Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I remember my first game post-rework; We were pushing the first point on Hollywood, and we were one man down after the first team fight. I Rez the guy, pop Valk, put out the healing beams, Rez the next guy who died, Rez the first guy again, because he got killed in the meantime, and finally, used my fourth Rez to Rez someone else, and spent the remaining 5 seconds of Valk on cleanup duty.

I wonder if the enemy team had fun while that happened. :thinking:


Oh, I know what was veery fun: playing Total Mayhem after rework. Single fight could go on, and on, and on…until one of Mercy players gets killed.

Longest fight I remember lasted 32 minutes. Every few minutes both teams had Mercy flying above battle, resurrecting teammates left and right. Compared to pre-rework, it was most extended fight for last point I were in. Probably also longest overtime too. Ults after ults, being wasted in hope to bring victory, only to be reversed seconds later.

Most fun was when this was finally over. So yes: Mercy became even more unfun to fight against, compared to pre-rework, to the point of being nearly unstoppable resurrect incarnate.

Hmm, it is interesting that you would think that having a hard earned team wipe being undone by a single person’s ult be less frustrating than just having a single pick be rezzed. Where it is more likely that your team has invested a few ults to pull off the team wipe while a single pick is more likely be from a primary fire or basic ability. I would think that forcing the enemy Mercy to undo an individual pick would be better ult economy for the enemy as she essentially has to use her ult to do so while you, probably as a sniper, just had to use a single bullet.

And that is the whole point of this idea, as multi rez in the past was too valuable, as it can instantly turn the tide of the battle. Yes people has argued that the enemy team should be mindful of saving some ults. But at the same time, I think the effort, coordination and even luck to pull off a big wipe should be rewarded and not be that simple to be undone by a single press of a button.

Then there are players that say that Mercy’s Ult should then be equally difficult to pull off, to give chance for the enemy to stop her. But if you really consider the fast paced situation of Overwatch, and the limited range of a multi rez, it would very difficult to find the right balance where a Multi Rez ult isn’t either op/ difficult to stop or useless/ impossible to pull off.

Hence, my suggestion for an Ult where Mercy goes into a Rez mode and gains a fixed number of rez charges. In this state Mercy is still vulnerable to kills/stuns/knockbacks, so it is even more difficult to pull off a huge tempo rez, as if she would probably only have the chance to rez only one person before getting targeted in a teamwipe.

So the more safer option would be to use Rez during the mid fight when a few team members get picked off. Keep in mind that she has to stop healing to rez each time and ensure that it is safe to do so. And this was pretty much how Mercy 1.0 was used most of the time, where like 2-3 team members got wiped by a single Ult or picked off, Mercy would use rez to sustain the fight.

Furthermore, having a Rez Mode helps the enemies as well. My suggestion is that in the Rez Mode, Mercy glows brightly (not unlike her Valk state) so that everyone knows that she can rez anytime. When she ults, her voice line “Heroes never die” can be heard across the map. And each time she uses a charge to revive someone, another voice line “Rise” can be heard across the map, so both sides can count the number of times she can rez. And in Rez mode, Mercy does NOT gain any ult charge, so if she dies before using all her rez charges she essentially wasted it.

Overall, I do feel that having the Rez ult as a mode with a fixed number of charges allows more room for balancing. You can tweak the number of rez charges, the time for each individual rez, and even allow for any buffs/nerfs in this state, further raising the skill cap potential of Mercy.

Multiple single resurrects are a lot more versatile, than single mass resurrect: you can resurrect same player over and over, reset multiple 1v1 engagements, and don’t concern yourself with timing.

While single mass resurrect could be countered, with proper ult management, multiple single resurrects have no counter, other than killing Mercy.

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Would argue that she so powerful in healing as well that you can abuse res by letting people die.

If you were good at healing, you don’t need res. If you need res, that means the enemy team is putting up a fight

If teammates are getting focused, they still die. But by the time next teammate gets killed, Mercy can already bring previous back to life.

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Why heal if you can Rez them, anyway?
Why Rez, if you can heal them?

I prefer the second option, and I’ve gone quite a few games where I didn’t even have to use Mass Rez. And that’s the trap many people tend to fall into; all they focus on, is the theoretical, maximum value one can extract from it, completely forgetting that that’s a rare occurrence, ignoring the fact that similar theoretical values can be applied to any other ultimate, as well, and the fact that Mass Rez can also have negative value, which no other ultimate can.

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yeah but it is also about keeping up your stats so you can ‘climb’

I remember when I started maining Mercy, I would simply not Res less than 3 people because… “I need to Rez more”

How ignorant I was.


I still don’t rez more, as it usually results in number disadvantage. If I resurrect 1-2 teammates, someone from remaining 4-5 players dies in meantime, leaving me with no rez and with fighting 4-5v6.

I don’t understand, Mass Rez made Mercy unable to heal for 1s, which removes 60 heals.
How could 4-5 people die during this period ?

Usually it’s enough at least for 1 player to die, so resulting fight will be 5v6. Unless my team already dominates this fight, going for tempo rez was bad idea.

Single Rez has too much abuse potential in that case. I think my personal best was 26 Rez’s in a single match post-rework. Mass Rez topped out at 9 for me.

I never actually focused on any specific number. I was just trying to ensure a win for my team. Although I did notice a rather large increase in my success rate if I went with tempo-rez, instead of waiting for a Huge one.

Actually got the Huge Rez achievement by accident in, like, my 3rd ever game as Mercy. It was on Volskaya Industries, Point B. We were attacking, and my team has just been wiped. Ran onto the point, got that x5 and won the match, due to the enemy already being 3 people down and scattered around just outside the capture zone.

Then I wonder how many players die during


Same 1 player, as usual. In worst case, everyone else dies.

Tempo rez and Valkyrie have that in common: both are good to make victory in fight closer, but not that good in turning lost fight around. Some games I didn’t use resurrect even once, as team was dominating the game and could win 4v6 with no problems.

But it’s usually only me being healer, with second healer less teammates should die during resurrect, or even none.

I personally was way to focused about rezing 3+ teammates that it took me a long time to realise that tempo rezes were often the best option.

I had only one 4man rez during my entire playtime, and it’s the only one that ended up by a second wipe (or at least it’s the one I remember the most).
It learnt me the lesson.

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Can remember only one 4 players resurrect. Every other time it was 3 players, with remaining 2 being more cautious and surviving with my healing. Wasn’t focused that much on number, if I had no other choice but to use it.

Is it tempo rez, if some players are walking back from spawn, and you resurrect rest that just died, so your team is finally together? Or only resurrecting few teammates with rest being alive and fighting is called like that?

Tempo-Rez is called what it is, because it allows your team to keep the momentum. I am uncertain whether any specific conditions apply, like still contesting the objective.

Of course, you can also ‘waste’ this tempo rez, if you’re doing it right outside a captured checkpoint, as you might as well have just waited for your team mates to walk out the door.

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Doubt it. We know that Mercy needs Mass Rez to be instant for it to work.

Actually, we don’t. Because we have no experience with what damage resistance would to for Mercy when she has a cast time applied to her ultimate. Blizzard never actually tried that route.

We do know that damage resistance effectively provides more health. Anything else is unknown, and untried. The same goes for the 150 HP burst heal that Titanium suggests for Mercy herself, along with her team mates. Maybe that alone would help her out. I mean, just look at Moira’s self-helf during Coalescence. It makes her harder to kill, but not overly so. Maybe that’s all Mercy needs.