Why Exactly is McCree Powercrept?

so now you’re just left with tanks and healers with the same damage as dps but with the extra utility of tank and healer

McCree lacks sustain and mobility.

So he’s really easy to punish on the flank (and all DPS main love to flank regardless of what hero they’re playing)

press q to die

they should revert the fth buff, revert the shooting speed nerf.
these 2 buffs just ruin the character honestly.

after the shooting speed buff a TON of McCree’s don’t even aim properly, they hold m1 or/and rely on kills using flashbang and fth.

he should be buffed well and properly.
his ult should be changed somehow and his roll ability should be buffed.

I don’t mind buffing McCree at all but the buffs he’s gotten to fth and the recoil or whatever are absolutely anger inducing and they aren’t even that good.

this is just my opinion and I don’t expect people to agree with me.

btw I don’t play him a lot.

Resident McCree Main here -

I have approx 370 hours on the ol’ Cree boi and honestly have never thought that I was under powered. As I’ve gotten better at him (I only play at high play level so no where near amazing) but I’ve found that in 1v1’s there are few non tank characters that consistently beat me, even widows. I think he’s fine, he plays well, dominates if you can aim, has the safe option of fanning, builds ult quick. plus, if you’re like me and have nailed how to deadeye I find myself getting at least a 3k every match I play him if not more. so I don’t think he needs any buffs or nerfs tbh

If you played junkerstain revenge other years and now you should notice difference on mccree dmg output easly

Tank and support damage has always been kind of a problem. This whole thing is too complicated to fix in a single patch imo.

If the damage dealt by tanks and healers is a problem, nerf that too. Simple.

Honestly they should just put his rate back where it was. It was fine, and buffing it isn’t going to fix the issues with barriers.

Idk how they’ll fix his survivablity tho, other than maybe making combat roll regen when you get a headshot kill? Or something along those lines.

Personally I find his Ult to be underwhelming, kinda would prefer something a little more useful. Just not sure what.

So basically you just want a blanket HP buff. Why not just say that.

They should fix his dirty hitbox, bigger than Zarya, a 400HP tank
This is by far his biggest weakness
You shoot his armpit, you get a headshot
Roll range should be increased
Ult works as a Zoning tool

Nerf the fire rate to 0.45s

Idk, sometimes it feels like I aiming right at McCree and still miss. But that could also be an issue with Ashe, I feel like the crosshair is not centered properly, but they could fix that with adding an offset option.

Plus since his rof buff, I just get spammed with bodyshots, so I die before I can even get a follow up shot off.

It is a bug actually

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Huh…I always felt like the crosshair was off centered, cause in Target Flicks I don’t have an issue. In game though, I find I have to keep aiming ahead of the target. Maybe the firing animation is off, like there’s a delay between when you pull the trigger and when the shot is fired.

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Actually it might have been high Latency
What latency do you play at

Typically 40 - 60, it’s not the latency.

If you want to compare their dps you should compare a realistic hitrate for both. What you did is totally nonsense.

Even if you factor it in his number for Widow is wrong because it forgets she has a delay between shots. Her initial shot is .75 charge but there is a .5 second delay between shots.

The highest possible DPS in an idealistic scenario with no damage boost

If you compare both Weapons, Widow easily outshines McCree in Range, Lethality, and Efficiency

Widow can easily reach high ground McCree cannot
Widow got a good 30m Escape tool, with both Horizontal and Vertical mobility McCree can just roll 6m
Widow got an ult that is actually very useful. Mccree doesn’t

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Thank you for linking my post =] I really hope this issue gets fixed soon

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