How about you actually provide direct quotes rather than linking a few general debates and insisting that something happened somewhere in that pile of replies?
Surely, if these cases of mass-false-flagging were as prominent as you make them out to be, it would be easy to find a case of it and quote it, no?
The issue is literally just that.
Someone quoted you after you declined to quote yourself. You didn’t like that, and reported them for… using one of the tools made publicly available for anyone to use at anytime; for quoting you.
Well, since we have been discussing that chain of posts for a while, is it all that surprising that I went in and read some of those replies, liking those I agreed with?
If I replied in every single thread in which I was quoted or mentioned, I would be more than doubling my post count, and that’s assuming I only replied once in each thread.
I hardly ever read past the post that quoted me, if I read the post in which I’m quoted at all.
Did you actually need to say:
When the post that you claimed did so was posted… not in the relevant thread? The place where the opposition is most likely to see and more obligated to reply?
No. You’re playing naive in order to feel justified in your actions.
I’m still waiting on evidence for these claims…
It clearly mattered enough to you to be worth mentioning.
I don’t need to be directly involved in the conversation to be relevant to it, do it?
Except you might notice that I’m the only one directly arguing with you here…
I asked them to post it so I could see it and reply to it easily. I’ve read literally every reply in this thread up until this point.
“Yet another thread” being the most relevant thread on the entire Overwatch forums during that exchange.
Again, if you’re going to supply counterarguments to a post, you should put it where the person who created said post will see it.
You said:
Which is attempting to label voicing disagreement as malintent and therefore harassment.
They have as much of a right to reply to you with the negative position as you have to make a post on the forums in the first place with the positive position. Replying to you with the opposite position is considered harassment just as much as you posting in the first place is considered harassment.
Hint: It isn’t.
You can still drop links; they just won’t be clickable. Use the Preformatted text
As for getting trust level 3 privileges removed… the only two ways you can lose trust level 3 is if you get suspended, or if you fail to meet the requirements to hold level 3 for the current… however long of a period the forums allow. Suspensions only remove level 3 for 24 hours, so the reason you don’t have level 3 is that you have failed to meet the requirements for the current period. I think that period is 100 days, but I haven’t dug that deep to find out. I do know that two of those requirements is that over the past (however much time allowed by the period), you must have read 20,000 posts and visited 50 days.
You say after outright admitting to reporting someone because they quoted you.
That’s not…
That’s attempting to silence disagreement.
Expressing disagreement does not fall under any of these categories.
So far, the most we have seen is two.
The person/group is not the subject of the debate. There are no “critical or abusive comments at another person or group”. The group we were being “abusive” towards wasn’t even relevant to the discussion until you started victimizing yourself.
I could see having your arguments getting shot down as being upsetting. That’s not what this is about though, is it?
Disagreeing with someone and voicing that disagreement by countering the arguments of that someone isn’t “causing a disturbance” or “picking a fight”.
None of these are applicable.
The posts made by people who are “dogpiling” you are:
- On topic.
- Irrelevant to the individuals participating in the debate… that is, until you decide to victimize yourself.
- Non-repetitive.
- Is legitimate feedback regarding a hero, and therefore constructive.
I’ll send this back your way with a few revisions:
Still waiting on evidence of this “harassment”.
Conjecture requires that an assumption is made based upon incomplete evidence or data. There is no incomplete data behind the conclusions I put forward.
Want an example of incomplete data? Take a look at your “But what if Mercy’s healing rate in GM increased” hypothetical.
Except there is no “cause” and “effect” here, sooooo…
In this case, conclusion D is the only outcome that can coexist with and explain A, B, and C in the same instance.
And was/is still more powerful than any iteration of itself as an ultimate.
I might again point out that they slashed Mercy’s healing rate, while Lucio and Ana (who were both more powerful than her prior to the rework) needed buffs to keep up beyond that.
Isn’t this exactly what the developers didn’t want from Mercy?
Except I’ve already undermined that argument. Let’s see if you address it!
Mobility literally has no impact.
If you have a hero that deals no damage, heals no allies, and blocks no fire, it doesn’t matter how much mobility you grant them; they’ll still be useless.
Give that hero a good damage output and some mobility to go with it, and you have something. As I said:
I’m waiting for you to bring up a valid reason that hasn’t already been covered/shot down to reinforce this.
Restating a thesis that stands on broken arguments doesn’t make that thesis any stronger.
I see the reason. I fail to see any realistic followup/backup for that reason, similar to how you insist upon us “harassing/mass-false-flagging” you without bothering to supply any instances of his happening.
I was literally looking at the stats when we had that conversation.
Hang on. First it was me lying. Now it was me admitting that I didn’t know something existed.
Which is it?
I never said Mercy’s healing average was lower than Moira’s…
Do you not know what “scaled much more aggressively” means?
Where is this faulty logic?
And I have all of the evidence needed to prove that Mercy was overpowered due to Resurrect. I explained why Resurrect is currently objectively more powerful than its 1.x counterparts, and I supplied the averages needed to reach that conclusion. That conclusion has a solid foundation.
If you’re going to make a counterargument, that counterargument needs to be able to stand on its own. An unlikely hypothetical that doesn’t touch half of the foundation for the conclusion and has no foundation of its own while there is foundation to believe the opposite of that hypothetical, doesn’t chip anything away from the conclusion.
Except you literally said:
Which doesn’t at all match up with what you say it matches up with now.
Considering that the GA hop was functional prior to the rework, albeit not amplified to the degree that it currently is, and was not part of the ability’s use (meaning you would still be flying on the same trajectory for about another second after GA began its cooldown), yes, that buff came with a nerf.
Hanzo literally had a lower pickrate than Symmetra and a negative winrate in GM prior to his rework. No other hero (save for McCree, depending upon the time you looked at the winrates) had a winrate below 50% in GM, and no hero except for Hanzo had a winrate consistently at or below 48% in GM.
Meanwhile, Symmetra had an abysmal pickrate (still higher than Hanzo’s), but at least she had a 56% winrate. Symmetra had her uses, even though there were too few of them to really consider her as a viable pick. Hanzo flat out didn’t have any uses.
I’m not sure if that sentence was one coherent thought, because it doesn’t make sense to me. I can take a stab at what I think it means though.
My position is that you shouldn’t make a weak hero stronger by buffing a part of the hero’s kit that isn’t underperforming; that’s an ideal way to get the hero to depend upon that single part of their kit to be relevant… kind of like what we have going on with E-rez now.
Resurrect isn’t what needed changes during season 3. It wasn’t underperforming. Mercy’s healing rate also didn’t need changes. It wasn’t underperforming either during season 3. What Mercy needed was an additional reason to be picked, not an even stronger healing output/Resurrect. A glance at the forums from the time showed that an additional reason to pick Mercy was also heavily supported; most people who wanted changes for Mercy wanted that change to come in the form of a new E ability.
I don’t think that the buff to Resurrect was necessarily problematic in itself, but its that trend of balancing that becomes problematic later.
They could have just given her a decent E ability, as the community requested back in season 3.
No need to put Mercy in an even more tedious balance state…
As for the article, they address the SR exploit as though it were a problem with Resurrect and not the SR system. It wasn’t a problem with Resurrect; it was a problem with the SR system.
If the SR exploit had been removed, the Mercy players who banked on those mass-Resurrections wouldn’t be in the tiers where mass-Resurrections are countered more easily than any other ultimate in the game. Those players would be forced to learn how to use Resurrect properly to maintain a high SR status (IE: learning when it’s better to tempo-rez or not use Resurrect at all over hitting Q whenever they see a X4 or X5).
Resurrect didn’t need to be “killed” as the article likes to put it. The SR exploit did.
And now… the SR exploit is dead.
As for the following section, yeah, a lack of utility will happen when you have a healer that’s focused primarily on healing, and only receives changes to existing low/non-utility parts of their kit. Hence the community asking for an E ability.
Oh, and you’re not supposed to solve a lack of utility by putting the hero’s ultimate on their E.
“At the end of the day, you’re there for Resurrection.”
Given the previous implications, that’s where I stopped reading. It’s pretty clear that whoever typed this up doesn’t know much about Mercy.
“Nevermind the fact that Mercy on average had the highest healing output in the game by a few thousand; you’re there only for Resurrect, of which the average Mercy will revive 6 players, and even some of the best Mercys in the game will revive 9 players.”
They don’t even understand where the power in Mercy’s kit is concentrated, when they were literally just ranting about how a mass-rez would end in failure.
Reread what you just quoted, and you’ll find this is in no way conflicts with what I said.
I do have statistics for that. As of August 12th of 2017, Mercy had a GM pickrate of 5.14%, according to Overbuff.
While that was the lowest pickrate out of all healers, it isn’t anywhere close to a bad pickrate, especially considering that Mercy had a winrate greater than the GM average.
To give some context, the heroes that have currently have GM pickrates closest to Mercy’s GM pickrates from that time are:
7th most-picked: Brigitte - 5.37%.
8th most-picked: Zenyatta - 5.29%.
9th most-picked: Genji - 5.23%
10th most-picked: Widowmaker - 4.89%
While Valkyrie (if we pretend that Resurrect and Valkyrie were entirely seperate, leaving Valkyrie as just flight and chain beams) was treading on Lucio’s turf in regards to uniqueness, I am very confident that chain beams that are only active during her ultimate aren’t nearly enough to tread on Lucio’s role in application. If they did, then Lucio would have been stepped all over by Zenyatta due to Transcendence long before Mercy’s rework.
But if you consider the fact that Resurrect was on an E, and that Valkyrie granted more charges of Resurrect, then yeah, it’s pretty obvious that you’re going to outclass any other support in that scenario. The chain beams were just fluff; Valkyrie’s real power came from the additional uses/augmentations to Resurrect.
Resurrect on E was the powerhouse.
Resurrect was enough for Mercy to replace Lucio. You don’t need to have a hero mimic the uses of another when you have a hero as blatantly overpowered as Mercy at the time.
Well, considering that Valkyrie meant more Resurrect, yeah, you kind of can have it both ways. It’s Resurrect doing all of the lifting when you actually look at it though.
By cutting her average healing output by 10%.
Terms and conditions apply.
A niche that she was never supposed to have, and that pretty much everyone hates.
Seriously. Neither the people that play as Mercy, nor the people that play with Mercy, nor the people that play against Mercy, like having Mercy pocket a single target. Mercy players hate it because it’s boring, the enemies hate it because PharMercy/MercyMaker is hard to deal with, and Mercy’s team hates it because they don’t receive any healing. The only people who like it are the people who are being pocketed in that particular match.
That’s 8 seconds every, say, minute and a half. And chances are very low that firing shots into the Nanoed target is the only thing Ana is doing for that duration, in which case, she isn’t pocketing.
That’s not pocketing…
It’s a healer who is picked primarily for their ability to sustain a team through a teamfight through raw healing power, along with maybe some other capabilities. Mercy, Ana, and Moira are the three main healers.
Depending upon the circumstances, this is exactly the case. That’s literally the main healer’s job; to prevent their teammates from dying through healing power.
Except it’s literally always been the case for every main healer ever.
That’s funny.
You say that, and I didn’t stick around post-rework long enough to get "accustomed to ", or as you are implying, “dependent upon” the OP versions of Mercy.
That’s one hell of a vague description. That could literally be applied to any healer/tank in the game.
Pocketing was never her intended niche.
I find it funny. You criticize Mercy 1.x, saying she was only viable when used to pocket a few specific heroes…
And then turn around and praise the current Mercy when she’s only viable when paired with a few specific heroes.
Do a quick Google search for “numerical”.
Resurrect during 1.x had 5 times the numerical possibilities of use that 2.x has. It literally was more numerically complex than 2.x. That’s not something you can debate.
Blatantly false. I would just throw the entire “thought process” subsection at you, but this reply is super long as it is.
This doesn’t make it any more difficult to use.
Getting hit by a bus is very punishing.
Bus traffic can be restricting.
Is it hard to not get hit by a bus though?
This is where I would throw the “thought process” subsection at you again.
I’ve forgotten what this was about, and I really have zero motivation to find out at this point, given how petty your opening was.
I guess I’ll be willfully ignorant this time and move along.
I played Mercy at a GM level consistently before the rework, where Resurrect was easiest to counter. I would be among the first people to be worried about it being useless if it truly were useless, and it would be in my best interest to fix that out of all people playing this game. I, along with the other Mercy players who are in the top 1% of the competitive population, have the most to lose if Resurrect turns out to be useless.
I’m pretty flipping confident that it won’t be useless. We’ve seen how powerful tempo-Resurrections can be.
Well that’s nice.
That’s not.
It’s 9:03 here at the time I’m typing this up. I’m feeling more and more sarcastic as the night goes on. Please pardon my declining level of interest and increasing level of stupidity.
They’re two different versions of Valkyrie. Neither are relevant to the other.
Jeff is discussing a version of Valkyrie that has a spare charge of Resurrect and instant cast for each Resurrection.
I’m talking about the current Valkyrie; one that is entirely independent from Resurrect.
There’s no red herring. We are not discussing the same versions of Valkyrie.
If we were discussing the current version and he said the same thing, I’d still go head-to-head with him on that though… Because again, “The developers said/did X, therefore X is true/correct/justified” is an insanely weak argument considering the patch history and developer comments.
And was clearly enough to get Mercy changed in the first place.
It’s also reflected by the fact that Mercy’s Quickplay pickrates are less than half of what they were prior to the rework. If we’re generous and assume that only people who are happy with the rework are still playing Mercy, that’s still well over half of the Mercy population dropping their favorite hero because of a disastrous rework.
1% pickrate in GM.
At least, that was the case until the latest patch. I don’t know what the hell happened in the latest patch.
Let’s sit at a sub-1% pickrate for a week before shooting up to 6.5% in two days. Then we’ll drop down to 2.4% the next day. After that, we’ll shoot back up to 4.4% for a day and then fall back down to 1.1%. We’re going to confuse the hell out of anyone that tries to make sense of this.
And… Mercy being balanced never stopped the developers from reworking her in the first place.
You’re right, it’s not how balancing should work; it’s how game design should work. Games are made for fun. If they fail to provide that, they lose players.
That stats show that the majority of the “others” also don’t find it fun.
Have you ever heard of The Drawing Board?
If you read the OP, you should have.
You would find that statement you just made to be blatantly incorrect. I made several proposals when we were going through the refinement and voting process… none of them were the chosen results.
If these people…
… then it would have been my ideas that got selected.
But they weren’t what got selected. None of my ideas were chosen.
You act as though I’m the supreme leader of the Mercy players here on the forums, and while I like to joke about actually being the leader of the Mercy mains (which actually started long before I had to advocate for Mercy), the truth is I’m just some person that has a lot of people’s respect.
In the duration between the time you posted this and the time I am replying, I have been quoted/linked… three times.
Considering that there are currently 70 of us in constant contact with each other, and this is the most popular post on the Overwatch forums (literally five votes away from 1.5X the popularity of the #2 post), that’s not a lot of uses.
And besides, when you’re arguing with someone, why bother repeating the same points for the 30th time in the past month when you have the entire position laid out in one place?
Do go on.
Glad we could agree on something.