Why false flagging should be punishable

Fair enough. I also don’t like it when people go around talking about flagging posts of people they merely disagree with. It’s a bit different when an OP is way OTT in their rule breaking. Not appropriate to try to run people out of your thread for disagreeing though

why should an unpopular opinion be flagged tho? false flagging has become an issue for an obvious reason

Ew. Phrasing.

Unpopular opinions being hidden or trolled is also why I don’t want downvotes back. It just encourages dogpiling and discourages discussion.

People should be allowed to disagree with the forums.

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i didn’t report them it was just a way to get them to leave

maybe i shouldn’t have said it, could have caused others to do it and for that i apologize

Its funny how you didn’t complain about the flase flagging in your thread, until someone flagged your opinon

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Also, friendly reminder

Shame that they seem to have gotten pretty lax about their own rules lately.

Then again, Tom doesn’t seem to be marked as a Blizz employee anymore. Maybe he was the only one actually enforcing it in the first place.


Yeah, lately a lot of posts have been flagged for no reason. it discourages actual discussion. its good that downvoting was removed but now false flagging is being used instead. Can’t come up with any ideas of how it can stop tho :confused:

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Which is a shame because for a long time now it wasn’t used that way. But the last couple of weeks, it’s been done a lot.

I want to know why?? it wasnt an issue before, at least not from what i saw.

No worries, just made me feel a little bit more free to be more “direct” with my opinions :slight_smile:

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I have no idea. Some new group must have rolled in and are flagging anyone they disagree with. Or maybe it’s some old accounts from people who are bitter about the game or something.

I don’t know. I don’t think it’s anyone currently active.

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If you don’t like a person’s replies, you should mute them. Don’t do that because it encourages false flagging. Do you know how to mute a user? I can show, if you want.

i complained because 4 things were flagged and most of them had no reason, i complained because 3 post i clicked were false flagged.

i complained because its an issue. not because its “mine”

notice how my post highlights hanzo and not doomfist the character this account is made after?

i feel DF was unjustifiably nerfed. but i also don’t think hes trash tier like hanzo is currently.

i don’t care about myself getting silenced. people do it all the time. i care about it being weaponized

i actually dont

Okay so click your own icon to go to your profile. There you can see your replies or a summary of your posting. Things of that nature. Its in the top right where you go to log out.

From there right underneath your join date there are two drop down boxes. Click the one on the left and select preferences. Now click the box on the right and select users. You are now able to type in the name and number of the user.

It doesn’t stop you from seeing their post but it does stop you from getting notifications from them.


Pretty sure “unreasonable” opinions aren’t against the rules. :snowflake: :snowflake:

Welp, looks like we agree on something. This is a prime example of why I don’t live by the genetic fallacy. We can disagree about literally everything else, and I’ll still agree with some things.

Was it a forum raid or something? because it seems to have died down. Though I am slightly disappointed the mods did nothing to combat it, granted not too surprised.

i agree OP the practice of flagging on these forums has gotten way out of hand


If you flag something like “Buff Mercy” because in your opinion that’s an inflammatory statement, that’s against COC and your opinion is unreasonable.

If your posting “Buff McCree because he’s way too aim dependent and I can’t aim.” That’s not particularly a reasonable opinion but its also not against the rules.