Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

It’s also a net nerf to Mercy’s ultimate. You’re decreasing the total team healing potential from 300 HPS to 240 HPS. Considering that you insist that Mercy’s current balance is fine, I find it interesting that you’d so carelessly propose nerfing her.

As consequence, its ability to effectively deal with enemy burst is reduced, because while your ability to protect a single target is slightly enhanced (though far from adequate from warding off true burst), your ability to protect your other teammates is nerfed by a proportionally greater degree–meaning whatever value Valkyrie did hold over Coalescence or Rally, etc, at blocking AOE damage has been reduced. Which, this is fine if the corresponding compensation to the single-target protection is meaningfully large, but with your numbers, it isn’t–80 HPS, even with lock-on, is less than other main healer’s standard healing, provided you don’t have absurdly poor aim (which isn’t really a great excuse, considering Moira exists and requires minimal aim investment).

This is why I’ve stated that it makes more sense to just make Valkyrie a single-target beam that heals on the order of 120 to 140 HPS–obviously a large nerf to team healing, but a significant buff to single-target healing. It’s also much more in line with Mercy’s normal playstyle, and whereas Valkyrie encourages laziness with beam juggling since even your proposed nerfed version reduces the pressure to dynamically attend to priority targets and instead just pocket one or two capital players while letting the chain beams do the rest of the work, a single-target beam with large payout more appropriately encourages triage rather than pocketing.

For this reason, saying:

is non-factual and instead a poorly-supported opinion, even though you attempt to label it fact. There is some additional value for one player, but the magnitude of that value is highly questionable in light of what’s being given up for it, particularly given that said proposal doesn’t appreciably increase the skill expression of Valkyrie.

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Basically, one is permitted to use a limited number of likes per day. I am guessing the number is in the vicinity of 50, but I’ve never actually counted them.

A like is only considered current for 24 hours, so if you have no likes remaining (ie, per the message Titanium showed) you have to wait until your oldest remaining like has aged 24 hours before you can use the next like

If you use all 50 (or whatever) likes over the course of an hour, then, you’d get a message when they are all used up that you have to wait 23 hours before using another like

and so forth

10k, stealing it now.

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To be fair, I’m pretty sure Reinhardt is a one-star tank, and he’s got quite a good amount of skill expression in his kit. As far as I’m concerned, the star system only really describes skill floor, not skill ceiling.

NOOOO you monster!


One star is how easy a hero is to pick up and play - their skill floor.

I woudn’t dream of saying that Mercy isn’t really easy to pick up. But that doesn’t mean that she can’t have a long and rewarding skill curve for anyone who commits to mastering her.

The fact that Mercy’s only playmaking ability has ever been rez is actually one of my complaints about Mercy. It piles up too much of her power budget into one ability. The devs keep saying that they don’t want Mercy to be too focused on rez, but they’ve never given her any other fallback when things get hairy.

Back in the 1.0 days, mercy players had to work around their lack of mid-fight value by jury-rigging rez into a makeshift burst heal -which is a lot of what tempo rez was.

If Mercy 1.0 had an E ability that she could fall back on when her base heals get overwhelmed (like Ana with her nade, or Moira with her orb), we would have seen a lot less of Mercy slinking away from the fight. Most of the time she did that, it was because she realized “whelp, my teammates are going to die no matter how hard I heal them. I’d better set up to use the only backup left in my kit: rez”.


I address the “nerf or buff” question in the body of the original post.

300 and 240 are theoretical maximums, not real numbers, and nigh impossible to achieve

My statement is indeed factual

We can discuss this further if you’d like in the actual thread

You simply state that you feel that it’ll be a buff on the premise that “some teammates will not be hit as hard.” You provide no additional reasoning why. I have explained why it’s a nerf–while, yes, its single-target healing is slightly improved, its ability to deter burst damage to said target is not appreciably improved (which is the ostensible trade-off), and its ability to adequately address AOE damage is much more significantly nerfed.

Keeping in mind that 300 and 240 are “theoretical,” my point still stands. Regardless of the total actual healing, the limits of Valkyrie are capped at a lower amount–240 HPS for overall healing, and 40 HPS for teammates other than the targeted teammate. Not only does this proposal not significantly value skill expression due to the maintained efficacy of pocketing, it reduces the current value that Valkyrie possesses.

Stating that it is factual does not make it so, particularly when evidence has been provided against it. A non-fact remains a non-fact whether or not you choose to recognize it, and I have cited reasoning as to why your statement is, indeed, not a fact. In absence of reasoning to the contrary, you’re again practicing denialism and essentially stating, “I’m right because I’m right.”

Partly why I criticize your proposal here is to contrast it with what Silawatsi is saying regarding skill expression, which is one of the primary gripes that Titanium enumerated in the OP. In short, your proposal, while slightly better in terms of skill expression than the current iteration of Valkyrie, still does not provide the kind of high-payoff skill ceiling that Silawatsi and Titanium have described as being one of the principle reasons behind why they despise Mercy’s current state. This largely stems from a continued adherence to the chain-beam design of Valkyrie, which is why I have stated a couple times now that it’d be better to focus on a single-beam Valkyrie.


This is what Megadodo’s proposition tends to tho. It’s a compromise, probably not the best one, since when trying to do everything you become mediocre at everything, but the idea is there

For the record, I would like a single beam with no chains at all, I think

Gaaahh I don’t think Valkyrie fits in Mercy’s ult slot at all. There’s not enough skill expression, and even if it was changed to a single, more powerful beam it would still be using the beam juggling skills from Mercy’s base kit (i.e. “more of the same”) instead of demanding the player to master a new, separate skill that raises the overall skill ceiling.


Right, I’m more saying that his proposal doesn’t actually hit the desirable compromise for reasons noted, though. Basically, the idea of a single-beam Valk is to maintain the overarching mechanics of Valkyrie without drastically changing Mercy’s playstyle, but still furnishing the skill expression that pro-rework players want. The problem with his proposal, as I stated, is that it doesn’t actually concede nearly as much as he states and instead mostly focuses on maintaining Valkyrie as-is while creating the facsimile of skill expression, though under the proposal, that skill expression is of dubious value since the “benefit” isn’t actually that significant while the detriment has more obvious implications in terms of AOE

In short, I don’t think it really satisfies the concerns that have been levied in this thread


You hit the nail on the head.

My reaction to dodo’s rework could be summed up with a metaphor:

A woman is upset that her beloved dog has gone missing, and has been replaced with a ferret.

A person related to the woman assumes that dying the ferret the same color as her missing dog will make her happy with the replacement. It’s a nice thought, but it doesn’t really do anything to actually fix the problem of the missing dog.

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This is just so much text, but I’m just gonna put in my view on Valkyrie.

When Mercy had her mass-res ultimate, I, and I know a lot of other people, used it to survive longer. But you can no longer do that with either Mercy’s resurrect or her ultimate. So she has terrible survivability. And no, Guardian Angel is no help. It’s very slow and it does not work most of the time because of server ping/tickrate. Sometimes it even takes the server so long to realise that the target you flew to was not actually in your line of sight, that it just ends your momentum in the middle of a flight. It just drops you off.

What I think Vaklyrie should do;

  • Heal Mercy upon use.
  • Give her a speed boost for a short amount of time at use. That way she can get out of danger and quickly get to safety.

If those are added, I believe her 60 heal is enough.

That… is a strange metaphor lol

A strange metaphor is the best I can do to describe my reaction to dodo’s rework without indirectly insulting him. I can respect his dedication to Mercy, but we are polar opposites on what we believe she needs.


I will be happy to discuss your post above when/if it is posted in the rework thread

I will add just two things here:

  1. when I state that something is factual, I am certain that it is, and I do not use the term to attempt to make something factual that is not factual

  2. I am not attempting in this rework to satisfy mass rez/revertmercy fans, and this is specifically noted in the original post There are 5 specific complaints it addresses to some extent - these too are in the originalpost - and if one’s issues with Mercy are not one or more of those 5, this rework will most likely provide zero relief to said individual

The thing about your use of the word “Facual” is that you’ve used it so much that it’s lost its meaning. After reading so many of your posts oversaturated with the word “factually”, my eyes skip over the word. It’s practically a catchphrase by now.


Personally, I believe (with near certainty) that factual will always retain the same meaning, specifically, delineation of something that is a fact from other things that are not, such as opinions

You’re missing the point and are now arguing over semantics.

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If that is the case, then is it not then also true that the last 2 posts from folks other than me can also be described in this same fashion?

Given that this thread is focused on restoring mass rez, and the dodo rework specifically notes that it does nothing in regards to restoring mass rez, yes, I understand

For someone to see value in the dodo rework, one generally has to have one or more of the 5 listed issues (listed early in the OP) with Mercy. The dodo rework addresses these 5 issues, so if a given player doesn’t have one or more of these issues, they will most likely see no value in the dodo rework

The dodo rework is a compromise of sorts. If one is unwilling to compromise, this too will mean that the dodo rework has little or no value for that one. Given the many hardline stances I have seen taken in this thread, I would not expect to find support for such a compromise plan within this thread; and in turn why i ask to take the conversation about it to its own thread