Why Hate GOATS?

I main tanks and healers. I don’t play any DPS (besides Mei, but she’s basically a Tank/Healer hybrid). This is the best meta IMO. If I wanted to die instantly, I’d just play CoD or something.


I don’t disagree with you - but most of Overwatch players prefer playing DPS and now in order to win they have to play Goats. I understand their pain but they all really seem to want to nerf x (where x is whatever they see as the key pillar of goats) to the point that Goats isn’t viable any more. The issue is that Goats depends on defense and bulk healing, not necessarily any individual character. You can swap rein for winston, hog or hammond (probably hog) for dva, I guess Zarya is unique enough so she kinda can’t be easily replaced. But they all have huge health pools that are constantly being healed by passives and usually a moira or ana. Which makes anything without a large amount of burst mostly useless unless your entire team is firing. And then there’s also the matter of bubbles / barriers / defense matrix.

Which, most dps heroes don’t get enough burst (nor should they) to take out a 400+ health hero before bulk healing can fix it and I think the one consistent complaint among the forum is mirror comps. Hate goats because it forces a mirror comp. This particular comp though makes picking dps useless and nobody besides tank / support mains could possibly enjoy that.

I think there are counters to it, but it’s easier to play a mirror. One thing I will confess: it is kinda brain dead. It’s wild to me that people think it takes “intense communication” to pull off. Dive requires coordination but beyond that I haven’t found any particular comps that demand insane amounts of coordination that you wouldn’t benefit from otherwise anyways.

That’s my rambly hot take.

Because it pushes the game to far towards a MOBA, when it should primarily be an FPS


Better than seeing Tracer/Genji/McCree in every match since the dawn of OW.
And it’s hardly a MOBA. I joined OW cuz it’s not a FPS, it’s fantasy with lots of non-hitscan heroes.


Problem is it IS an FPS and or team based shooter.


because any meta that devalues an entire class of heroes is stupid


Holding W + mouse 1 isn’t fun to watch at a professional level.

No showcase of skill at all, no display or aim.

Just boring.


Want variety. That’s all.

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Because Overwatch is a FPS with some MOBA elements. Not the other way around.


It renders two thirds of the playable characters useless? Including the mains of most of the playerbase?


Because it’s the most unskilled meta there has ever been


Is that really a problem though?

Who gets to decide what the game “should primarily be”?


High rank players who think it’s boring and Twitch streamers audiences who think it’s boring.


There’s more players than the top 1% though…

And I don’t think I need to tell you about how many people get upset about prioritizing “fun to watch”.

I’m a main tank player but fill as off tank or lucio/zen and a couple random dps.

I have a lot of time on all 7 tanks.

This meta sucks because there is no skill or strategy. Goats is just cheese.

Dive was fun because it’s the hardest way to play overwatch. Every hero is incredibly difficult and that style is extremely punishable and easy to throw on. You need to execute a complex strategy perfectly or you’re throwing.

Where as goats covers mistakes with massive healing


there has never been as strong a Meta as GOATS

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The developers, who didn’t put in all those damage heroes for no reason.


And if they decide they like they game with a more MOBA-centric focus on abilities and teamplay over just shooting, then who are we to argue?

It’s pretty obvious that Goats is not an intentional thing, given that it renders so much of the content pointless and that they’ve been desperately trying to fix it in patches.

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If it was an unskilled meta, the pros wouldn’t be using it. That’s a bad reason.

The truth has already been stated by others above you. GOATs is simply not a fan favorite because it negates DPS class. Variety is good. It’s that simple. Nothing to do with skill.