Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

It was made before this thread, so yes of course the op isn’t directly a plug to this one. However the OP linked this one immediately once this one was posted, and all activity stopped in that thread, effectively plugging any activity in that thread, to this one.

kind of the way a few of those links go.

No? People just stopped responding in that thread.

Even then, that’s still not against the rules.

Show me one where they specifically made a Thread with the sole purpose of linking it back to this one. Then I’ll admit that that person is breaking the rules. Until then, all the other ones you’ve said, are not.


There’s at least 3 in the first 50 or so

Not to mention at least half of them are the exact same people spamming the link to this thread in others.

I’m actually one of the people who posts in that thread.

And aren’t you getting tired of writing such long posts?


Oh my lordy, enough with the essay battles already.

Not really, I don’t mind writing long posts or discussions with people. Kind of enjoy it to be honest. What gets tired is dealing with people who are having a discussion in bad faith, using nothing but fallacy or bias. It gets old quick after they stop making points to discuss all together and just resort to the same tactics. Basically pigeon chess.

Otherwise, not at all. It’s refreshing to have good discussions.

It’s not really spamming. It’s been done since August. Do you really think if it was, the mods would have let it go on for this long?

Also, it’s not even spamming. Yes they link back to this thread, but literally every explanation is different. Some agree, some say it’s just a nice place with lots of ideas, etc. Etc.

Still, in the end, Not against CoC. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


just paraphrasing one or a few of the ones i just saw with a quick look through, they’re a long the lines of “i’m just going to leave this here”.

Context would be nice. But still, not Spam. :blush:


I dont think i actually could give context after i muted the person, to be honest. Might fall under harassing or something. I don’t feel like dealing with that again for this discussion. But hey, if you’re cool with turning a blind eye to that behavior, so be it.

I fail to see how linking a post is considered harassment… :confused:


Linking a person isn’t. Continuously linking or engaging with a person for the soul reason of discussing the person or their actions is. Kind of stalkerish too tbh.

Are you talking about yourself, or Titanium?

Because the only time I remember anyone linking to what you said is when you claimed to have oh so gloriously defeated each and every one of Titanium’s arguments.

If that’s so, then why are you still here… Hmm…


Well for one, I’m still replying to people who have continued to reply to me. Two, i don’t have to engage with the original poster to discuss the original post with other people in the same thread.

And no, it’s not them. Then again even if you did guess who it was i probably wouldn’t tell you anyway, since it really shouldn’t matter.

ooh urban dictionary, now there’s a credible source

Well, I’m just trying to figure out why exactly you can’t tell me the context to a specific post you use as evidence as to why linking this thread to other violates the CoC.

Which I’m pretty sure we’ve established by now: It doesn’t. You were wrong. :blush:


I never said it was credible. Though it is telling when that’s the number 1 thing that pops up when you google the term. It’s more a less an algorithm created from popular opinion.

I’m not going to say I agree with it either. There’s clearly a difference between a person who mains mercy and somebody who obsesses over the hero.

I’m sorry, but the amount of game sense needed to go for a good rez takes one variable.

Will I or my target ultimately die if I press E ?

  • Yes
  • No

While Mass Rez took a lot more.

The op compares

  • Mercy’s average healing, before the rework
  • Mercy’s average healing, after the rework

That’s not flawed.

If that 1% of the best players was able to heal a lot more thanks to Valkyrie, we would have seen a change in the averages, as the healing done in lower ranks before and after the rework would cancel out.

I’m going to explain it from the point of view of someone who likes maths.

Since I don’t know how comfortable with maths people here are, I’m gonna do 2 versions.

Harder version

I have a function. Let’s call it M(t). M for Mercy, t for time.
Now I take the exact same function, but I add:

  • Some very small values (Free flight, extended beams, chain beams, etc) that are negligible compared to the initial function’s value.
  • A huge value (E-Rez).

Looking at the new function, its value is higher than the initial one.
Why is it so ? Because of this huge value I added to it, since the other small values are negligible compared to the general function.


It's because of E-Rez.

Easy version

Take any positive number. Let’s call it x.
Add 1000x to x. You now have 1001x.
Now add 0.1x. You have 1001.1x, and let’s say y = 1001.1x.

And now ask this question:
What is the main reason why y is way higher than x ?


It's because of E-Rez.


I think if you look up any “______ main” you’re going to find jokes about them

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Yes, because there isn’t 27 other possibilities for you to die, 6 in any given game. with multiple combinations of 5 or less to guarantee the success of the ability.

Of course if you choose to simplify it, that’s your prerogative.

Not really. You didn’t even have the option to die then.

yes, it is. Healing average across all elo’s is not a true measure of the optimal performance of that hero’s capabilities. That’s inarguable. Well you can argue it, but you would be wrong.

less than 1 percent difference isn’t going to affect the overall average drastically. That’s not how averages work, at all.

So you basically admit to adding a bias to numbers to prove a point. K.

can test it for yourself. Some of the results are actually great.