Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Okay, but they also said Sombra is a support and that she’s too meta and too op right now.
Their credibility is that of a dodgy lawyer.

Depends from role you play: as DPS you have a chance to carry bad team, but as tank or support your chances to succeed are very small.

That’s assuming you get to pick dps. You have more chance of finding dps mains simply because there are more dps heroes, so they have a much larger playerbase than the rest of the roster.

I really hope so… I end up feeling super frustrated when I’m playing with an Ana/Moira. My prioritization could be flawless, but they’re usually able to outheal me. While outhealing me, they’re also doing way more damage than I possibly could. It just feels horrible to play her.

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Then you play in higher tiers. In Gold I still manage to outheal Ana/Moira, as they often get attacked and forced to stop healing. Or sometimes we just have no other healers.

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I very specifically said you don’t have permission to quote my post here.

Which you have none, and I’m now reporting this comment.

C’mon. What’s the point of refuting someone’s post if that someone will never see it. Ok, asking one more time. Shall I delete it or no?

Ya know what, I’ll just delete it.

My primary concern with “rez mode” is the same with the original version of Valkyrie: it unshackles Mercy from the limitations of AoE rez, which kept its power in check.

AoE rez’s potency was hollowed out if your teammates died far away from each other, or if they died staggered. You just couldn’t get more than a solo or 2 man rez in that situation.

The original Valkyrie not only sidestepped that, but enabled teammates to die staggered deaths, far away from each other and actually be rewarded instead of punished for it. I want Mercy to go back to being a skillcheck for gamesense and teamplay on both sides, not an enabler of sloppy gameplay.


Oh gee… That sounds interesting. Ana still doesn’t commonly outheal me, but Moira does for sure. I’ve only really been playing in QP, but my account was in Masters the last time I placed. >.>

That is true in a way, but not all staggered deaths are an indication of sloppy gameplay either. The enemy could choose to solo ult or got a lucky headshot. So should the enemy be rewarded for that? Then for multirez, if Zarya pulled off a clutch grav and wiped out majority of the team, is it fair that Mercy could swoop and undo it all? Yes, I know it rarely happens, but with multirez there is always a possibility.

Original Valkryie in a way did have 2 ult charges, but with added flight and aoe healing and that Rez is an e ability on a 30s cooldown. I would think that this combination was what made it broken. The insane mobility of Mercy allowed her to quicky traverse across the map to reach dead teammates to rez them, while being able to sustain the rest of the team.

Both ults have its pros and cons, so I think both are viable options as a rework. Just that I feel it would be much easier to balance a rez mode for reasons i’ve explained in previous comments.

It depends what you define support to be. Sombra’s Kit is very support base not in the sense of HEALING which the HEALERS are… which a more accurate definition of what the supports are.

Sombra has a debuff/CC effect kit, which helps team in the sense she is supporting them and allowing them to do stuff by crippling the other team.

Out of all of the Damage Dealers, Sombra’s abilities aren’t all that offensive… she has a gun, but that gun isn’t all that strong.


Depends on the Tank, because tank has to make space… depends on the DPS because they need to know how to kill and depends on the Healers because they need to heal.

If you fill in one role, you have to rely on the other 5 people to know what they are doing and there a likely chance that they won’t be.

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If DPS is good enough to kill whole enemy team, game can be won with other 5 people being terrible. Doesn’t work that way with tanks or healers, due to their primary role being team-oriented: if team is bad, they can’t be solo players, or their efficiency is lower compared to DPS.

Oh, please. If you’re going to brag about “dismantling” my assertions, at least have the guts to put it where I can see it rather than trying to hide it because you’re scared it will backfire.

Quoting something someone said on the Overwatch Forums isn’t a reportable offense. You cry about false flags and then outright admit to doing the same thing an hour later.



Why are you playing tracer in bronze…while not letting your healer play ana. Why is the healer the one suppose to switch? Why can’t you play something easy to hit and play instead? 4 tanks in bronze is easy win. Triple tank/triple support especially is easy win all the way to t500

Like I said, your suggestion is pretty much Valkyrie 1.0 but somehow even stronger as Valkyrie 1.0 had a max of 3 rezzes per use and we can never go back to that version of her since it was just completely broken beyond repair (no matter how hard they’ve tried).

I think this explains all.

At this point she just has a more versatile Mass Res and it allows for a player being resurrected more than once. It’s very oppressive if Mercy is able to Resurrect 5 people over a long period of time. You don’t mention how long it lasts but since each Res has a 1 second cast time it has to be at least over 6 seconds of activation, 10-15 seconds being much more reasonable to be used flexibly. That is just too long a period of time for Mercy to be able to continuously bring people back and will completely break the midfight and make her a must pick again.

This suggestion also does not address the issue of Mercy not being fun to play. With this iteration of Res you don’t really have to think about what the best way to use it as it’s too forgiving with it’s duration. Because of it’s strength and how much it oppresses the enemy team you will want to use it whenever you can. There is no thought process there.

There is also not a whole lot of counterplay for this ultimate as we’re right back to the only counter being to kill the Mercy, a task that is not easy now since Mercy has had a significant buff to her mobility and with the introduction of Brigitte she can easily protect the Mercy player from enemy flankers.

Result would always be: when the Mercy player activates her ultimate the only thing the enemy team can do is to back off and wait for it to finish, get more than 5 kills during this period of time (not easy to do) or, and here’s the easiest solution that will force a new Mercy meta, have a Mercy of their own who can active her ultimate at the same time to counter the enemy ultimate.

E rez is valuable but not as an ultimate:

E rez is strong since it can be used every team fight. If it was an ultimate it could only be used once every 2 teamfights (at most). Bringing back one person every other team fight is just not strong enough for an ultimate ability and will make her trash tier. However, as this is not your suggestion we can ignore that, that was a misunderstanding on my part.

Your suggestion will make her a must pick as I mentioned above.

I disagree as I think it is still pretty easy for Mercy to bring back a teamwipe as long as she has 5 charges. Teamwipes are rare and mostly happen after a team fight has concluded instead of in the span of a short period of time (although that does occasionally happen). The Rez Mode would completely kill of the idea of a teamwipe as Mercy can continue to res the enemy players meaning you can never secure the picks. You kill 3 people with your ult? As long as Mercy has that 1 second window of opportunity (which she can since there are still 2 players on her team active in the team fight) she’ll be able to res one of them, reducing their advantage significantly and making it just that much easier for her to resurrect the other 2 who died in that ultimate.

I am against the current version of the Tempo Res but for Tempo Ressing as a concept in which you sacrifice the big Mass Res in favor of using a Tempo Res to benefit your team. As it currently stands there is no downside to using the Tempo Res, only benefits. I am particularly fond of the thought process that goes into balancing Tempo Resses and Mass Resses where you might opt to use the Tempo Res as you think you won’t need a Mass Res later on or opt to not use it knowing you might need the Mass Res. This is just one aspect that made the original Mercy a complex and fun hero to play.

That is exactly what the suggestion for a cast time and LoS implementation would also fix without completely breaking the game.

We can use the current cast time as an estimate as well as the cast time of other ultimates and how easy they are to stun. Plus, the cast time can be shortened, nothing about this suggestion is written in stone.

And that is a bad thing because??? We want Mercy to be more difficult to play and this iteration of the Mass Res would also reward team play.

Pharah has an activation time of 3 seconds during which she is completely immobile. Mercy would only have a cast time of 1 second.

Yes but moreso. Like I said, your suggestion is active during a period of time meaning it’s not just one Tempo Res, it’s multiple Tempo Resses during a period of time. No matter how many people Mercy brings back with the Mass Res it’s just those people and then it’s used up, meaning it won’t have any effect on the team fight until Mercy builds up her ultimate again.

The functionality of Valkyrie is not the aspect that I was comparing it to. I was comparing it’s value to the strength of Valkyrie 1.0 as it will have a similar effect on the game. Valkyrie was bad because it allowed for a period of time where Mercy could continuously resurrect her teammates, exactly what your suggestion does as well.

But we do have data. You are literally suggesting Valkyrie 1.0 which we already know was OP and problematic.

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To be honest if a DPS is that good, either they are in the wrong rank or the other team sucks… like there are games where I just dominate as Widowmaker… so I get what you mean… but this still falls back onto what YourOverwatch said, the ranks are just a mess since individual performances has no impact on rank, it depends on winning and losing as a team.

And that’s the problem.

We want her to be more complex.

you can still have a reasonably complex hero who is easy to play.


Far from scared. I just know you and you’re little following well enough to know the only thing a discussion with you entails is mass false flags to your detractors.

It is when that person very specifically asked you for permission, got denied, then did it anyway with a snarky comment. That quite literally falls under the definition of trolling.

Now don’t @ me again, or your little following.

It really isn’t against CoC but whatever helps you sleep at night. Besides, I’m still too busy laughing at, “I totally ripped apart Titanium in an off-post but don’t tell her I said that!”.