Why I Dislike the entire Symmetra Rework already

defense means area denial
her only area denial ability is her turrets
on contrary she has 2 utility ultimates and 1 utility e ability

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I don’t see the problem with changing her primary.

The thing that made Symm…Symm was Turret and teleporters.

Also, i never wanted any non-healing support. In this game it just not fits. It’s much better that they move her to defense.


symmetra has been garbage for like 9 months, people have been banned for hating them. I want the sym rework out rn! (also im a sym main)




I checked it for you. You have level 1.

Next time you want to check, go to your profile here in the forum, remove summary/activity from the link and add “.json” (without the “”) right next to your ID and hit enter. Your level is the biggest you find (user_trust_level followed by a number).

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How do you rank up though, does it couny by posts… or?

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Posts, likes, days vizited and so in. I don’t remember the requirements for each and every level.


This is the link You want to use.

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Sym has one ability that is area denial and that ability is equally a utility ability, plus two support abilities

Yeah pretty sure was was intended to be a support.

So you’ve made a bunch of rules in your own head for this game and are mad they’re being broken. Noted.

Bring on the changes.


ah, okay. Thanks for the help!


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A hero should never be reworked in a way that makes the hero unrecognzeable, wone would assume this is a common thought process, which is why replacing Sym’s current primary fire and secondary fire with Zarya 2.0 is just crappy design.


This is again, a rule you’ve made up. I understand WHY you don’t like this. But this isn’t something you get to set. If a hero is fundamentally broken and cannot be tweaked into relevance while keeping the original identity intact… a new identity must be made. Or we can spend another year making her relevant. It seems the developers prefer getting her back in the game faster than throwing more time into a black hole.


Funny how the dev’s couldn’t think of so many obvious and easy fixes that could bring Sym back

Make sym herslef a mini shield gen
Let her stop her barrier
Give her weapon a new mode of fire that provides shields or something

I just buffe Sym into relevance without getting rid of her identity only took me an hour or so to think of the idea


Actually its his melee that need a change, its a stupid skill

Now i feel like the dev already made up their mind and im just gonna roll with it and try to make her good (250hrs+ wasted)
imo she will be better but wont get out of trash tier

Agreed. And, in Sym’s case, the rework also has the issue of turning her from a highly accessible hero that many of us with physical disabilities play, to one that is highly inaccessible.

Don’t expect the Devs to rethink her rework though. Heck they haven’t even acknowledged concerns the disabled community has expressed about it.


Well the ideas aren’t set in stone so I’ll make my displeasure known and share ideas on a better solution, this and about a dozen other fixes I’d like to see are in a recent thread I made (Shameless plug is shameless, lol)

Feedback forums are there for a reason and if rules that would in theory be basic design philosiphies (don’t change a hero beyond recongition for example) need to be yelled about then I’ll do it,

I don’t expect blizz to listen anyway really, they certainly weren’t listening with Mercy.

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If you think they haven’t tried things internally then you’d be gravely mistaken. She used to give shields to people a long time ago, that got scrapped. That was her E.
People always think they’re more creative than the people actually iterating the characters behind the scenes but chances are they’ve tried your idea and it’s either broken as heck or doesn’t play very well.
What we’re about to experience is what usually happens before a game releases, a character is found to be lacking in a way that cannot be changed to make them useful in the current iteration so a large change must be made.
I like current sym, really I do. I’d play more of her if there weren’t so many more useful characters to play, but she’s just non-contributory most of the time. Unless you’re playing with people who rush in or panic when she has them latched on she’s easily killable and counterable.