Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State (Part 1)

Oh man, if any of the guys from the megathread saw this they’d lose their minds.

And she still has a better winrate than Bastion.

I get being upset that Mercy is nowhere near as effective than what she was but seriously trying to say that she’s in a worse spot than Bastion is just well, dumb. No offense.

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I didn’t feel like photoshoping a Y on the gif, so.

I’m not coming at it as a Mercy player, nor a Bastion player. Bastion is in a poor spot because he can’t be utilized in 90% of situations you’ll run into in the game. However, you have fourteen other options if you want to pick something else.

Mercy fit the incredibly restrictive role of a strong main/tank healer. Ripping her out of the meta for higher ranks means you have Ana or Moira, and picking the latter often makes your team flame you or just outright throw the game because they want Ana. God forbid you pick Mercy.


Ana. Moira. They are both designed for that exact style of play.

That’s a problem with Ana having the best utility and some of the best healing in game and is a by product of this awful cyclical meta we have. And all of it because of Blizzard’s horrible update cycle.

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… Why would you point this out and then quote me pointing it out literally in the next sentence? What point are you trying to make by doing this?

This is a product of Blizzard balancing heroes with the finesse of a jackhammer. They gave Ana a buff out of the blue right around the time they wingclipped Mercy. Already on top of an insulting “bug fix” for Moira that made her so much worse.

The point of the matter is that healers are already shoehorned into picking two maybe three healers when Blizzard deigns to buff them to viability. DPS players get to pick from a wide array of heroes that as long as they play them well enough, they work fine.

Tank players suffer from the same lack of variety in what they’re able to play. So sure, maybe Mercy isn’t in “as bad a state as Bastion,” but the healer meta is absolutely rotten, and the tank meta’s not much better.


It was more in regards to the tank healer aspect. Regardless of Mercy’s disposition, Ana and Moira have always been better geared towards high hp characters. Ana and Moira being better in general had nothing to do with it.

Debatable at best. I can list off all the d list heroes who you would get abuse for when played at most levels of the game, not just the highest if you want. And then at the highest levels of play, you’ve got the same mirror matches over and over again with one dude who decides they’re not going to be as mindless and they get hate for it.

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I play in low grandmaster. People will groan a bit about Symmetra, but if they pull her off, they’re happy. People like Kolorblind trying to make Bastion a thing to no effect usually get avoided by people who don’t want to put it up with it.

I can’t think of another hero that you would get flamed for picking at that level if you’re managing to get kills. What gets people flaming you is trying to play Tracer and constantly walking into a Brig. Picking Widow and losing every single sniper duel. Playing Hanzo and getting two dragons over the course of 8 minutes.

Nobody cares what you pick as long as you’re not bad at them.

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By most levels I meant pretty much everything under masters/gm, since its a given that the people up there are going to be good at their characters. But since you asked…

  • Mei
  • Bastion
  • Torb
  • Sombra
  • McCree (miss a couple of shots and that’s it, you’re done for)
  • Symmetra
  • Hammond

They’re just the ones I’ve been targeted for.

However, in the random cess pit that is the rest of ladder, its safe to assume that you’re bad cause you’re not in gm. Which leads to stigma and stereotypes.

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I’ve seen plenty of Meis that do tremendous work, and she works remarkably well on 2cp maps.

Again, incredibly situational, but brutally effective when he fits.

Torb’s fine? He’s got a low pick rate but people are still learning how to play with his new kit.

Is a hero plenty of people call broken outright if you aren’t god awful at setting up hacks and EMPs.

Is less shiny than other DPS, but he does fine work if you can actually land shots. Less picked, but horrifying in the right hands. His ult is just not really existent a lot of the time.

Very niche. This is the only one I’ll give you. She requires a lot of teamwork to pull off, and most Syms I play with usually aren’t even in voice because of various reasons.

Isn’t a DPS? This also just bolsters my point about tanks having a poor selection. I just think of Hammond as a ‘fun’ character. He doesn’t do anything particularly well, but he can do enough to not get people to flame you if the rest of your team can carry their weight.

oh don’t worry, people assume you’re bad because you’re in GM anyway. “Hardstuck 4100” because they makes sense.

Everything works under those ranks. Diamond gets to the point of it being a tossup because you actually have to win with your team rather than your stats. For the most part under Diamond, you just have to be individually better than the enemy to win.


I was listing off D and C tier heroes, the ones who’s niche are either way too situational or they’re just bad in general. And again, low gm/masters is an entirely different game to what the rest of us play. In gm, its safe to assume people know how to play their characters but that just isn’t the case in low tiers of play.

And in plat she’s one of the most hated from what I’ve seen.

Still the worst hero statistically in Overwatch. That’s more than enough reason for a lot of people to abuse Bastion players.

Doesn’t change the fact that the stigma is still there.

At your rank maybe, for everyone else she’s a borderline throw pick.

He just feeds throughout most of ladder. So anyone who picks him receives a lot of mindless insults.

Doesn’t mean people aren’t going to hate specific heroes for no real reason. You’re acting as if there’s not much of a difference outside of gm other than skill.

But this is a Mercy thread after all and to stay on topic, those heroes are all arguably worse off than Mercy or at least she’s on par with them.

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I call it as I see it. None of those heroes get the people I see flamed, save Bastion or Symmetra if you’re trying to force them like a square peg in a circle hole.

Mercy is the only hero that once you get to the highest ranks that people will just outright throw the game rather than deal with her, and Moira’s right behind her.

And before we get into the argument of “Well she’s an easy hero! She shouldn’t be effective at all ranks.” Sure, whatever. Maybe you’re right, maybe that’s the angle Blizzard wants to take, but that means supports are just hamstrung on their picks harder than the other roles in this game, where I’ve seen countless more no tank meme comps that somehow win games than I have ever seen no healer comps.


Because Mercy just can’t do her part anymore. Healer is expected to keep teammates alive, and allow more aggressive playstyle. Mercy can’t do it. Moira requires teammates to be right beside her to make most from her healing, leaving only Ana.

No one wants healer, that requires babysitting just to use their ability, or limits your choice of position.


The only thing I have noticed 50hps is enough for and even then I say it loosely, is for 4v4. There is not as many people to rain unfocused fury on your targets and it allows you to keep them up just a smidge longer than the QP and comp.

That is a big issue with the way they’re balancing Mercy. She is a main healer and should not be taking active action to dps during a fight in order to make her job easier. They even said so themselves in the rework video, they don’t like that Mercy players are discouraged to stop healing at any point but now she is forced to in order to get any value.
Widow is also a bad example, whether you have 50 hps or 60 hps she’s still gonna one shot your target so no matter how much healing you do it doesn’t matter. What we should be using as an example instead are when targets are taking continuous damage as Mercy just can’t keep up with the amount of incoming damage in the game anymore and you are better off swapping to Ana or Moira who specialize in massive amounts of burst healing.

I can assure you that most people who have this claim also play many other heroes but it is irrelevant regardless. Dismissing this criticism as “just angry Mercy mains” is very flammatory and doesn’t help anyone. The 50 hps is a problem and so is pretty much every other aspect of her kit and the fact stands that this nerf still does not address anything that is wrong with her kit or her current state.

Besides, it is extremely bad game design to force the player to relearn the hero every time they make changes to her. I’ve been with this game since launch so I’ve been through every single iteration of Mercy since the games release and at this point I’m just so exhausted since every time Blizzard has a bright idea I’ve had to adjust my playstyle accordingly. At this point I am no longer playing the product that I paid for and I’m just so tired, no one is having fun anymore. Consistency is crucial when it comes to game design, when you press a button you should expect x, y or z to happen and that should not drastically change multiple times during the games lifespan.


No idea who that person is or why I should listen to said person. I mean is Mercys ult just good for taking out widow now or what? Then what if the enemy doesnt have one? And even more important which damn support ultimate doesnt help the own team and only the support using it?
Sorry I dont think whoever you are talking about knows much. Even Blizzard wants Mercy to be about healing and mobility but not about suddenly going full battle angel and killing people.
Also people like Animetic for example hate how Mercy is right now and that tells quite a lot. If so many former Mercy mains disagree with this horrid rework the devs made something seems to be wrong doesnt it?


Nah they have to create a new letter/tier to indicate how bad she is… but yeah still… she not 100% terrible… just -_- the average DPS are too stupid to adapt around her

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Thing is, they created Overwatch as game for everyone, casual and pro players alike. But now they are trying to remake it for pro players only. In the process heroes, that never were intended for pro players to play, and had “no skill” mechanics, will suffer most.


Debatable because the SR system is whacky… it doesn’t make sense and it contradicts itself.

It’s more about hero designs, than SR system. If heroes of same category are nearly equal, hero with more reliability(aka less mechanical skill) will be picked more, just because human factor is reduced to a minimum. At the same time, it makes players that prefer high skilled hero feel “cheated”, because they trained so hard, just to find out there is easier route.


Yeah but then you can’t deny that said high mechanical skill player keep sprouting BS like, oh you deserve your rank because you play to this level of skill, when in fact it is based on team win and loss more than individual performance