower you go, the less you get because people don’t make the most value out of your ult.

Mercy is consistent. This is her shtick. She gets a decent rate of healing but only one beam of it and she has to make the most of it. She needs to be challenged but without increasing the mechanical skill required. She doesn’t do damage much herself, but that can be a danger to the team because all other supports can and such loss in damage could make your team feel at a disadvantage so the DB is there to give someone enough power increase to make up for the fact she does so much less damage than other supports. Even her damage boost numbers with her damage match the other supports, but it isn’t necessarily about how much damage is done, but timing. When you do it, does it secure a kill? That is just as good, even if it isn’t listed in your stats. Her challenges do not come through mechanically, perhaps she needs an ability that does so but even Rez was not something that was about mechanical challenge, it was still about mind games and positioning and awareness. This was not bad and it was also easily countered by poor planning on the Mercy’s part. Being the easier character, the higher you climb the more of an uphill battle it is. You are easily countered and how you take control of a situation where people counter you is how you solidified that you deserved to be there. Mass Rez also forced her to work with the team, it solidified the mindset that “this is a team game and i need to help my team win”.

So much of her kit relied on empowering others by doing her job well to make up for the fact that she is not as active herself compared to other supports, but she has no choice in many cases to work to better her team whereas every other support can be used selfishly.

They can all go and be DPS if they want to, whether or not it is right or the most effective can be argued upon.
Moira, Lucio and Zen can all ult and use it selfishly. Moira to damage and not heal. Zen and Lucio to save themselves and literally not use it on anyone else if they don’t care and I see it happen frequently.
Ana’s ult is the only one who can’t be used selfishly, but even so they can still be DPS focused.

This is the issue I see with your changes, I see the concept of people activating the ult selfishly, to heal only them and go run around with her pistol because of extra damage. Battle Mercy is already possible, but I don’t necessarily think it is something we should be overly endorsing on her kit. Battle Mercy’s always will, they just take greater advantage of it by having Valk and likely will with your suggestion.


I didn’t just say “You can’t say she’s fun”. I said:

Because the assertion I was replying to stated that if we no longer played her, we cannot say she’s fun.

…Which would mean that only masochists can say that Mercy isn’t fun.

If player X finds hero Y to no longer be fun, they will stop playing hero Y… at which point, according to what you said, they are no longer allowed to say that hero Y is no longer fun.

So… nobody is allowed to say that Mercy isn’t fun.


But you have to main a hero to find them… not fun?

(Because the rework is what pushed them there in the first place)

(Also likely the result of the rework)

The people that still play Mercy are factored into that pickrate I already mentioned.

And already proven to be a justifiable reason to rework a hero. Did you miss the reasons for Mercy’s rework in the first place?

If a balanced hero can get reworked because “she was unfun to play against”, then she certainly can get reworked again because of a rework that ruined her for over half of her playerbase.

Then what you quoted was totally irrelevant to the point you were trying to make.

Which you might notice factored into the reason this is incorrect:

No, she doesn’t.

Hint: The best time to use Resurrect is always as early as safely possible.

You see a dead ally? Consider whether or not it is safe to revive them. Make sure you look both ways before crossing the street.

That’s not hard. Anyone who got used to mass-Resurrect could do that on a regular basis without a problem.


Living allies? Sure, but only those who have died within the past 10 seconds, and if the number of dead allies is greater than 3, there’s no point in using Resurrect.

Living enemies? No point. You’re going to only bring back one ally anyway, so the enemy numbers aren’t relevant beyond following conceptual principles.

Ultimates? Nope. You have nothing that can contest ultimates, so there’s no point in tracking them.

Missing enemies? So long as enough allies are still alive, and if the hypothetical Resurrect takes place in a semi-safe location, this isn’t a concern. You only have to worry about 1.75 seconds rather than the first half of the engagement at the very least.

Allied positions? Aside from “are there enough living allies near the dead one?”, this isn’t a concern either. If you can survive standing still for 1.75 seconds, you won’t be in a rush to escape. If there are enough allies there to protect you, said allies are close enough to get healed.

Mercy’s position is valid.

Engagement patterns? No point. If they run in ults blazing, there’s no chance of you getting Resurrect off in the first place. If they get a pick first, just revive that player. There’s no planning ahead; it’s reactionary.

Everything during the midfight engagement is invalid, as you either have used Resurrect at this point, or it’s not going to be used successfully this fight.

Not when the optimal time of use is predefined. The variables that used to contribute to determining that optimal time of use are irrelevant as soon as the need to determine that optimal time of use goes out the window.

Except she doesn’t.

Mobility has no impact on the fight.

Cool, you can fly. How does being able to fly help your team win the fight?


It’s a tool to remove Mercy from the fight.

An ultimate can be both an easy mode and still offer little benefit.

Because upon using Resurrect, you and the revived allies are the primary focus of the enemy. If the enemy team did not expect the Resurrection (which should be the case if the Mercy played their cards right), then the team will be surprised by the Resurrection… which is the perfect time to take advantage of that shock value. None of the revived teammates will be doing so, so you might as well do it yourself.

That was a very effective way to take advantage of the benefits provided by Resurrect; it was the optimal use of her kit for that moment, and it didn’t incentivize going Battle Mercy for long enough to compromise the integrity of Mercy’s theme.

Going Battle Mercy in Valkyrie isn’t the optimal use of Valkyrie, and it contradicts Mercy’s design with how long the Battle Mercy playstyle would last.

Which is more contradictory: A support revives several allies and kills an enemy as an afterthought, or a support activates a support ultimate that grants flight so they can go hunt enemies?



The OP is the most popular post on the Official Overwatch Forums of all time.

You will not find a single post on the forums (either the old forums or the new ones) that has more upvotes than the OP of this thread.

If you want to go talking about “minorities”, maybe you should first verify that you aren’t one…


Mercy’s pickrates in QP dipped down to below half of her pre-rework pickrates as early as November of 2017. I didn’t come out against the rework in full force until late December, when I typed up Why I Despise Mercy’s Current State.

Furthermore, Mercy’s pickrates would not have dropped unless there was something about Mercy’s kit driving the players away. If the players had no problems with Mercy’s kit, my words wouldn’t have made them suddenly decide to stop playing Mercy.

I might be good with words, but no amount of persuasion in on online forum is going to change someone’s perception of fun.

That would mean that Mercy’s pickrate would have not grown, not that it would drop below half of its previous value.

If Mercy’s pickrate falls, that means that experienced Mercy players are leaving.

That’s funny, considering that the creator for that post has a bit of a reputation for being a proponent for the rework.

Could that be because most people have a negative mindset about Mercy?

I mean, determining the mindset of people on Mercy literally was the purpose of the survey.


Not when you consider that it’s Mercy’s pre-rework pickrates we’re talking about. Ana was better than Mercy at the time.


Surprised that someone tried to change it.

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True. My view is about the current Ana resurgence, before the recent Ana/Lucio/Moira buffs compared to afterwards.

On a side note, I didn’t want to discourage Wanheda too much, since he seems like a brash but decent kid. :smiley:

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I have a question: how would people feel about Mercy having a HOT (healing over time) for her E? I think it’s been suggested before. I’m curious to know what people think.

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Depends from how much healing over time there is.

I mean more the concept in general. And maybe 20-30 HPS? Idk. Whatever wouldn’t be OP.

Sounds rather weak, honestly. Zenyatta already heals 30 hps on the regular with his orb.

Then what would you think would be fine? I mean 30 HPS on top of Mercy’s healing (not the crap 50 HPS) would be pretty good.

Indeed it will be, but you could just give her healing boost with same effect.

Healing boost requires you to be healing the target the whole time with your beam.

So you want to give Mercy sort of multi-heal ability?

It’s a HOT. I wouldn’t consider it a multi-heal.

For how long it lasts?

I don’t know. Like I said, it was more the concept in general. Like you don’t like Pacify because you feel like it goes against her character. I don’t like chain beams because I think Mercy should be a single target healer. A HOT is kind of similar to that, I guess, but I’ve not considered it like that on any of my healers in other games I play.

Asking, because it determines how much it will heal in total. Like, if you got teammate who rarely takes damage, you can apply HOT to them. If it heals 200 hp in total, then you can just leave that Widowmaker alone and return to healing other teammates, if not, you still have to heal a bit normal way.

I don’t know, maybe 3-4 seconds? Would help with people who run around corners out of LOS, maybe.