Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

McCree isn’t flanking; he has a wall of wall between him and everyone else.


That still doesn’t raise Mercy’s skill ceiling, since beam prioritization is a skill from Mercy’s base kit.

Do you have any ult suggestions that adds an additional skill for Mercy to master? Something she doesn’t use in her base kit?

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Factually, Mercy in her base kit doesnt have multiple beams to juggle

Factually, Mercy in her base kit heals any target at the same rate

Factually, Mercy’s current ult does not incentivize much juggling, and the version in this rework greatly incentivizes it

Factually, considerable additional value is achieved via this rework for the Mercy player who uses better judgement in the juggling of the beam

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Yeah I like the idea of a big main beam and little chains, even tho I feel like it could be even BiggerMainLittlerChains
This wouldn’t solve all of it tho imo

The “Invigorate” ability doesn’t seem good to me tho. I don’t think a heal could ever beat a rez, and that would mean you couldn’t use the heal, if you want to get the maximum value.
Also, it would be a 30 seconds cooldown heal, right ? Or could be put it on another cooldown, but on the same key ? This would be kinda cool

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Ooohh we’re bringing this back? I’m in!

Winston isn’t retreating to his healers after diving the enemy, he’s abandoning the fight

Reinhardt isn’t blocking damage, he’s hiding behind his shield

Widowmaker isn’t playing in her proper range, she’s refusing to touch the point

Mei isn’t denying the enemy space with her wall, she’s putting up a wall between her and the enemy team


no offense intended, but I’d prefer to discuss this set of topics on the rework thread …would you be ok with me copying your post from here and putting it over there?

edit: I see you already did, thanks

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The Forums:



Factually, Mercy factually juggles her factual beam around and factually exercises factual beam priority with her beams, factually.

No matter what form they take - whether it’s in her base form, or any ability or ult that involves increasing their strength or changing their properites - Mercy’s beams use the same skillset.

Do you have any suggestions that would expand Mercy’s skillset instead of increasing the emphasis on the tiny one she’s been left with?

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Wait I’m confused

You got too many likes or liked too many people?

What do you need to ‘‘try again’’ here

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I just like how slowly it creeps into people

out of curiosity what’s your complaint with Mercy, is it just low skill ceiling?

I would be ok with Mercy keeping her core mechanics in her ults if they were just more powerful. Wouldn’t you ?
I feel like keeping her skill ceilling while seeing the impact you actually make would solve most of the issues I have with Valkyrie now

The current version of Mercy heals 60main60chains. Theres not much incentive to juggle beams

The dodo rework version of Mercy heals 80main40chains. Theres a great deal of incentive to juggle beams

I personally am appreciative that Blizzard has characters that people with physical limitations/handicaps can use effectively - the game is very inclusive in this way, and I for one am very happy about that

That’s the crux of it. A low skill ceiling implies several more things, including a lack of playmaking ability and engagement for the player.

I was orginally drawn to Mercy with the player fantasy of playing her like an RTS. This means having a lot of variables to keep track of, planning several steps ahead, and taking great strategical risks for great reward. At the height of my Mercy 1.0 experience, I felt like a general on the battlefield.

The Mercy 2.0 rework stripped away the rewards for keeping track of everything on the map and planning several steps ahead.

At first, it was because rez was suddenly so plentiful that you could pretty much spam it - there was no reason to painstakingly plan out how you would use it, since it wasn’t a rare rescource anymore.

Later as the nerfs piled up, it was because Mercy lacked any playmaking abilities to actually do anything worthwhile with the information she gathers. It’s like the prophet Cassandra: you see imminent doom, but are powerless to stop it.

The most insulting part of the 2.0 rework was how it enabled and rewarded Mercy for being careless. Being careless during Mercy 1.0 was a cardinal sin, and it was only after you stripped that fatal flaw away and became a paranoid basturd that you could become a real Mercy main. Seeing the carelessness built into the very foundation of Mercy 2.0 still has me gritting my teeth.

I want Mercy to go back to the state where she demands strict discipline, zero margin for error or carelessness, and a tactical mind honed to a razer’s edge in order to master her and use her at the highest levels of play. I want her to be the epitome of the thinking man’s healer.

She’d of course still be easy to pick up for beginners - lock on beams and Guardian Angel are enough for even someone who’s never played video games before to get some value out of her - but her skill curve is something I want to see continually rise instead of plateauing somewhere around platinum.


it is so super tempting to just simply reply to this with she’s just a 1 star support

but basically Mercy’s only ever to make playmaking abilities with rez?

It’s also a net nerf to Mercy’s ultimate. You’re decreasing the total team healing potential from 300 HPS to 240 HPS. Considering that you insist that Mercy’s current balance is fine, I find it interesting that you’d so carelessly propose nerfing her.

As consequence, its ability to effectively deal with enemy burst is reduced, because while your ability to protect a single target is slightly enhanced (though far from adequate from warding off true burst), your ability to protect your other teammates is nerfed by a proportionally greater degree–meaning whatever value Valkyrie did hold over Coalescence or Rally, etc, at blocking AOE damage has been reduced. Which, this is fine if the corresponding compensation to the single-target protection is meaningfully large, but with your numbers, it isn’t–80 HPS, even with lock-on, is less than other main healer’s standard healing, provided you don’t have absurdly poor aim (which isn’t really a great excuse, considering Moira exists and requires minimal aim investment).

This is why I’ve stated that it makes more sense to just make Valkyrie a single-target beam that heals on the order of 120 to 140 HPS–obviously a large nerf to team healing, but a significant buff to single-target healing. It’s also much more in line with Mercy’s normal playstyle, and whereas Valkyrie encourages laziness with beam juggling since even your proposed nerfed version reduces the pressure to dynamically attend to priority targets and instead just pocket one or two capital players while letting the chain beams do the rest of the work, a single-target beam with large payout more appropriately encourages triage rather than pocketing.

For this reason, saying:

is non-factual and instead a poorly-supported opinion, even though you attempt to label it fact. There is some additional value for one player, but the magnitude of that value is highly questionable in light of what’s being given up for it, particularly given that said proposal doesn’t appreciably increase the skill expression of Valkyrie.

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Basically, one is permitted to use a limited number of likes per day. I am guessing the number is in the vicinity of 50, but I’ve never actually counted them.

A like is only considered current for 24 hours, so if you have no likes remaining (ie, per the message Titanium showed) you have to wait until your oldest remaining like has aged 24 hours before you can use the next like

If you use all 50 (or whatever) likes over the course of an hour, then, you’d get a message when they are all used up that you have to wait 23 hours before using another like

and so forth

10k, stealing it now.

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To be fair, I’m pretty sure Reinhardt is a one-star tank, and he’s got quite a good amount of skill expression in his kit. As far as I’m concerned, the star system only really describes skill floor, not skill ceiling.

NOOOO you monster!


One star is how easy a hero is to pick up and play - their skill floor.

I woudn’t dream of saying that Mercy isn’t really easy to pick up. But that doesn’t mean that she can’t have a long and rewarding skill curve for anyone who commits to mastering her.

The fact that Mercy’s only playmaking ability has ever been rez is actually one of my complaints about Mercy. It piles up too much of her power budget into one ability. The devs keep saying that they don’t want Mercy to be too focused on rez, but they’ve never given her any other fallback when things get hairy.

Back in the 1.0 days, mercy players had to work around their lack of mid-fight value by jury-rigging rez into a makeshift burst heal -which is a lot of what tempo rez was.

If Mercy 1.0 had an E ability that she could fall back on when her base heals get overwhelmed (like Ana with her nade, or Moira with her orb), we would have seen a lot less of Mercy slinking away from the fight. Most of the time she did that, it was because she realized “whelp, my teammates are going to die no matter how hard I heal them. I’d better set up to use the only backup left in my kit: rez”.