Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I don’t think I follow. How is there not enough space on the screen?

That depends how important it is for you that Mercy is made more fun. Because it’s treated like a serious problem here.

Look at the interface: tips about healing/damage boost take nearly all space near gun selection, and don’t disappear when switching to pistol.

If more fun means actively attacking enemies, it’s less fun for me. Especially with other healers being designed around them attacking enemies from time to time, with damage or debuffs(stun or discord).

No reason why that can’t be changed.

Also remember that E for Rez would be removed.

Fine then. While I still don’t understand why Titanium went with enemy-targeted ability(which most other healers have already), go ahead.

The reason why people (not just Titanium, as over 40 people contributed to the rework suggestion posted in the OP) went with an enemy-targeted ability, is because they feel that adding a friendly-targeted ability would make Mercy too powerful/oppressive/whatever.

The purpose (at least, the way I see it) was to add an ability that offers Mercy more utility, while not feeling too bad for the person on the receiving end, yet at the same time, offer decent value to Mercy and/or her team.

And why not? Ana pretty much counters all the enemy supports with her 'nade, and her NanoBoost is quite powerful. Let’s give Mercy an ability to mitigate that somewhat.

Let Mercy be picked vs Ana in matches, instead of just Ana vs Ana or Mercy vs Mercy (or whatever main healer has been chosen to dominate the meta this time). I think it’d be quite healthy for the game if the supports countered one another in certain ways.

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Guess I’ll just have to switch game once again, since so many players can’t live without hitting enemy with anything as healer, and insist on giving every single healer such ability. Which leaves me with only one question: why are you not playing DPS or hybrid healers then, if you want to hit enemy? There is crowd of heroes, that have that, but no, we have to make every healer that way. :angry:

Changes like that make me want to say “forget about healing” and join DPS crowd: still have to hit enemies to get value, but at least it’s included as mandatory part in description.

For once I am glad Blizzard ignores such ideas.

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And Mercy’s pistol?

The thing is, due to Mercy design, she will never break away from the pure healing identity. Also you are right… if people want to be aggressive, then play Moira. They made her similar to Mercy for a reason, so that people can transition easily.


And also: impactful xd

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First of all, Overwatch is a First Person Shooter, emphasis on the shooter. It is not surprising that many of the heroes have abilities that focus on shooting. Yes they take inspiration from many other genres of games which is fantastic but the game is still classified as an FPS so aiming is and always will be a core aspect of the game.

Second of all, even if Mercy were to get Pacify there will be no difference in how she plays, she just has some extra utility in her kit. Again, it is still completely up to you whether you use the ability or not. No one is forcing you to use it if you don’t want to.

Third of all, Mercy already has an ability that requires aim: her pistol. Note, this ability is exactly like Pacify in it’s application to her kit; an aim based ability that provides utility but is not mandatory. I would also argue that Pacify is significantly better than her pistol in that aspect as you can still heal while using Pacify but you are forced to stop healing if you need to swap over to the pistol. Do you think the pistol should be removed as well since that is also an aim based aspect of her kit? Maybe we should remove GA and the healing beam as well since they also require at least some aspect of aiming, even if they are extremely lenient abilities aiming wise?

If you don’t want to learn to aim then there are plenty of other heroes in the roster that don’t require that mechanic pretty much at all and many are less aim reliant than the current version of Mercy is. Winston, Doomfist, Brigitte, Reinhardt; all these heroes are not aim dependent even if they still obtain abilities that might require some form of aiming (and note that these aim reliant abilities are, just like Mercy’s pistol and Pacify, just extra utility that are not mandatory in it’s use). Or you can go play a MOBA, I bet there’s some out there you’d enjoy since it is a vast and popular genre.


Do you really think that will increase your chance of success?

Now instead of the team seeing a Mercy flying in and screaming

They will instead see you walking towards your teammates and have a reaction more similar too…

…and then they’ll just shoot you.

You are making the assertion that Pacify will too weak to justify using in a teamfight (namely against a Nano-Blade); an assertion that is statistically incorrect.

A player could come along and say that Mercy 1.x was overpowered because they revived more than half of the enemy team’s deaths in every game they played. That’s based off experience. But is it accurate? Is it a valid assertion?

No. Why? The numbers proved otherwise.

Furthermore, you are basing this position off of your experience… that you don’t have. Pacify has never been in Overwatch; there is no way that you could have experience with it.

That doesn’t mean you have to stop participating in the fight. If anything, it means quite the opposite.

But will he get his kills?

Dragonblade depends upon its short killtime to be useful. If you cut that damage output, it becomes much easier to counter. Therefore, Genji will not nearly as many kills, if any.

And is worth far more than not healing for .75 seconds.

Because it’s “Not worth the effort”, you’re basically forfeiting the fight.

This is the result provided by your intended use of Resurrect, but replace “tempo rez” with “mass-rez”.

And then add in all the "if"s of even pulling off the Resurrect prior to that.
And then add in the fact that momentum was lost, so now you are significantly more vulnerable to hostile ultimates than you would be if you tempo-rezzed instead.

“small mistakes”

You’re giving your team a numbers advantage without turning everyone into sitting ducks. Would you rather gain a decisive advantage in the fight, or would you rather waste it and possibly feed the enemy team more ultimate charge?

Are you playing in tiers where your teammates have guns, which they shoot at the enemy?

If so, Pacify will certainly improve your chance of success.

It makes your teammates harder to kill for that enemy. When that enemy is depending upon the death of your teammates for survival (which is true in the case of Dragonblade), it makes them easier to kill.

It’s “situational” in the same manner that Resurrect from Mercy’s 1.x versions were “situational”; it’s super flexible and versatile in how it can be used, but if you use it incorrectly, it backfires.


Or not healing for 1.75 seconds cough cough


That’s a big problem with Mercy’s design, though.

Most people playing the game have the classic fps mindset of “if it’s not shooting at me, it’s not a threat.”

Anything else is regulated as “background scenery,” which includes Mercy because she isn’t interacting with them.

All of this adds up to the player perception that when Mercy rezzes, it isn’t a real, live player who’s doing it. It’s a background prop that suddenly becomes animate and drops a dues ex machina on their heads, like a cheat code. And that makes rez “incredibly un-fair and disheartening to play against.”

If we want to change people’s attitude towards rez, we need to change their attitude towards Mercy herself. And that means convincing them that she’s not just a decorative ornament in the background. She’s an active player on the battlefield, that they cannot ignore.

Hence, mercy needs an E ability that metaphorically thwaps the enemy upside the head and nags, “Hey! Don’t forget I’m still here!” If they remember that Mercy isn’t just a background prop, they won’t be so shocked (and prone to childish tantrums) when she uses her ult.


I’ll just give this thread a bump! Let’s see how long this thread will last.

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I mean on keyboard, jump and angelic descent are the same.
It’s just the issue of finding a controller key for an extra ability.
But like, they make other characters have two abilities without having one merging with jump, so I don’t see why rez and AD and jump are all on the same controller key.

Hold on. Rez and jump are on separate keys. AD is bound to both. It’s because you can’t hold jump and look around at the same time.

No wonder it is confusing on controller.

We can. Problem is that we don’t have anywhere to move them to.

Be careful, Blizzard might bunch this into a megathread and throw it out the window.

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I love that this post is back. Lmao