Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

that wasn’t my point at all. But if you want to get technical on that, that was when dive co-existed with triple tank because dive didn’t have mercy. Once mercy replaced lucio, she could keep zen alive longer which cemented dive into the meta, for another 5 seasons.

ah okay. I think i understand better now. And of course, it’s not as strong as 60, that’s kind of the point. However it does give many people an extra hit still. Don’t underestimate how much that extra hit can change a fight. a great example would be Ana. Her 3 combo won’t kill somebody if they get even a point of healing between that.

It’s a big reason why doomfist’s slight buff has put him in a much better spot.

This is true, but it should be noted mercy has gained new utility and better survivability since then, with an offensive ult with defensive capabilities. I’m not saying this would change anything because honestly we wont ever know, mercy wasn’t like she is now back then. My point is the game has changed, many hero’s aren’t the way there were then.

Heals per second is not the end all be all of a healer. If it was, Ana would have been a must pick in dive until moira came out. Moira who has by far the best hps, excluding ults, is terrible in high elo. You said it yourself it’s about who you heal and when.

trash damage. Which most of is just feeding the enemy support ult charge. Also moira’s elims are deceiving. If she hits somebody with a tick of damage before they die it counts as an elim for her. She’s very much like d.va in that way.

that’s actually a cool idea. Moira could honestly use some help.

it shouldn’t matter any number of buffs or nerfs. that’s arbitrary. Though I personally don’t agree with some of those support buffs. Ana really didn’t need the buff she got… The only one who really did need a buff was lucio in my opinion.

Well, if Titanium’s pick rate stats are to be believed from mercy pre rework. Mercy is pretty much on par with her pick rate then. If that’s considered healthy, then she should be considered healthy now.

Then i have no idea what the culprit is. If the average in GM only went down 1k, and yours dropped considerably lower, there’s something more at play.

Not so much a problem. Just made an observation of how ridiculous that actually is.

If they’re melting at 50 that quickly, 60 isn’t going to save them either.

I actually love a lot of those ideas for moira. Especially the slow debuff, that would certainly put her in a better spot for specific team comps.

I do see where your coming from about mercy though, and truly I sympathize.

Honestly, I don’t agree, but then again I play in a different elo so I don’t know your personal experience.

From my experience, Ana is truely the high skill high reward hero of the game. You’re right by all accounts, in the wrong hands she’s unreliable. From her basic healing and pick potential and even as far as her abilities, both being different types of skill shots.

The thing about that though, is in the right hands, those skills are undeniably powerful. Sleep, a slow projectile with a slow wind up animation, but when landed, gives the longest cc in the game, and even then a point of damage can mess that up. This is why you’ll see great ana’s call their sleep darts before they make them, giving their team time to know not to shoot.

Then there’s bionade, a slow arced projectile that’s undeniably strong with anti heal when used offensively. But at the same time, it’s also Ana’s only form of self sustain, and even further then that, it’s also ana’s only means of being able to heal roughly in line with the other main healers. It’s probably one of the only abilities that can be used multiple ways and depending on the situation, picking the wrong one can end horribly.


But yeah, I see your point, especially considering lower elo where people just don’t have the kind of game sense or mechanical skill to utilize her kit the fullest.

This is honestly something I’ve been waiting for too. Well, at least just a new support hero in general. I don’t really mind which direction they take them as long as it’s interesting.

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I think I should have clarified, by reliable I only meant heals. She has so much good stuff, but that good stuff didn’t matter when her heals suffered compared to Mercy’s reliability.

That’s the only reason I suggest after heals, because it may help for the lower end and reward them for hitting shots, even if they miss some in between. It won’t do much for high tiers imo, but I could be wrong.


It depends on the length of match and how one sided it can get, 1 round should give you about 2 to 3 use and that is 4 minute match…

If both sides are equal and we enter over time you could get in a good 1 or 2 use before one side gives out bumping up the number of res.

As fights typically last 3 to 5 round the average use of res would be accurate as I have stated but again it depends on the type of mercy you are.

Passive of aggressive, I personally would make use of GA, Pistol and Heal beam then use res sparingly whilst higher ranked Mercy would res every so often and will not take any major gamble

Not to mention the difference in team quality, the high rank play in a very controlled and disciplined manner, lower to mid ranks don’t which mean 2 to 3 man res was a norm but 2 to 3 would be cast depending on how stacked and one sided the matches are if poth sides are equal and overtime occurs 3 to 5 use for that round could be use…

The problem with res I that, you cast it knowing something may come to counter it.

But yes as matches went into over time the use of res increases as we can play 3 to 5 rounds per match and there the whole mass res and tempo res debate

Also in terms of aggressiveness, Pistol whipping and GA into danger and constantly healing res was what I was accuse of doing wrong but what the higher didn’t understand is that in low and mid ranks not all the dps and tanks are suited for their role which was why I originally ran pistol when need be to finish off a target when healing wasn’t working and the fight was dragging of then I would cast res. The high ranks tend to use pistol as a last resort and their teams are generally more controlled and they won’t unnecessarily dive after people

Not to mention they have higher offensive assist because tanks and dps at their ranks know how to aim and kill


(They don’t like me)


You really didn’t understand at all what I was trying to do.

I made the conjecture (which is your conjecture btw) that healing averages from low ranks players weren’t affected by Valkyrie.
And I proved this conjecture to be wrong.

As a consequence, Valkyrie has had no significant impact on the overall healing averages.

TL;DR Titanium had it right, Valk in now way has been the reason that made Mercy op.

Which confirms the hypothesis according to which these people haven’t had their healing done in a game increased by Valkyrie.
Thanks for agreeing.


To be honest Valkyrie only makes healing easier it doesn’t increase the amount you do, but it more or less improves the way you heal so you don’t have to GA to and from people to heal them


Actually. I specifically said the less than 1 percent of the player base wouldn’t have a noticeable impact to the overall average across all elo’s.


In fact I said it twice.

But continue with that strawman. I’m just honestly embarrassed for anyone that liked that comment lol.

I’m honestly tired of your passive agressive behavior.

Let’s leave it here.


Probably for the best

After trying to disprove the average increase of the less than 1% of the playerbase wouldn’t affect the overall average across all elo’s greatly by drastically overestimating how much the average increase actually was with attributing the overall average increase was solely from the top less than one percent of the player base.

I don’t even know what to say to that anymore.

Good talk though, i guess.

For the record, i never said it increased a beams hps or anything of the like. Though healing 5 people at once will increase the players average healing per game. Especially to those who take advantage of that and don’t waste valk to fly back to spawn without ever healing anyone.

Here is why Valkyrie doesn’t improve healing with chain beams.

Players, that stick together, to be healed by Valkyrie, are a lot easier to wipe with single ult, compared to same players spread out thin. Because of Valkyrie’s embarrassing inability to stop any ultimates(or even Winston attacks now), players simply don’t stick together, if they can help it.

Range boost, on the other hand, improves overall healing a bit, allowing to GA less and heal safer. Overall improvement is almost non-existent, compared to healing without ult.


This reminded me of a game I had a couple of days ago.
I’ll admit I liked valk until the healing nerf. I didn’t mind it. But with the healing nerf and what happened to me a couple of days ago, I’ve been made to see the light and I do think it’s the worst ult in the game now.

What happened? Well I had to escape a genji blade. My ult was at 96% I knew genji had blade, I had my beam attached to a mccree’s a** (cause how else am I going to play mercy these days). Mccree got bladed first, and while I was healing him I got my ult, but I didn’t freaking realize it. So instead of pressing Q I relied on my GA and wanted to dodge the blade through my sheer gamesense and GA usage, I almost did it too, did two GA’s before the genji caught up.

After it was over, I was just thinking “Why didn’t I just press Q?”. And I believe it’s because somewhere deep inside I knew valk is a garbage ult that makes things boring and skilless.
I mastered this way of moving through GA that I can even dodge genji blade, but I got valk so why am I doing it? Just valk lol.


Which was your hypothesis. :man_shrugging:

I mean why are you still trying to argue for the sake of arguying, it’s becoming embarassing at this point.

You just didn’t understand anything. My conclusion simply does not go against this. If you think it does, please read again.

Anyway, I feel like this discussion is about as productive as your replies were respectful.
Hint: They weren’t.


But that’s one of few things Valkyrie is actually good for: escaping.

Treat your Q like escape button with charge.


This is my hypothesis:

This is your way of disproving it.

I don’t know if you’re being willfully ignorant to save face or not, but come on, You tried to prove the top players would affect the average healing, and then made the conclusion they wouldn’t because that’s impossible, when that was literally my point to begin with.

If you consider me agreeing with you to drop this arguing to argue more though, hope that helps you feel better.

The point was.
If they would affect the average healing for an increase of about 200, it means their averages have increased by 20000.

If your hypothesis is correct, the top 1% players are healing 20000 more damage than they did before the rework.
Ok, GM players heal 20000 more than they did before the rework, thanks to Valkyrie only.
What could be wrong about this ?

And this applies no matter what percentage of the playerbase you consider to be responsible for that 200 healing increase in average.


Scenario is Mercy healing only 1 player vs Valkyrie healing 5? If Mercy doesn’t heal anyone else, then Valkyrie would give you 15x50x4=3000 extra healing per use. But if Mercy does, and most Mercy players do switch healing targets, Valkyrie bonus falls below 500 hp healed for each use.


You can literally scroll up and read that was anything but my hypothesis in multiple ways.

I specifically said the less than 1 percent wouldn’t affect the average increase.

That means if they got even 2k higher from chain beams, you wouldn’t see a huge increase to the average across all elo’s. Even more so when you consider lower elo’s have dropped in average healing, affecting the average healing even more.

But again continue with this strawman if it helps you feel better.

I’m glad somebody gets it. Of course, you’re not going to get 3k extra healing each use of valk, that is probably impossible. But multiple valks per game, healing multiple people with that. The person’s average healing per game will increase, compared to pre-rework without chain healing. Given high elo will take advantage of that and make up so little of the playerbase, and low to even average elo waste valk to fly back to spawn without trying to heal anyone, it doesn’t reflect if the overall average across all elo’s.

For the record this is pretty false too. You are right it is possible to punish that, but at the same time lucio and even brigitte would be completely useless if this was a constant, considering their aura’s force teams to stay grouped up.

Because Valkyrie has the independent movement that we want Mercy to have but using it, will just signify it is time to launch the hit scanner hits like tact visor


That’s why you don’t fly up in the sky with Valkyrie. Stick to the walls and other obstacles.


Yeah but the irony is… mercy healing is quite strong usually there is no need to heal whilst people have 50%+ HP boost their damage was better but too many mercy keeps focusing on chugging out that heal beam when there is nothing to heal