Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Well I did link this thread many times already in other threads on this forum. If it were against the CoC I would be banned by now. But I only linked it when it was relevant and I thought the people from another thread would be interested in it.
We just happen to have a lot of discussion about Mercy with many people disappointed by her current state. So if new people come along and give their input regarding Mercy I will link them this thread and tell them to leave their thoughts and ideas in here as well.


Exactly! Which, isn’t against the CoC, like they claimed. It’s against the rules to make a thread solely for the purpose of linking to another.


That’s kinda my point

It would be, but then some other results are fine. The typical meme hero’s are meme’d, to nobodies surprise. Though, even then there isn’t a negative connotation attached to them.

Yeah you’re right. Absolutely no negative connotation attached to them at all

lol, well except hanzo mains, of course. Even jeff has meme’d them.

No, she wasn’t. She was bad even before the healing nerf. She was only overpowered when the rework launched. After that, they nerfed her over and over again until she became the worst healer in the game. Then, they nerfed her healing on top of all that, making her even worse.

Wrong! Genji got his picture meme’d during Jeff’s yule log session.

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That and the other healers had not been looked at in quite some time. Ana got a max ammo buff (not actually all too helpful since most Ana players would reload at safe times and very likely animation cancel the lengthy reload) and the controversial shoot through full HP targets change. Shooting at people is whatever; lobbing my grenade to a tank and instead it hits Soldier’s elbow on the side of my screen is… i n f u r i a t i n g.

Plus, such a strange choice to make when sooooo many people were asking for Ana to gain some self heal or mobility or anything, please just look at her… and even now, her ultimate was tweaked but not even in a way that helps her directly. There have been times where I nano’d a target to heal/boost them and I’m immediately killed right after and I’m like, “ah yes, the Mercy 1.0 expierence”.

And Lucio got his … weird wallriding… whatever happened there. And Moira’s gotten some weird shield changes. But those are the only direct changes to the support roster prior to the more recent “support patch”.

I would have liked to see them do more of these buffs without immediately resorting to nerfing Mercy’s healing - a revert to her healing, if you will, as her 60HPS was a buff pre-rework. However, simply gutting Mercy’s healing didn’t exactly bring every other healer to the spotlight as people have claimed. As it stands, Moira’s pickrate is low in higher tiers and Lucio could still use some help. Zen continues to dominate and Ana gets to shine once again. Brigitte is constantly getting nerfed, so it’s hard to say where she’ll end up.

I asked you why you got suspended.

You said that apparently replying to me is spam.

That doesn’t answer the question. If someone asked me what my latest suspension was for, I wouldn’t say “because I replied to someone”, I would say that it was because I said “You need to work on your English”.

Because that’s literally the reason they gave me when I contacted support.

So, if you really thought that your suspension was unjustified, you probably would have contacted support and pestered them until they gave you a specific reason, as I did. Saying “Because I replied to you” is an excuse to avoid providing a realistic answer.

Do I really need to copy and paste the “insisting upon the existence of evidence without providing any evidence does not prove the existence of evidence” thing again? 'Cause this is getting old.

You could try providing direct quotes rather than linking 4 threads and insisting that there’s evidence somewhere in that pile of replies. If there actually is any evidence, it shouldn’t be that hard.

Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to do though…

I mean, if you’re going to continue to resort to petty insults, you’re just going to get this copy/pasted in your face again.


An unbiased person can see that 11 months of Mercy meta blew any of the other problems Mercy had out of the water in regards to just how big of a problem something is.

I’m not sure what tint of sunglasses you are wearing.

You do realize this is more applicable to you than it is to me, correct?

You have failed to shoot down my arguments. Now you’ve just resorted to restating your thesis repeatedly.

A post that is 100% fluff doesn’t require any reason to be torn down.

An assertion without evidence or logic can be disregarded without evidence or logic… which is why I haven’t really been taking your past few replies seriously.

I point out that you are creating a strawman.

You ignore that and focus on the specific phrasing of the sentence and how you would like to interpret it so that it could be “fitting”.

For someone who likes to call “red herring” a lot, you sure aren’t good at recognizing a red herring.

Which is assuming intention that has never been indicated to us; putting words in their mouths.

Oh, you want those statements?

“D.Va’s Defense Matrix uptime has proven to be too strong, but simply reducing it without making other changes would make her too weak (and far less interesting to play). Instead, we’re adding a new ability and giving her the ability to fire while flying. These changes give D.Va new options while maintaining Defense Matrix’s ability to shut down big enemy attacks.”

The intention behind those changes was that they wanted to take power away from DM and place it into the rest of her kit, giving D.Va more options.

Which they did. They have been true to those intentions since that set of patch notes.

In Mercy’s case, they said they wanted to take power away from Resurrect… and the first thing they did was to put an insane amount of power into Resurrect. After nerfing Resurrect a few times and seeing that it was still too powerful, rather than continuing to address to the problem, elected to nerf something other than Resurrect, contradicting their stated philosophy for Mercy.

Oh look, I just noticed that you conclude your post with this:

Sneaky. Get in the last word and then plug your ears after I’ve told you that I tend to read from the top down as I reply. Now I’ve already written a bunch and you’re just going to ignore it.

Eh. Not a huge deal I guess. There wasn’t any substance in what you were saying, so it realistically didn’t deserve a reply. This actually kind of gives me excuse to not continue this discussion.


First things first. I want to know exactly why I got a notification you replied to me, while I have you muted. That’s pretty odd in itself.

And no, that was exactly the reason. the post, word for word, was flagged as spam. reported so many times it triggered the automoderator. again, go figure.

At any rate, discussing this is against coc and I have you muted for a reason. I’m done playing this fallacy roulette with you. I’ve more than proven my point.

20k replies.

We’re not getting there anytime soon. If it continues growing at the average rate it has been since it was posted, we’ll get to 20k in another 6 months.

Lorf is talking about this most recent HPS nerf. Not pre-rework Mercy.

When you get the email, it only contains some general reasons. If you want real specifics, you need to contact support. Four times, in my case.

There is no automoderator. There are trigger-happy mods, though.


Excuse me, who has decided to simplify things before comparing them ?

At this point I was just playing with your rules.

No relevance to the point made.
Mass Rez took much more skill than current rez does.
As you said

No it’s not.

Unlike you, Titanium has been comparing these two things without adding any bias.

Okay, when the words fail to explain, the maths will succeed.

Let’s call x the average healing before the rework, and x’ the average healing after the rework.
x = 0.99x + 0.01x
x’ = 0.99x’ + 0.01x’
Assuming that 1% of the players have seen their average healing increase, while 99% of the other players have not, we have:
x = 0.99x + 0.01x
x’ = 0.99x + 0.01x’
x’ - x = 200 (numbers in the OP)
0.01x’ - 0.01x = 200
0.01x’ = 0.01x + 200
x’ = x + 200/0.01
x’ = x + 20000

What does this tell ?
Considering that the average’s healing has increased by 200, it means that 1% of the best players have seen their healing increased by 20000.

Guess what ?
That’s not possible.

The hypothesis according to which GM players, supposedly the ones who know the best how to use Valkyrie, have had their healing increased a lot by Valkyrie is delusional.


I don’t understand how I added bias.
Please elaborate.


Umm? Still you. With mass res you only have two options. wait for mas res, or temp res. There is no risk, no real deciding factor, and regardless of how or when you decide to make the res, you’re still ressing the exact same way. One could argue the factors behind that res, being ult economy, time limit and such, and all are perfectly valid points, but also extend to e-res. So mass res by all accounts has 2 things going for it.

Now with e-res, you have the risk of… well, actual death. As well as how you’re actually going to do it, as you can be punished for it, if you’re going to need your teams help, and how the combination of your team can help to succeed in that res. You have the multiple enemies who are actually able to punish it being a factor, as well, you still need to take into account time limit, ult econemy, ect that all come with mass res.

So yes. You are simplifying it in order to form an argument.

Yes, i’m glad you actually took that one point out of context and ignored the rest of our discussion leading up to that point. You sure got me.

You sure? being able to die is a pretty huge factor in an ability.

press q without worrying about death vs press e and be slowed by 75% for 1.75 seconds.

Yeah, much skill.

Then by all accounts, if you actually believe including stats from the average and worst players in the game is at all relevant to showing the full potential of a hero, this discussion was over before it started.

You would think that would be a pretty big tell of your error, but evidently not.

You are literally weighting an ability beyond it’s merit while not even giving merit towards the rest.

so k.

“Maths disagree with me ?
Maths are wrong.”


I mean if we can’t even agree on something as basic as that I don’t see the point of arguying.
I don’t have any time to waste trying to explain things to someone who seems to be willingly disagreeing with any point made, regardless of their truthfullness.

I’ll just wish you to have a good day while you are explaining everyone how genius you are.


Math cant disagree or agree. Math is also pretty straight forward. The person doing the math and what they actually do in that math on the other hand…

but hey, you sure got me.

There’s just no mistake.

But you’re free to think that maths are wrong or that the Earth is flat if it pleases you :man_shrugging: