Why I Dislike the entire Symmetra Rework already

  1. Hey human, I kind of agree. I always felt like Blizzard did such a good job designing each hero’s weapon, there would be no way they could rework how it functions entirely. Lucio shoots four beats/bullets. Moira has her invisible cone. Hanzo has charge mechanics. It was surprising to hear that they decided to change how her gun works. I have hope though because I know Blizzard will at least create a gun that feels unique and brings out the best in Symmetra. It will be different and that sucks, but at least it won’t just be “Zarya’s gun” like many think. It should fit her elegant animations and weapon style!

  2. I also imagine it working like Shadowstep. Not sure how I feel but I think having it work that way as a setup is okay as long as we can freely move into the teleporter ourselves! Shadowstep gets weird because it shows the enemies where you are going and gives them ample time to deal with you. My dream with teleporter is that you can go in and out of both ends which would let her and teammates pop in and out from two attack points! If not, then at least you can set it up and go in when you are ready rather than committing on the spot.

  3. So true! For now, I will simply roll with it and see how this rework fits her. Blizzard believed that Support doesn’t have to equal Healer and I still think they do. As an artist, I know that it is often easier to just start from scratch rather than try to remodel a design over and over. Maybe they felt that way with Symmetra and couldn’t find the way to have her support her team in a viable without healing (I had ideas I wish they went for instead! Maybe however, like with the cooldown decreasing mechanic you mentioned, some of these ideas are things they wanted to give to future heroes). It is absolutely understandable to feel a bit bummed out about that. All I can hope at this point is that New Symmetra feels like Symmetra. I like to imagine that these heroes can do more than 3 things with their lives/abilities (Sym’s bouncy orbs in the comic and Hanzo’s knockback arrows/Reaper’s grenade launcher) so as long as this feels like “more of Symmetra”, and ends up being fun and viable then I will grow to enjoy playing her.

  4. I get what you are saying! I doubt this will happen though because despite the similar name, these two abilities sound completely different. Teleporter the ult pulled people from spawn and popped them out anywhere on the map. You were limited to where you (Symmetra) could reach but with that ability, you could drop a whole team on the point in a second if timed correctly! This new ability is limited to LOS and may give players a way to move to more vertical locations. Sounds more like a method to set up attacks rather than quickly get people back to the fight (if you can go through both ends then maybe she can shave 30m off for a player and drop it in front of someone)! Either way, we will see how it works!

You know now I need to add that to the list
.5 This rework will require the addition of another star to Symmetra’s difficulty meter a change that should be very indicitive of the fact that this rework changes too much.

Which is 5000 HP worth of damage not hitting your team.

Thus, allowing Symmetra’s team to dictate the method of engagement. Making it into a close range brawl. So if the enemy is running a Zen or Ana and supports, their team is cut into 2. If Zen and Ana go into the fray together with the team then they put themselves at greater risk.

Based on just the description, Symmetra’s new ultimate seems quite impactful.

Think about how quickly a bastion can take a Rein shield down. Her ult is just 2.5 Rein shields. Damage boost any of the high damage dealers and it’ll be gone quick. Besides, it likely won’t block a dva, junk, doomfist, etc. ult that passes through (things that her photo barrier could mitigate).

That assumes that it creates a narrow box. They’ve only said it’s a wall. In most maps that won’t help against anyone ranged above or being you.

Well, yeah. You’re allowed not to like it. It’s really all subjective, and if you dislike it - that is totally ok!

I personally am looking forward to it - or at least, I’m trying to be open-minded about it until I see it in action.

I actually hate how her gun works currently. So I am okay with that being altered. I also am interested to see the new teleporter.

As for moving her to defense…I just…don’t care? And I mean that in the nicest way. It’s just a role title, it really doesn’t mean anything to me. And perhaps they’re moving Symmetra to defense to implement these changes, which are much more damage-inducing…it would definitely feel weirder to have her in support. At least on paper.

TL;DR I want to see it on paper but I am keeping an open mind and I welcome the changes!


I dislike the approach on a fundamental level

Changing a hero’s primary attack should be off the table as that is wher you enter the territory of a design being unrecongizeable from it’s original. People who actually practiced the current build of sym have to relearn the ENTIRE thing.
The fct it’s nothing but zarya 2.0 is just a rotten tomato on the cake.

Teleporter, has it’s own problems it’s going to be so hard to make it work because you’ll have such a hard time putting in in harder to see places due to the freaking awful placement tools it’s no doubt going to have (Shadowstep, thatt non sense is what we’re getting for Sym)

And as someone else pointed out, these changes could go so ar as to change her difficulty rating which is a definite no-no.
This work could be put into a new damn hero if that’s what you want but there are certain things that need to stay the same fundamentally and this rework crosses all of those boundries.

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All they’re doing is removing it’s lockon and altering it’s damage stats. Honestly I don’t think this is “altering it to an extreme”. It’ll still have a ramp-up mechanic and it’ll still be close range beam (from what we know of it so far). It’ll still function more or less the same, they’re not completely revamping it.

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Yeah, non healing supports won’t work in this game most likely.

Yep, it’s not like the collective that play Symmetra have been talking to the devs on what are her weak points and how to adjust her for six months without any response.


Unless there’s a change, I thought Geoff said it would be infinite in size? I assume he meant both height and width of the wall will be infinite unless he specified otherwise.

You are thinking in terms of using it like the photon barrier we have now.

Obviously this is all based on speculation, depending on how fast Sym can deploy her new ultimate, she could conceivably put the barrier in between the enemy team and their snipers or ranged heroes like soldier. Suddenly the guys in the back line has a 5000 HP shield that they have to burst down and contributing 0 damage to the team fight while the rest of the team has to fight a 5v6 or 4v6.

Fighting at a point and someone at high ground is doing immense damage? Drop that barrier and they have to relocate to a more vulnerable position or be useless behind that barrier.

Enemy team firing at you from one side of the map that is putting your team at a disadvantage? Drop a barrier and buy time for your team to relocate. With the new teleporter, relocating your team would be so much easier I think.

It’s not gonna be a Zarya beam that requires perfect tracking. It’ll be more like Moira’s beam, with a massive, generous radius, but still a beam that will disconnect at the same spot it connects and will hit enemies who walk between Sym and the original target.

It won’t be a completely new weapon. It will be a slightly different weapon.

It’s going to be fun on 2cp maps when attack Sym just puts up her 5000hp wall between spawn and 2nd point and completely blocks defenders from doing anything to prevent a loss…

I agree with the primary fire point. That’s taking away a massive part of who she is…
I smell another massive fail rework coming…

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How would that happen?

Her new ult is a massive 5000hp wall that stretches across the map

Think of 2nd point Hanamura, all you’d need to do is slap the wall down at the back of the point and it completely blocks the spawn area. The defenders are then trapped in that little area behind the point and can’t contest and lose.

I suppose it’s not even restricted to 2cp because you could do the same thing with payload/hybrid maps. As soon as you’re on the final stretch, wall off spawn, game over.

It’s a shield barrier. It can be walked through.

Ah ok I was under the impression that it was a hard light wall, offering a similar mechanic to Mei’s ice wall.

Didn’t know you could just walk through it lol

but the best part about new sym is that she is a shield killer. and high potential dps. especially if there is a rein/orisa

This sounds like more of a personal thing then a written rule.

I would say that you should only change the weapon if it is absolutely needed. In this case I do believe it is needed. Part of the issue that Sym has is that her only means of dueling other players requires her to close to such a short range while also having some of the weakest damage in the game. This directly effects the value her weapon and herself as hero bring to her team.

I understand this concern. Although we do not know this for certain. If this is indeed the case it will need to be addressed. With two character’s using the mechanic I suspect it will get attention (if it has not already while they were testing her teleport).

I think you may be over thinking this. For one sym is being moved because she is losing the ability to bolster her teams health while also gaining stronger defenses. Which warrants the move to the defense category. She will no longer be a support because her kit will not warrant such a title. I imagine if another support class came along with shield bolsters they will still be classified as such.

Very different situations. Res was one of the most powerful ults in the game so that makes it difficult to balance it into a lesser form that is not to much. Teleport on the other hand is arguably one of the weakest as it was not something you could use as a reaction in the mid fight but is something that require some luck as to whether or not the enemy found it or not. Which made it unreliable at best. The change will make teleporter useful on the fly while giving it a ton of dexterity in use.

  1. That “personal rule” should be basic knowledge, if you’re going to rework a hero it should always be at least recognizeable to the players who used to play it. Thiose tiny little turrets are the only thing staying in this rework For all it’s failures the Mercy rework at least did this correctly by not intententionally screwing with GA or the beams in base kit.
  2. Well maybe we won’t have to address the problem on 2 heroes if this awful rework dosen’t go through
  3. The turrets still apply slow, she now has a shield for an ultimate and her new TP is the definition of utility support power, Still falls under support for me, and in the end we still set the precident of blizzard saying “yeah we can’t seem to make utility supports work with a year of one being in the game… no more utility supports only healers yay”
  4. Ults are not basic abilities and basic abilities are not ultimates, Blizz should learn this and stop trying to switch them around, it failed last time and even if this is less of a failure it’ll fail this time.