Ashe shots not registering!

I really enjoy playing Ashe she got some unique mechanics as well as focuses on mechanical skill, but she got ONE thing that really frustrates me about her: Her shot hit registration, especially when ADS. You can be dead center on a non moving enemy and the shot just goes right through them. It happens quite often which leads to my performance being very inconsistent from game to game. A lot of other Ashes are experiencing the same issue. Can we get a fix for this?

Do you have the same issue?


Yes, it’s a well known bug.
Yet to fix

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I can imagine the eventual “bug fix” that boosts Ashe’s accuracy by 20-40% leading to Blizzard nerfing her damage. AHAHAHAHAHAH


Nah, they won’t stop there.
New patch notes;
Now BoB attacks teammates
Dynamite doesn’t explode


Coach fires her towards enemies

And the one after, Ashe dies instantly on respawn and the Player gets permabanned.

This is a known issue.

Honestly I don’t want them to fix it. They’ll nerf her, lol.

I would love for her to feel more consistent. Same with Symmetra and Zarya’s fixes they feel much more consistent

…which will lead them to nerfing her :frowning:

I would legitimately be salty as Ashe is one of my main DPS. But then again if it results in the overall same output but was vastly more consistent I’d maybe give it a chance.

It’s a worry, but she does need the consistency. She’d probably become one of the game’s premier DPS heroes if it got fixed; that she’s not now, from pro on down to ladder play, is a little surprising. She has a bit of everything except sustain.

I fondly recall one game as Ashe a few months ago where this Winston on the enemy team was apparently getting flak from his teammates. Because he couldn’t dive on us at all. At one point he jumps at us toward the end of Dorado (we were on defense) and I blast him back for what must have been at least the fifteenth time with Coach Gun. He just says in all chat: “Because it’s impossible to dive on this Ashe.”

Apparently, someone on his team had been giving him guff for not jumping in and wrecking our backline squishies, but he couldn’t. I mean, those other people are playing the game, too! :sweat_smile:

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:alarm_clock: SOUND THE ALARM :alarm_clock:
Blizzard MUST KNOW !

How can you host a sponsored competitive league grand final and season showdown running a version of the game in which an already struggling sniper shoots digital blanks according to the games code?


I would love that, too, but then they’ll nerf her lol. Like they were both nerfed.

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See above.

I think she does need to be more consistent but as a result, she’ll be nerfed into the ground. I don’t want ANOTHER one of my favorite heroes nerfed because Blizzard doesn’t know how to balance properly.

Unfortunately, as this point, that’s just the reality of the situation. Maybe you don’t get a game-winning kill and end up getting killed because your shot didn’t register. Maybe she gets nerfed after being fixed–it’s hard to say. Honestly, there’s so much that needs to be done with the game that there’s no telling when or if these major problems will be fixed, or whether they’ll just be replaced with something equally bad.

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Well, think about it like this. You’re an Ashe main. You’d say you’re already pretty good or alright with her right? Now increase your shot hits by 40%. You would go from pretty good to insane. They’d have to decrease damage per shot.

Damage across the board needs to be lowered anyway, along with healing and barriers (and everyone’s favorite, CC!). If we’re to ever have any chance at a reasonable game balance, power creep must be minimized, which means even Ashe must do less damage–but so should everyone else, evening it out.


CC is already less than a second per CC…How much lower can it go… :fearful:

Some is. But it’s the overall prevalence of it that’s the problem, not always the amounts.

I would argue there’s not enough with all the mobility that heroes have.