Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Who are you speaking on behalf of?

And I also gave them a prompt to reconsider.

If I felt as though I was in a position that I could not defend, my first order of business would to be question why the hell I’m in that position.

If you can’t defend a position, you’re in the wrong position.


Theyre hardly the only ones defending their position…or do you not get counteratguments on here?

The majority of the forums, if the support this thread has gotten is any gauge.


Fair enough seemed like they were talking on behalf of all Mercy mains, although i would have preffered an answer from them.

I’ll bring this back up…

And isn’t that a problem?

I get a lot of them. Not many are any good.

Most of the people I debate with on the reasons for the rework fall back on something that… wasn’t an actual reason for the rework.

For example, when they can’t support their assertions of it being “unfun to play against”, or about “hide and rez”, they say things like “Mercy was OP”.

Funnily enough, the stats showed quite the opposite.


And when they can? It would be unfair to only point out the bad arguments…assume blizz does?

Again I’m not trying to sit here and say I DISAGREE…I’m just playing devils advocate…blizz flatly tells you (because again everyone wants a response) they’re not changing her…they disagree (not really trying here…I think they’ve been saying this the whole time)…what then?

The response is not going to be “oh well…”

If you need over 10 nerfs to make rework balanced, not reworking a hero would probably be better option.


Blizzard has only provided bad arguments thus far.

Heck, at one point they even admitted that one of the reasons for the rework was to “reduce the power of Resurrect”.

So, uh… how’d that work out?

We would be nuts to let that be our answer.

But then again, at least they would communicating… somewhat.

Talking at someone isn’t really communication.


I’ve been thinking about this thread’s like/dislike ratio, it is undeniable that you got quite a bit of traction here and for that I congratulate you in your efforts

That said I believe the reason for this is the last Mercy nerf since before that the thread seemed to be pretty average number wise, you took advantage of people’s knee reaction to a change and reeled them in into this suggestion which in itself is not all that bad

Pacify is… to put it simply not Mercy thematic so I would like to ask you one thing, where has it been stated that Mercy is a pacifist? or that she despises violence?

As far as I can read on her lore, she dislikes the militaristic approach but she understands that ultimately the sacrifice of a few benefits a larger contingent of people, so she fought alongside overwatch, not just healing them

The valkirye suit is also a very prominent feature on her lore and said suit comes with a gun, why? well, who in their right mind would jump into the fray without options to fight back?

Remember also that Mercy is not some sort of wizard or hacker, she’s quite literally a medic

Even when she kills someone, she says “Regrettable, but necessary”, indicating that she doesn’t enjoy killing. Gun is for self-defense purposes.

Mercy even considers “unethical” using her tech in Ana’s rifle.


and the tone she says this with is? utter pain?

She doesn’t care in the littlest bit as long as the greater mission is successful, you are attributing a lot to her character from a small line that doesn’t indicate her alignment, furthermore it lets you in into how she feels about the whole ordeal, it’s necessary, so she’ll do it

As for Ana’s rifle, the unethical part was the stolen technology, not the use of the rifle since… well, you know, she designed a rifle, a war weapon? yeah

It’s not stolen, Torbjorn created rifle during his own time in Overwatch. Mercy didn’t design it, but he used her biotic tech in weapon.

Ana stole it since she was supposed to be dead and then resurfaced WITH the rifle, that’s the whole “unethical” approach there is to her gun

It was “stolen”, just like 76 stole his pulse rifle: both were left behind in abandoned Overwatch facilities.

and both uses are unethical and goes against the shut down of overwatch

Alright I need somewhere to go and Mercy’s current state sort of has me a little upset.
By simply adding healing/damage output together (for all supports) I noticed that Mercy almost always had the lowest number, while Moira always has the highest. Ana has numbers around the other supports now (yay), but Moira is still a better pick.

I don’t understand what’s going on. I thought that no aim was an absolute sin since that was what was used against Mercy. But other heroes are allowed to require about the same or even less aim? I feel like this all has to do with medals at this point. Remove those or change the system and maybe people will stop complaining?

I just wish they would do something as opposed to just telling Mercy mains to basically get over it. >.>


You aren’t adding rez’ values which is effectively just a massive heal

Rez averages are going down, and it honestly wouldn’t add that much at this point. Often times someone gets rezzed, someone else dies because they weren’t getting healed, and so the fight is still lost.


rez average is the same it’s always been, 8 per game at max

Depending on your target the amount of healing can surpass any amount of healing you can do in 1.75 seconds, for mercy that’s only 87.5 hp so… yeah account for Rez when looking at raw healing stats