Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Hope all multi-target ults will be removed then.

There is no such thing as “bad behavior”, when it comes to maximizing output of your ultimate.


When player chooses to use a multitarget ult purely for escape rather than to support her team, this is understandable.

The devs identified and described the bad behavior at the time mass rez was thankfully removed from the game. Those details are still available online if one wishes to review them

When you got deadeye, tactical visor, or any other multi-target DPS ult, it’s acceptable to wait for every other teammate to die, so nothing gets in the way of your multi-kill streak.

So, no bad behavior.


Again, the bad behavior in question was fully documented by the devs and was the reason that mass rez was removed from the game. If one doesnt feel it was bad behavior, one is entitled to said opinion, but ultimately, the devs decide what behaviors are bad and ergo need to be removed from the game, as they did in the case of mass rez

couldve removed the “bad behavior” your talking about by fixing the sr exploit that existed at the time, then hide and rez would become a thing of the past and mass rez could just be mass rez.


Instead hide & rez became even more common, since old fashioned wall remains best protection, when you become slow like snail.


I think the devs made the right decision here, and i believe any form of mass/multi rez will result in the same bad behavior

The bad behavior is not occurring anymore because mass rez has been removed from the game

Still occurring, and it didn’t go anywhere. Just like with DPS ults it’s still best idea to activate one early, so it doesn’t get interrupted by last second CC and gets, at least, something done. Ideally, you would get most kills and claim POTG.


The behavior in question here no longer occurs, because the thing that induced it - mass rez - is thankfully no longer in the game

You’re a console player – you play console games where poking/kiting at the enemy is a legit strategy at all levels, even at top 500, as evidenced by the number of Mercy and Pharah top 500 players in your platform. In PC, any of those top 500 Pharahs are going to be shot down by a plat Widowmaker.


This statement as a whole appears to be what i have heard others described as “console shaming” as if console players are somehow lesser beings.

This despite the fact that we pay a higher price and play the same game-same name, same characters, same maps, same modes, same rules etc etc etc

No – notice how I said poking/kiting is a legit strategy on console? That bit is a fair critique about the difference between console and PC. On PC, players mostly play for picks, even at low ELOs, but especially at high ELOs.

Now that they buffed Doomfist, there’s even a one trick DF in top 500 PC again.

It’s a legit difference between console and PC, and you can’t see it because you haven’t played both platforms – my nephew has a console, I dabbled for a short while on console, and it’s a different game because of this.


you pay a higher price because you are buying physical copies or more for digital because they know console players will pay it despite the pricing being better on pc,

also we’ve already chatted about the large difference between console and pc metas.

overbuff stats alone show that huge change between the platforms, it is how it is.


I have watched many games played on pc, and i know others who play the game on both sytems, and based on my observations and speaking with these individusls, it is quite clear that the games are the same, as i said before

Attempts to make console players or the console game itself appear lesser is an unfortunate thing, and thankfully, most pc players dont seem to do so

Yeah, my brother has to pay an annual PS+ subscription so that my nephew can play Overwatch – the pricing feels unfair because my nephew only plays 2 games in that platform: Destiny 2 and OW.

I dont find Overbuff to be an accurate or complete spurce of data.

Console players pay ongoing usage fees in addition to the price of a copy of the game itself

Its the best we’ve got till we get official data,

yes i’ll never understand why people pay for peer to peer connections.

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A rotten apple remains rotten even if it is the best apple you have available.

You dont make a pie with it for your family, even though it is the best you have

Same positioning, same game sense requirements, but different team compositions making it to the top level because players on PCs flick faster than their counterparts on console.

Even with mouse and keyboard attachments for console, I’ve read that it’s still bound by the turn speed of the controller settings – no such limitation on PC MnK exists.

Heck, there are even one-trick Pharahs on top 500 on console – even Valkiah has to play McRee and Widow every so often.

So same rules, same positioning, just different results because of the limitations of console input.

So let me reiterate – on console, players can play for kite/poke, so healing is VERY relevant. If that was the case for PC, I’d be happy for Mercy to have her current healing – unfortunately, players play for picks (aka instant kills) on PC, so resurrect (specifically tempo resurrects) is more relevant on PC.