Why Exactly is McCree Powercrept?

  1. He has the fifth or sixth lowest Winrate in almost all ranks
  2. Still has much worse stats than other DPS
    Widow is a much better pick (More DPS, Infinite Range, Much better mobility, Much better ult)
  3. Much harder to learn than most heroes
  4. The only buff was to his damage was the fire rate buff, which was reduced 20% on going live
    Other buffs were a Deadeye buff that affects next to nothing, And a couple seconds shaved off Roll
    The rest were nerfs; FTH nerfed 3 times, Added aFalloff range from to just 20m, And a damage nerf for headshots from 150 to 140

Gimme one reason

Widow does not have more DPS then McCree, she has more burst but FAR lower DPS. Also he has received many buffs that largely did not stick because they outright broke him (though I liked McSniper personally).


Because the answer to keep up with other DPS is to buff the damage of the other DPS. It can be seen with Soldier the most. Damage was nerfed to 19 because he was OP, now with 20 damage hes still redundant.

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Widow is better than Mccree in every aspect
Deals 430 dps when scoped in and clicking heads
Cree hitting all Headshots deals 333dps
Widow outclasses him in every single aspect

As I said, he did receive some buffs, none of them which helped his Winrate, he has been bottom tier for years and probably will be

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Because the buffs never solved his issues, low survivability. Mccree mains had been asking for a hp buff and blizzard literally buffed every part of his kit while making him easier at the same time. So he’s still easy to kill except he can kill you ridiculously fast or cheese you with the imo no skill flash fth. They just think more damage is the way to buff things.


Honestly yeah, I wouldn’t mind the fire rate nerfed to 0.45 and his clunky hitbox gets fixed
FTH, Deadeye and Roll are such underwhelming skills

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We shouldn’t be buffing weaker DPS to keep up with overtuned DPS, we should be nerfing the overtuned DPS down to more appropriate levels.


Because people don’t like it when a heroe gets stronger.
They look at a hero in a ideal scenario 1v1 and what could he be capable off and then pretend that’s the norm. They don’t even look at the downside of this hero

Mcree is fine, if they bring the others heroes more in check

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When he was McSniper he was at the top, Also with a .5 second recovery time between charges it takes 1.25 seconds per fully charged shot for Widow which deals 300 damage so there is no way for Widow to do that much DPS. I used to know the numbers pre fire rate buff on McCree and hit DPS clicking heads was far higher then Widows then but then again DPS does not matter.

Note: you are wrong that Widow does more damage but also wrong for thinking that DPS matters in any way. Also McCree is much better in the midrange but the problem is that Hanzo is better then McCree there. Basically the problem McCree has is not Widow its that Hanzo is better at his niche then he is.

There is a reason why double sniper was meta and will become meta again if we can’t have a heavy sustain comp

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Did you know that McCree’s hitbox is bigger than Zarya’s?


That and he has absolutely no sustain or good way to avoid damage, compared to a lot of DPS heroes… He’s just really vulnerable.

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The only reason double sniper is not meta right now is because of Sigma. McCree is not a sustain hero though. Soldier is more sustain, McCree is more of a mid range Widow in terms of how you play him (its why I can switch back and forth between them so easily). In exchange for less range and no real mobility he gets a faster fire rate no movement penalty and a stun for people who get close.

He is a mid range burst hero.
Ironically he has far less survivalbility than Hanzo or Widow.

Too much spam damage, too much damage mitigation in the game.
Widow has the range, kill potential and the mobility to outclass Mcree. In a pro setup Widow is always the better choice than Mcree

Good luck breaking barriers or killing anything.

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Does that not mean he is where a dps of his caliber should be?

Nerf barriers then too.

Still won’t kill anyone.

1 this is largely because the past few meta’s have been barrier heavy as mcree is just a gun and nothing else he will suck especially in comparison to widowmaker who is also just a gun but her gun is much better and arigably has a better kit.

2 again widowmaker is better in every as is hanzo mcree downfall is not because his gun aucks because it doesn’t it’s just his kit is just a gun with a cheap crutch cc that holds back any meaningful buff for him.

What he needs is just better abillties because he will always suck as a gun when widowmaker and hanzo are allowed to be as great just a gun characters

3 actually he’s a lot simpler because he only has to aim saying he’s harder is being ignorant of other characters who also have to aim and learn how to use their other abillties on top.

4 actually he’s had a couple of buffs to his potential dps most of which have been reverted or partially dialed back. He’s also had his fall of range increased allowing him to keep dmg at longer ranges

Take away the barriers mcree is a terrifying character or at least he would be if couple other character didn’t have better guns with better kits. His dmg if fine his kit just plainly sucka in its simplicity and the fth stun crutch

We wouldn’t need barriers and healing to be so strong if there weren’t so much damage for them to deal with. Nerf damage, nerf barriers, nerf healing.

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Because Blizz doesn’t seem to understand that burst damage interacts differently with survivability than sustain damage.