Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

That is a wonderful point.

I always felt active in my role of Mercy but I never stopped to consider that no matter how active I was, unless I was shooting them in the skull, many of them did not bother to consider me a threat out of the fight and that is kind of a problem.

I doubt it’s going anywhere, people have been consistently chatting on here for a month now

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Tired of arguing with you: all things you said never worked for me. So let me play how it works for me, not for you. Not going to climb either way, and playing competitive only for golden guns.

To think of that, aggressive Mercy players became excuse to nerf Mercy 2.0, so would rather not see that kind of playstyle as common.

Except you can’t. Rez is(and always was) seen as unfair mechanic, purely for how it works - it resurrects enemy, with no chance to finish off said enemy and prevent it, like most games with resurrect allow you to. If kill can’t be guaranteed just by throwing in more damage, it’s cheating. What is seen as more fair - being denied kill by “shield” kind of ultimate, or have kill done, celebrate it, only to have it taken away?

Even if game will indicate to someone, that they were hit with Pacify, then what? Smart players already know there is Mercy to deal with, not so smart will ignore it and complain about “lag” making some of their attacks miss, forgetting about it as soon as effect expires. Or even blame whole enemy team for cheating.

If you want second kind players to remember about existence of Mercy, effect should be much more noticeable for them, other than +1-2 attacks more, which easy to blame for lags. As example: if I am playing Widow, and Pacify made me fail to headshot kill someone, my first thought will be missing head hitbox/enemy player lagging, with Pacify somewhere in the end of reason list.

To be honest, I don’t like whole idea of “warning” enemy team about your presence that way, but it can be my preference of “unfair” heroes(after Mercy my hero of choice is Mei :smiling_imp:)

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Maybe at lower levels of play where awareness is lacking, but I can assure you even at gold ranks, players are very much aware of Mercy and will prioritize her especially back when she was 1.0.

So I think the main issue is that players may feel that rez is unfair as it undermines their effort in making the kills, especially when they commit a few ults to pull off a combo involving the teamwork of a few players. This is compared to Mercy’s ult where all the individual player has to do is push Q.

Of course some may argue that Mercy still has to position herself and time it right. Or that since that there are ults that can instant kill multiple heroes, why is it unfair to have an ult that does the opposite. But if we look carefully at those ults (i.e. junkrat’s rip tire, dva’s bomb, mcree’s high noon) they have a long channelling/activation time to allow for the enemy to respond. And they can be easily blocked by line of sight and barriers.

So the logical answer would be to apply the same concept to Mercy’s multirez. But after much consideration, which the devs have tested it as well, changing Mercy’s rez activation duration does not fit into the fast paced feel on Overwatch and difficult to balance. Make it too long, and it becomes impossible for Mercy to pull it off as she has to be in the fray of the battle (notice that in those multi kill ults the hero does it at a safe distance) but make it too short, she becomes too op as she can pull off tempo rez.

Hence, my suggestion to make Mercy’s Ult as a Rez mode, where she can only pull off a fixed number of single Rezzes while it is active.

But there are so many times where wipes will only take one ultimate.

There are multiple ults that have team wipe potential. Are we going to start getting rid of those now because it removes the hard work of players who are getting kills without the use of ultimates?


Difference between resurrect and DPS ults is that with DPS ult it’s you starting fight: you can choose place and time to get those kills. With resurrect you respond to that, so your choice is more limited.

Ults are “speed boosters” to make game faster, so instead of killing 1 player, 2 players, 3 players… you could just use ult and get triple kill at once. Don’t mind them being adjusted, however, so it doesn’t take one properly placed quicker charging ultimate to counter slower charging support ult.

I was being sarcastic to the fact that those are the kind of complaints Mass Rez faced because it wasn’t fair to have kills reverse with “no skiLL” even though it was one possible team saving ult of two others and yet there are dozens of ults that cause team wipe and do so with less proper skill from the player.


Then you won’t mind, if I bring here real complains it faced.

  • it had, technically, longest time(10 s respawn time with resurrect possible at any moment). Other defensive ults have 6-8 s time at best.
  • you couldn’t ignore it, by using specific ults. Transcendence? Burst damage is your friend. Sound Barrier? Use EMP and it’s gone in a blink.
  • you couldn’t overwhelm it, by throwing all in. Transcendence and Sound Barrier can’t hold weight of too many ults at once, but you can’t kill already dead teammates.
  • it forced other team to guard dead bodies. Even if objective is captured, you may not want to turn your back on killed enemies.

Not to mention the versatility of its use. The condition is a dead teammate(s) within a 5m radius, doesn’t matter how they died. But the trouble is that when you start piling on more conditions, you will probably end up how the current E resurrect is like (clunky and almost impossible to use). And that is what the devs are having so much difficulty in balancing it. They want Ults that are within the players control and give the sense of impactfulness but not OP and is counterable by the enemy. Hence they thought it was a good idea to move it rez to E and pile on the nerfs and give her Valk instead.

Reaper has been cheating this whole time ! I knew it !

Both are as fair actually.

You don’t want to kill the support first ? Don’t be surprised said support will prevent you from killing his team.


Have you not played any other shooters with a rez mechanic before? Bad Company and the battlefield series have the defibs and shots that don’t really give you a limit to how many time you can bring someone back. They weren’t considered over powered.


I hope the next generation controllers have more buttons, but I’m not holding my breath…

I played some old shooter, called Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. You could finish off wounded enemy there, making revival impossible. And while it’s balanced mechanic, it still will be seen as unfair - you make kill, and then someone takes that kill away.

If kill isn’t made, shooter feels outplayed, but not cheated. In case of resurrect, shooter makes kill, and then someone not involved in fire fight takes that kill away.

Only reason I never wanted resurrect to be removed, is because I tend to like “unfair” heroes and “unfair” tactics :smiling_imp: But Blizzard clearly has different view on that. Then again, why fighting enemy team should be fair, if both teams can use unfair ways to win?

That is a bias named loss aversion.

The player you are talking about gets a kill, and considers this kill to be a gain. From their point of view, the resurrection takes that gain away.

The bias comes from changing the situation of reference.
It’s not easy to explain, but in short words people consider the new situation (6v5, as they got a kill) to be the new situation of reference, which they should not.
Mercy resurrecting her fallen ally was considered to be a value of -1 from their perspective, while in fact it was a value of 0 if we account the initial 6v6 fight as a reference.

It’s the exact same as Zenyatta ulting to heal his team. It was even weaker because keeping allies alive is much more valuable than resurrecting them, as in the first scenario they can fight back, while in the second you’re giving your ennemies these precious 2.25s that were enough in high ranks to rewipe the team.


Not if it’s a hitscan. It hits as soon as it’s launched.

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We get this thrown at ourselves, as well. And, in a way, I can understand that point of view. However, one does not need rose-tinted glasses to see that what we lost, in this case, was so much better than anything Blizzard could possibly do to Valkyrie.


There would be so many issues with that suggestion and it was in the game during Valkyrie 1.0 and was removed because it was way too strong. Res needs to be a one and done ability so as to not completely oppress the enemy team. After the Resurrect goes off there needs to be a long downtime where the enemies can be sure that another Resurrect will not happen again in a near future (and slapping a cooldown on it was a terrible idea as it was way too frequent and honestly still is). Yes getting a team wipe resurrected is frustrating but getting multiple kills in a period of time resurrected is even more so.

Yeah, if you thought having your team wipe reverted was disheartening, you’ve clearly never had an enemy Mercy undo every single pick individually. Or Rez the same person multiple times, just because.


To be fair, a high level team with experience shouldn’t have this issuse. I would expect it from a mid rank team or lower.

The idea is, don’t use your ults if you know res is available. Otherwise you will end up wasting it or use it knowing Mercy is dead.

Its like firing a ult after Zen used transcendence. It is a total waste unless you can burst through the High HPS that it gives out.

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I’m happy about this. I would rather remove this thread than have it turned into a dumping ground for merged threads. At least the conversations being held here are all related to one another, and they aren’t interrupted every 30 minutes by another 50+ irrelevant posts.

This I am unhappy about, but I’m not the least bit surprised.