Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State (Part 1) - #14160 by Indasa-2735.

Previous discussions:


So if you go over 5000 it makes a new thread automatically!?

I had no idea this forum function even existed!



It’s really sad that it’s been 8 years since Mercy first got butchered, and the devs STILL haven’t fixed her.

To add insult to injury, they keep finding new ways to make Mercy even worse.




imo, Mercy is is a much better state now that she was at any time during the Moth era and prior.

I see her as close to balanced at the moment

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Man. I just want party Rez back

for me, mass rez is THE worst power to have ever been in the game

I do not want to see it or the unwanted/unheroic behavior that comes with it ever in the game again

Me neither! I’ve been here for a long time and this is the first time I’ve actually seen it happen.


Mercy and Symmetra showcase that heroes get ruined when you base entire reworks around something as wishy washy and biased as how they feel to ‘‘play against’’, and how Blizz will make up excuses as to why they are fine.

Mercy needs a worthwhile ultimate back, and Symmetra needs her entire power budget redistributed from team TP to her actual kit.


Same here. This is wild.

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It used to be much higher… 20,000 posts, specifically.

The old Overwatch forums had so much feedback about Mercy’s 2017 rework, that the mods instituted a “official Mercy feedback megathread.” They dumped all threads that tried to discuss Mercy into the megathread, and had to make a new megathread every time the old one filled up to it’s 20k post capacity. There were at least five of them by the time the “new forums” were implemented.

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I wonder why it says “5000 replies” when the bar on the right says over 14000. Or maybe it’s specifically referring to replies in the thread and not simply just posts.

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Only thing that would make me very happy is Season 1 GA

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I had the same question. And I can’t think of a good answer. Your explanation is as good as any I’ve got.

As much as most players hated it, mass rez actually had a place in the game back then. When every ult was super powerful and genji could get team wipes off every naked (non nano) blade. Before immorts and other play denial abilities were introduced, and heroes died quickly.

It has absolutely no place in the current game that is full of all that sustain crud though. Players would hate it even more than before I’d wager.

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It’s necessary evil, so they can hate all they want, they would hate it only on enemy team anyway.

Players hate nade, but it’s still a thing, not removed from game, despite tanks despising it’s existence.

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Mercy used rez on that thread? That’s pretty G.


Too busy pushing Ana to the top, despite her causing damage to tank retention(in this case “how it feels to play against” suddenly stops being applied).


My biggest problem with Mercy is that her ult does nothing.

Rez is more of an ultimate than Valk is.
Sure the team dmg boost is nice, but you can only boost damage boost for so long, if you have to heal every worthless piece of damage with 45 hp/s.

Give Valk 70 hp/s that ignore the dps passive! :clap:


Quite simply, the power fantasy of these characters was destroyed because of the ego, selfishness, and attention seeking of others.

Ironically, many of the biggest voices that pushed for these changes don’t even play the game anymore.