Does that mean you can get +SR for losing round at higher tiers, if your individual performance was good? Like, you healed a lot and performed role of support well, but other team had better DPS and you lost.
It should be, but it isn’t…
Wouldn’t that bring back unhealthy stat padding behavior?
How else do you make game more fair for each individual player? Seems like even devs realized, that teamwork is a myth, and holding everyone responsible is never ending source of toxicity.
Besides, if your stats are not high enough in 5 matches, you may lose your rank, so it’s already present.
Unless you turn this game into “every man for himself” death match, then toxicity will always remain. When you have to rely on others but take things too seriously, toxicity is inevitable.
People just need to learn how to manage their anger out-bursts. It’s fine to be frustrated at the end of a game where you have lost but that doesn’t give anyone the right to flame their team.
If you still climb, despite losing games, solely on your performance, there are less reasons to get angry at your team. But if your climb depends from other 5 players, and you lose game, you start asking who is to blame for that. Especially if you got all gold medals, which usually indicates good personal performance.
Some roles are less reliant on team, than others.
Yeah, 4 golds… Pretty bad when the most valuable Hero is your healer (Lucio, Zenyatta, Moria, Ana, an for some Mercy) and not any the team’s DPS Heroes.
Exactly, which is why I’ve advocated to drop the SR win/loss gains in the past. But for some reason, people don’t care about fair, and prefer to tie their Skill Rating to their team’s performance and be toxic because of it.
Sure, it sounds weird being able to climb while losing, but how else are you going to depict an individual’s skill? Not by tying it to their team’s performance, that’s for sure.
Genji refused to touch payload.
Heh, like that one time where people got Gaku Space (Genji’s VA) to say “I am allergic to the payload” during a signing session.
Personally I don’t think anyone should necessarily be climbing if they lose, no matter their performance. You should be trying your best to work with your team for success, that being said, I am all for people losing less SR if they performed to a certain expectation or greater. So that it is more reasonable to climb.
I think this would be a good alternative if devs want to keep Valkyrie while also moving Rez to her ultimate.
If your team is bad, unlike you, due to matchmaking not being failsafe, why you should be punished for it? Loss of SR is still punishment.
It really shouldn’t, the individual based sr system encouraged inflation of stats and poor team play and we should never return to that.
And system based on team progress encourages carrying and boosting other players.
That must be it
You can only be “boosted” so high. If you reach the same rank as your booster than eventually then they cannot do anything more for you. If you manage to maintain rank at that level, that supports the idea that you actually belong there, if you didn’t then not only will you start losing matches but so will your friend. That is even if you get as high as your booster, which is unlikely because once someone tries to help you climb, there eventually reaches a point where they need a competent team behind them to help them do their job.
I once had a diamond smurf who was climbing and he smashed the enemy. I was playing support and did my job as always and he actually commended me on how well I did because from what he could tell, hardly anyone on our team died and said it is easier to play games when you have a good support.
In theory, I could have grouped up with him and possibly continued to climb but only so long as I could continue to perform at that level. Otherwise a max point is reached where I cannot be 100% reliable in every match, that means I have likely reached a spot in which I would probably stagnate for a while.
Individual stats promote people acting selfish. It can promote a DPS just standing around and dealing damage without pushing the objective or working with the team to secure certain targets. This could even result in a feed for the enemy supports. This game has you working as a team to push an objective and if the only way for you to climb is to allow solo stats that out of context cannot actually show that you played the game and did things when it mattered, then you don’t deserve to climb. Players should be working with their team for success.
Overwatch is a weird case where it takes on class based concepts from the MOBA genre and forces us to fight in clumps instead of having multiple objectives that split us up and force us to have solo fights, etc. This game pretty much endlessly sticks you in team fights where normally in MOBAs you usually split up until the team fights where you expend your powerful abilities to win the engagement.
Not sure which rank is my actual rank. Played alone as Mercy - silver. Played with Pharah - upper gold.
But it’s not working that well for system, that makes team from 6 strangers.
Not really as the individual based SR system does so as well and it was much more of an issue in that than it is in the team based SR system. The team based SR system encourages team play and communication while discouraging griefing and generally not trying to work with your team. The individual based SR system discourages team play and encourages inflating your stats to appear better than your teammates.
There we go! The mercy army!