Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Okay, but you need to realize…


You don’t get to pass blame onto the person who is confused when you yourself caused the confusion. And the fact that you’re damage controlling this hard is also kind of telling because most people would apologize for the miscommunication and just move past it.

If you can’t understand something that is common sense, then you obviously haven’t picked up on the fact that I don’t believe you shut my arguments “tf down”… neither does MrPlz. Even though you clearly believe so…

You… can’t be this oblivious. No one is this oblivious.

Like, I don’t mean this in an insulting way (but you’ll probably deflect it while taking offense to it anyway), but this is the sort of disbelief I would have when arguing with a child?

I’m not assuming your age, but I AM getting a tumbling feeling of “just end me please” when I have to explain a 14 layer deep “but why” with an actual child.


Yeap, I’m just curious how long he wants to continue being aggressive in his usual passive-aggressive behavior.

Lol, I kinda like this take on certain people on the Net considering memes are so popular these days.

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I’m criticizing you because it feels incredibly childish and takes up space that is an obstacle for communication.

Yeah… okay I can clearly see you believe yourself to be.

But then there’s this…

I don’t need to know specifics. I just need to know one thing. Humor me, for the sake of my sanity.

Have you graduated high school within the last 3 years?


You have not been a paragon of communication in this exchange. You have done many things to make it difficult and to encourage misunderstanding. Like referring to youtube videos as literature.

Yo… Where did I make that leap? Show me.

I have no reason to apologize to you and your noise. If I have an obligation to apologize, so do you.


Wow really? So… You have lost all ground as far to any legitimate argument regarding the topic at hand (reference the OP and this thread) and now you’re asking me about when I graduated from high school? Hahaha. SAD AF KID! Please, learn to actually support your arguments.

I graduated 13 years ago btw. Fml… You are sad.

I know the feeling. It eventually goes to all out brawls and “oh, we won how did we win?”… it’s sort of refreshing?

I sent a friend request, it’d be nice to play with a fellow tank-flex main.

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Sure. Bye! :slight_smile:

Oh wow, that actually did not help my sanity at all.

Okay. I guess we are done here. Good day to you.

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Sure, if you say so. :smile:

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Ikr? :smile: That’s how I react to everything you say. :rofl:

I also wanted to contribute to the discussion one of the best explanations that I have read so far. It was actually written by orion, but I love to repeat it:


I didn’t even realize your name until now. Glenmorangie is a great Scotch. :+1:

I’ll take a look at that specific post tomorrow and then get back to you.

I really want there to be a… Constructive discussion around Mercy. Instead of one that just crutches on personal emotions and demanding the world revolves around them like I dealt with tonight.

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Lol, sure.

I feel that the direction of the buffs to other supports, nerfs to Mercy aligning her healing with those of other healers, and the introduction of Baptiste as a new healer-support trends towards a certain direction: that they will buff Mercy’s capabilities to do eliminations. What is your opinion about buffs in this direction?

It’s same level of OP, as other support ults. Difference is that other ults make teammate near unkillable damage sponge, while mostly keeping same level of damage output, where this new ult will turn player into glass cannon - dangerous, but easy to put down, since survivability isn’t improved at all.

As start, Mercy can lose her infinite ammo on pistol. Instead, teammates get it, as long as ult is active. 15 s of no-reloading for whole team.

Very poor. If someone wants to do killing, they pick DPS.

It’s about as bad idea, as buffing biotic field for 76 to make him better at healing teammates. :woman_facepalming:


It really is :wink:

That would be nice, and I happily invite you to that and I am looking forward to your response.

but here is a question: why do you fuel this kind of unproductive conversation? I already asked the other two to stop. You see there is a german saying “der Klügere gibt nach”, which is roughly translated in “the smarter one … gives in (?? I am not sure of the last one, sorry)”. But In your case, non of the sides stopped…

Well, I think that, at least without a plain even more severe rework, that this would not work. You see, Ana, Moira and Baptiste do their job as healers and DDs simultaniously, without any kind of delay (I exclude Lucio, Zen and Brigitte because they are off healers and are just “kind of healing by the way”). While with mercy with the weapon change it is like changing her “mode”, and “going battle-mercy” is a much more fitting term. In this period, it is CLEAR that you abandonned your actual job (healing). If you buff this “mode”, you would rise the urge to use it in a normal team combat, what is the wrong way imo. It would harm your team and it would cause a lot of confusion IN your team if your step was necessary or not… (edit: just like if you choose moira and decide for a dmg-orb rather than a healing orb, but this is a lot more hazy because you could STILL heal after you chose the DMG-orb)


I am not in favor of the changes noted in said proposal.

It was and is an exercise in seeing if there is any compromise between the sides, or rather parts of the sides

I don’t comment on the forums anymore, but I wanted to say that I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels like the balance of resurrect doesn’t make any sense in its current form. Having an ability function with the same penalties as an ultimate, without any of the major game swinging potential, is very strange. It’s one of the main reasons why I personally think res needs to go, because the risk factor associated with it is simply too high. At least in my opinion.

Also I’m not entirely against Valkyrie as an ult. I think it just needs some synergy with an ability that can make it feel more “ultimate like,” or maybe Blizzard could look into making her healing output more potent during Valk. Although that would probably make her healing seem even more “overpowered,” and wouldn’t break the feeling of being in an over-glorified spectator mode.

But at this point I’m just waiting to see if Blizzard will admit that they messed up with their current, more balanced, version of Mercy. As well as their whole, “This dps hero is a buff to Mercy” balancing philosophy, which also makes ZERO sense.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been on the forums but I felt like I just had to say this.

The second that Mercy can mesh well in Tank-dominated compositions is the day that Mercy once again becomes THE best Support hero in the game bar-none.

Mercy has historically done terrible in Tank-based compositions and Blizzard has purposely left her that way because Tank-based comps aren’t her niche.

Mercy is already reigning queen of team-comps that focus more on supporting Damage heroes and chip damage rather than Tanks & burst damage.

The reason Mercy got nerfed from 60 HPS to 50 HPS was because she was doing so much more healing that Ana & Moira whilst being played in a Reinhardt & Zarya meta.

…and before people say it, I know she got buffed from 50 to 60 in the past, but the only reason that happened was because Ana was overpowered back in Season 3 (Biotic Grenade’s effect lasted a second longer and had a 100% increase to all healing sources versus the current 50% increase), so the buffed Mercy’s healing output so that she could keep up with her.

Mercy doesn’t have burst healing because she already has guaranteed sustained healing with her primary beam and adding burst healing would just make her omnipresent.

I know people will disagree or hate what I have to say about this, but this is the truth.

Mercy is supposed to be omnipresent, btw, for simple reason - she isn’t best for anything. DPS still benefit more from Ana, thanks to her nanoboost and ability to heal 50% of their health instantly by her nade.

Even with 60 hps on the regular, she has just enough healing to keep 2 tanks healed. 3+ can’t be sustained, so you don’t have to worry about her being used in tank meta. Can remove chain beams from Valkyrie to be sure, that she won’t be able to heal multiple tanks at the same time.

Or, to put it as list:

  • if team decided on dive, pick Lucio/Zenyatta;
  • if team decided on multiple tanks, pick Ana/Moira;
  • if team didn’t make a decision, pick Mercy.

That’s her niche - to work in any team composition, or lack of one, on decent level. While other supports work a lot better at their specific compositions, but lose most of their power in others.


Now that, I can get behind that. It would still require the whole team to aim, still OP, but they can balance the numbers when it’s on PTR.

The counterargument is that they can also pick supports which can kill.

However, my feel for it are with you – I don’t like the idea of battle Mercy as an integral part of her gameplay, just an option for emergency situations, and other kinds of Mercy playstyles.

I had enough DPS Moira players to learn, that “pick supports that can kill” usually turns into “pick supports that only kill”, with healing barely even used.

When someone plays Mercy, there is, at least, 90% chance they will be actually supporting their team. With other support heroes, it can fall to 50%, depending on exact players.