Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Resurrect was (initially) supposed to be mid-fight ability for Mercy 2.0. But they had to nerf it below ground, because it was just crazy. It doesn’t count for healing, since it often costs life of Mercy or someone else, making it literally unusable during fight.


I did, and her value was still lower than the other supports. :expressionless:

This ^


so let me get this straight, you are healing over 600 effective hp in 1.75 seconds but it doesn’t count as healing just because you’re at risk of dying?

damn, Ana must have a hard time not healing at all, all the time

No. Rez is literally useless during a fight because it is common for the Mercy or someone else to die, resulting in a lost fight. No one seems to understand how drastically this healing nerf has affected the rest of her kit.


Best Rez is Rez you didn’t have to perform.


That is just sad, there is such a thing as ninja rez, plus the thrill of rezzing someone behind the enemy lines is something only mercy can provide. Of course though you simply don’t enjoy this and I wouldn’t ask you to understand

Ability that relies on enemy team being incompetent is bad game design, simple as that.


every single ability relies on enemies making mistakes, if everyone played perfectly all the time no skill would connect, except of course, Mercy’s healing beam

No, ability relies on skill of user. Best example is sleep dart: Ana can hit insane shots, if player is good. But with Rez it relies on enemy being blind. And seriously blind, to ignore bright light around Mercy, when she tries to resurrect.
Especially when #1 rule in FPS rules is “always keep an eye out for enemy healers”.


"Per her code name, Mercy is an adamant pacifist that always wishes to avoid violent approaches whenever possible. "

“Because her parents had been taken by war, Ziegler was opposed to the organization’s militaristic approach to keeping global peace.”

Mercy --Witness Elimination-- “Regrettable, but necessary.”


Ana can’t hit a sleep dart on a tracer with godly reflexes or on a reaper, dva, soldier, mei, widow, etc, she relies on them reacting in a way that’s predictable but if they don’t she can’t hit it

Same for Mercy, if you plan ahead your movements and enemy focus you can do sneaky rezzes but if you are too lazy to plan ahead than there is nothing I can tell you for you to enjoy the thrill of rezzing

That’s where you are wrong: she can. Ana players can even sleep dart flying Pharah, if their prediction of movement is great. And there are no “sneaky resurrects” for hero with glowing wings and bright light.

Your success relies on enemy having tunnel vision and not noticing you, resurrecting someone in front of them.


they can of course, but do they? consistently all the time? forget about ryujehong and gale, Ana players don’t have a 100% accuracy sleep dart, never

I personally have dodged Ana’s sleep dart WHILE rezzing someone, as long as you move unpredictably, there is a lot you can do while rezzing specially with the new super jump

That just sounds like a bad Ana. What rank are you in, exactly?

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I’m high gold and I can see where you’re going but mercy is supposed to be more effective at low ranks which is exactly what’s happening here

Uh huh. As a Masters Mercy main, the majority of the methods you’ve mentioned are invalid.
No support should be balanced so that they’re only played in a few ranks. That’s not really how balance works. (Gotta love mobile)


I would agree with this IF Mercy herself didn’t have the easiest to apply kit in the whole roster

So the negotiation would be very simple, would you rather lose the ease of use of her healing in exchange for power somewhere else? or would you rather keep her survivability low in order to gate everything else?

There is little use from survivability, if you are just small nuisance in the way of killing your team.


so you would be fine loosing the healing beam? that’s great!