Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

That is amazing artwork. And I am perfectly fine with how mercy is too. She feels great when i play her. Not too OP.

Valk is a movement ability with chain beams.

The chain beams go against Mercy’s “single target” design, so that can’t stay.

The movement could be fun as an E ability, but if Mercy 3.0 is going to be viable she’ll need a utility move in that slot.

The bunnyhop combined with the improved Angelic Decent will already make Mercy’s movement extremely fluid. The most that could be done to appease the “I miss Valkyrie” crowd without pushing Mercy over the edge, would be to give a more vertical version of Hanzo’s lunge.

With enough skill, players could chain the extra jump with the rest of Mercy’s mobility to zoom around the field.


The concepts being presented are the focus. Any number values are always on the table for nerfs or buffs. Please don’t dismiss an idea outright if you don’t like the number values.

For example:

The amount of burst healing from rez is not set in stone, and can be lowered or raised as needed. If having it in an AoE is too powerful, we can try only having it on Mercy.

If having an E ability combined with 60hps makes Mercy too versatile in her base form, we could try 50hps again.

Pacify could be experimented with. Maybe try making it a projectile, and/or mess around with the hitbox size.


And the rank of Master?

Yesss thank you for being observant.

Except on the lucio he does still heal 5 people, overwatch is a 6v6 not a 5v5 and I didn’t factor in self heals on both, will revise though


Assuming mercy is constantly healing during one minute without her ultimate:
50(HPS) x 45(seconds) = 2,250 healing.

Assuming mercy is constantly healing all targets with her valkyrie over a 15 second period once per minute (assuming she can even get a valk off in one minute).
50(HPS) x 5 (players) x 15(seconds) = 3,750 healing.

Combined, she has healed 3,750 + 2,250 = 6,000 health in a minute. [Assuming she was constantly healing a maximum amount of people at all times].

Lucio _______

Assuming Lucio is constantly healing all his teammates during one minute:
16,25(HPS) x 5(players) x 45(seconds) = 3,656.25 healing.

How often can Lucio am it up in 1 minute on a 12 second CD?
[Lasts 3 seconds]
[CD 12 seconds]
[Lasts 3 seconds]
[CD 12 seconds]
[Lasts 3 seconds]
[CD 12 seconds]
[Lasts 3 seconds]
[CD 12 seconds]

[60 minutes] = 4 total uses

Amp lasts 3 seconds so:
3(seconds) * 46,8(HPS amped) * 4(times used) * 5(players) = 2,808

Assuming Lucio is constantly healing all targets with his Amp over a 1 minute period:

Combined, he has healed 3,656.25(base) + 2,808(amp) = 6,464.25 health in a minute. [Assuming he was constantly healing a maximum amount of people at all times].

Comparison _______

Mercy: 6,000 Healing in 1 minute using her ultimate.
Lucio: 6,464.25 Healing in 1 minute not using his ultimate.

Mercy: 6,000 Healing in 1 minute using her ultimate.
Lucio: 6,464.25 Healing + 2,500 health = 8,964.25 healing and health provided in 1 minute using his ultimate.

Also revisited amp it up uses including the time that actually passes while the ability is active (correction: he can get 4 uses out of amp instead of 5)

TL.DR: Lucio potentially heals more with his aura / amp it up than mercy does with her regular beam + ult AND he can still do damage at the same time :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

The joys of maths


I would play Mercy again just to hear that voice line.

I’m up for these changes!


Well that’s cause he’s healing people 5 at a time and mercy only does that for 15 seconds.and he has to speed boost

My god, how long did you spend on this thread alone.
But that E though.

However, something to nitpick a bit:

Pretty sure that got fix. Or no one does that anymore.

Never like the idea of a cast time on Mass res, but the silenced part is ok.

This is fine.

I was wondering how this would work, but turns out your Resurrect also comes with a 150 AOE burst heal. Does that seem a bit OP?

I took the “best case scenario” to compare numbers. If you want to be so critical to talk about lucio’s speed boost we would also have to factor in mercy’s damage boost downtime and rezz downtime.

I kept it simple to compare a MAIN healer’s ultimate healing out put to an OFFHEALER’s cooldown in a 1 minute time span both under optimal conditions. Ultimately the numbers still hold true

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Mercy also has a LOS now
Mercy also has a cast time on her ult now (rezz)
2 nerfs for a minor buff that both stops mercy saving her ult for a teamwhipe (omg unfun) and hiding (omg double unfun)

You gotta think of it from a broader perspective, it’s not just black and white :stuck_out_tongue:

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you have to have los to activate the ability but you can break los during the windup.

its basically soft los requirements.

That’s why she has the added cast time. She cannot move during casting rezz (from my point of view anyway) so it’s not like she’s gonna peek around a corner hit Q and then hide again

This is why I call it a bit OP. Not only it resurrects dead teammate, but it also burst heal all living allies as well.
This will make her even more of a must pick than Mercy 2.0. No healers can outright revert death and then prevent it afterwards.

And beside, if this is the case, what is the point of picking Lucio over Mercy now?

You know… If you use the Ult just for the burst heal You better use Ana, which has 100HP AOE heal on a CD or Zen which has 300HP/s over multiple seconds. Lucio is not effected by that because the 150HP is not overhealing, it just fills up the HP of heroes to 100% max. So if Reinhardt is at 450HP, he only get’s 50HP. Not more. And Ana can counter that hard with her nade.

The burst heal is not crossing the working space of other supports, it just makes Resurrect a bit more consistent, without overpowering it.
And the fact that you can use it at any time makes it only harder to use, especially with a cast time (which is not stopping her movement in any way).

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new video from aria rose talking about your post <3


PLEASE DEVS, LISTEN ! This is by far the best thread about mercy i’ve ever red in the forums! As always Titanium u’re amazing!


For me, old Mass res is already consistent (somehow?). I do like the burst heal on the concept, tweaks will be needed, but for now, it looks promising.

excuse me but when?

That’s for their rework ideas.

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