So, Jeff had a very lengthy and detailed forum post yesterday about a development experiment they are doing that exchanges 1 tank for 1 DPS with the goal of reducing DPS queue times. Here’s my take on that.
Obviously, I don’t like the idea very much. I’m a tank main. It’s my favorite class to play. And when I don’t play tanks, I play healers. It’s rare that I play DPS. I do sometimes. I enjoy Mei quite a bit, Soldier. Sombra is one of my favorite characters in the game (from a personality perspective) despite me not really playing her much and hating being hacked. But my real love is tanking.
My favorite hero is D.Va. I love playing D.Va. She’s my main. And at times, I have 1-tricked her. Though, over time I have branched out and gotten some decent playtime on other tanks. I also absolutely love playing Orisa and Zarya. And while I’m not great at Ball, I like playing Ball and Winston. I’ll begrudgingly play Reinhardt, but I refuse to play Hog or Sigma. They don’t fit me.
The point is, most of the tanks that I prefer to play are not really suited for solo tanking. Orisa used to be, but after her nerfs she definitely isn’t. And I don’t see how Zarya or D.Va could solo tank. Ball can solo tank, but I can see myself getting yelled at for that one because he doesn’t have a shield. And while I have played my fair share of Reinhardt, there’s only so much of that I can stand. He’s fun, but only for a time. I can’t play him for multiple games without going nuts. Orisa is actually way more fun to me.
So, if we go to solo tank, what’s going to happen? Are D.Va and Zarya going to become DPS? I wouldn’t want that. That would be extremely frustrating to me. I don’t want to play DPS, so please don’t even think of moving my favorite heroes into the DPS category. Not to mention you’d have very few actual tanks left for the few people willing to go there after this change.
Are Orisa and Rein going to have to be buffed into God tier heroes? How do you survive focus fire and constant CC from 5 other players if they aren’t? If you do keep D.Va and Zarya in the tank class, how in the world do you make them into main tanks?
To me it creates a real balance problem, possibly an intractable one. And it also means that we have a hero identity issue for the off tanks. And you lose all the synergies and strategies that we’ve been working on as fundamentals for the tank role for the last 4 years.
I know some people want to be the stalwart tank propping up the entire team. But I like to share that role because I don’t want the full weight of that responsibility on me all by myself. It’s too much pressure. And if you don’t do exactly what the other 5 people on your team want you to (the right pick, the right plays, etc) then you are going to be reported. It’s going to happen. The report system will become a way to punish tanks for not being ‘obedient’.
I was drawn to Overwatch because it wasn’t a typical FPS. I want tanks to be tanks. And I don’t want them to go down fast. I want them to be hard to bring down and to be a legitimate threat to your life if you are in their zone of control. I want healers to heal. I don’t want a game where everybody just becomes slightly different DPS. And I don’t want a game with lots of solo carry potential. I really don’t. I want this to be a team game. I want this to be Overwatch not Apex Legends with map objectives.
In short, I don’t like the idea of being a solo tank. My favorite tanks will basically be ruined through balance changes or lack thereof. The entire category will feel bad to a player like me. And I don’t see a reason to continue playing the game if this kind of a change goes through.
One final thought. Jeff says the reason 4-1-1 felt bad was the solo healer. I actually submit to you that having a solo healer is actually better than having a solo tank. In either case, if that one person goes down you lose though. So, I don’t think being a solo tank is really any more fun.