Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I REALLY love the Pacify concept: perfect for Mercy, good to reduce the probabilty of a big wipe without ult. The possibility to Mercy to use Resurrect without dead allies it is perfect imho. So you can use it as a burst aoe healing instead waiting the all match to use your ult, but none die.

I would really like to see Pacify, really.


It’s part of the rework. Mercy doesn’t just rez dead allies anymore when she casts her ult. She also heals nearby living ones (as well as Mercy herself) for 150 HP.

This shifts rez towards being a midfight ult, and takes pressure off Mercy to “let teammates die” in order to get the best possible results with rez.


Nobody tell him about the no-cd discord ability which increases all damage to a single target for 30%…

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thanks bruh

ur right i think it should be 40% i mean pacity

He is not yet ready! Its already an honor to be seated at the council at his age, its never been done before!

I say “more consistent” because in some cases back then, during the animation of res (1s), teammates which were still up might died right after the res because of that missing 60HP/s. Also, old Mass Res had the issue of beeing way to situational, something which encouraged hide&res. That would not be the case anymore.

It’s also more in line with the description of res… It’s regenerating energy, radiating away from Mercy. Why should teammates which are still alive not get a piece of that?

It also encourages midfight use and discourages hide&res even more.


Basically what Silawatsi said. Also, as someone who plays Mercy, Moira and Ana this is how I feel it should be:

  • Mercy for consistent single target healing with some utility
  • Moira for strong multi-target healing with damage
  • Ana for inconsistent but strong burst heal and amazing utility

I was talking about more mobility in general. Even if there was no rework.

Talking to a brick wall mate.

You make good points.

But the devs did not listen to your previous threads. They did not read the megathreads. They ban videos of that girl who calls them out on their BS.
You are also using common sense and fancy words, and that is just all very uncomfortable and they’d prefer it if you shut up.

It’s basically the same behaviour of RL dictatorships.


Yeah I can already see that.

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Not sure you understand this right, revived allies do not get any of the 150 hp, those are solely for Mercy and whichever (alive) ally is in her LoS and range.

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I liked playing a more DM oriented Dva because I play more defensively as a player in general. And I protected my squishies and made ulting enemies cry, which was a lot of fun for me. Dva’s problem for the longest time was her identity crisis because Blizzard had no idea what they wanted to do with her. I remember a post from Geoff saying that they didn’t want Dva to become a bully tank. That certainly changed.


Yes, I don’t think some people understand that we enjoyed Mercy even when she was considered trash. I would take that Mery back in a heartbeat. And yes, having Mercy lay low for a bit would certainly be nice considering how much I’m tired of all of the hate that’s developed.

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Yes! I hate when people say “that’s totally OP” or whatever and don’t understand that these are basic concepts subject to change, especially on the numbers side. To reject it outright because of the numbers presented is kind of ridiculous. Especially when the ideas in general are good/interesting ones.


Titanium you’re crazy! :scream:
You have written a little book! :smiley:
How long did it take? :thinking:
That’s amazing, great work! :+1:


No I get it from the time I read it.
The living ones get a burst heal and those that died got revived. I got it.


That’s right, thanks for the corrections.

Yeah but as you said it’s potential healing. And in Lucio’s case aproximating his healing to always affect 5 teammates is really far from reality, while in Mercy’s case, we did this aproximation only during the 15s of her ult.

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Hey there! I am playing since launch and played comp since S1 and I certainly dont remember old Mercy having rez like this.

  • old Mercy couldnt move freely during rez
  • mass-rez was kind of instant there was the animation that had to go through, maybe that already counts as a casttime I dont know but there wasnt a 1 sec. cast
  • there never was a burst heal on ult which could save living teammates
  • the ult also went through walls and could be used in spawn something you cant do anymore

The e-ability doesnt sound that bad to me and something worth trying out but to each his own. Overall I dont think this proposed version of Mercy would be bad and even if I could make her work back then and I could do it again. People got to higher elos with her during her “trollpick” days and they will succeed again.


True. But in total lucio amped for 12 seconds / minute and mercy ult healed for 15 so giving them both the benefit of a doubt :stuck_out_tongue:
Also just going by “best case scenario”

Either way nice to see someone who also appreciates numbers haha