Why DPS always get the blame

Maybe I’m just a low-rank pleb and my opinion doesn’t count because of where I play, but I can’t second that. Yes, if you pick Bastion or Widow you will likely be flamed for no reason, that’s true. The same often goes for tanks if they don’t pick shield and for supports that play Zen or Brigitte (which, in my rank, doesn’t matter one bit).

DPS are not being singled out. I thought that as well because I read about it often, but I never actually experienced it myself.

But then again, I feel like people in these forums play a different game anyway…

Heh, this reminds me of one Youtube channel I watched prior 2-2-2. People always fighting over who gets to play DPS. Then the ones’ who “sacrificed themselves” by actually playing tank/support, salt dripping from their pores, proceeded to complain every single time the DPS didn’t perform adequately enough, saying stuff like “Ugh, let me play DPS and we’re gonna win!”
Good times.

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tank gets the most blame especially if you pick ball lol i would get blamed everytime somrthing bad happened until i disabled comms

You probably never played support than…

DPS may not rely on Supports to get kills, but they rely on Supports to get healed. There are 2 Supports, 1 for the Tanks, and 1 for DPS’s and they should both look out for each other.

If you need both healers for the Tanks, either the Tanks are doing something wrong, or the healers are doing something wrong. In most cases DPS can’t fight against other DPS with disadvantaged positioning and then have to constantly worry about chip damage.

DPS barely light up the killfeeds because they are busy looking for healthpack, or they have to take safe positions and just contribute chip damage from afar.

  • Bad Tanks that play too passively or defensively. ‘Bad DPS! do something cuz i am useless’. Common in Gold where no one seems to know how to tank.

  • High DPS Diff in low ranks. You can make all the space with a tank but if DPS want to sit back and snipe with Junkrat its not much use. The enemy will often have ‘Pro NiNja MaStEr GeNjI tOtaLlY nOt a sMuRf’ destroying your bronze team.

  • Easiest to bully and pressure class for the enemy team so if DPS get no Support they can seem ‘Bad’ even if they are not. DPS dont really carry more like they are enabled heavily by their team or totally ignored by the other team or its a mount everest of skill diff.

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Forum: Tanks are weak, DPS is the carry role.

Also forum: Let pour all the healing resources on Tanks and leave the carry to dry.

This is simply not true.
In OW DPS get blamed way more often. It was SO BAD that even a Developer had to make an official post about it :

The main issue is that due to the lack of scoreboards, you can only see true failure of supports and tanks in the Replay. During the match the “nothing is dying” complaint doesnt leave DPS players any room for excuses about not being on the killfeed etc.

Thats just how it is


It’s pretty simple.
DPS does have an impact when played correctly.

If you start playing tank or support, you’ll quickly realise most of the game you lost was due to a lack of damage.
DPS never switching, always playing hitscans (Widowmaker is a guarranted loss) while they can’t aim, never breaking shields…

And the worst thing is… The DPS role is easy. No matter how you look at it, it’s a very easy job. And you have a large choice of character and abilities to adapt to a situation.
And yet somehow, most DPS players fail to simply do their job and complain about how the Reinhardt didn’t gave them room to fight because he was too busy protecting the entire team against five people instead of swinging at the lone Wrecking Ball in our lines.

Since my last Quick play classic, I have no empathy anymore towards DPS player, because that’s when it hit me how incredibly easy this is.
Basically, in role queue, you could replace the two DPS players by bots and they would still be more efficient than most players.

The question isn’t “why dps always get the blame?”
The better question to ask is “you waited ten minutes to play like that?”


At least Hitscan players will improve over time, even if they lose today. The players who are the first to blame their teammates are the ones who already plateaued or stagnating themselves.

You mean the Widowmaker nobody even remembered was in the team and complaining about how the tanks didn’t “create space” for her to fight?

Because they’re usually the players complaining about their teammates.
And we let the situation fester to the point I don’t think any flex/support/tank players can feel any sympathy towards that most wretched role anymore.

9 out of 10 matches it’s the Tanks that complain, Widows are not even in the chat most of the time.

No Widow comes to the forum to blame her team. Can’t say the same about Tanks/Sup, they are a bit more petty than “the wretched role”.

And sure you don’t have to see those Widow ever again, they all moved up by now.

Nope. It doesnt even compare when it comes to dps. I had a tank match where i was feeding my brains out and at the end both supports blamed dps when it was clearly my fault but when i play dps (finished a match 2 days ago with 15k damage and 35/7 and we lost and i got blamed for it and during the whole match tanks and supports kept saying we were doing nothing. It just doesnt compare, dps always gets way more blames for a loss which is funny because its the role that needs at least one of the other two roles to be doing their job to work.

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before 2/2/2 i might agree, as an almost all tank team was the only thing we saw in owl.
but now, every role counts! its 6v6 and every helping hand matters.

that is wrong, tanks have to lead the team to the right path and allow them to have an advantage.
but i also know that dps ignore their tanks “group up” religiously.
the only tanks that can get a group are the most predictable ones!
those who walk into the same trap over and over with no single bit of strategy.
and those are the tanks that blame you.

Cause pepega tanks at low elo dont realise they play actuall carry role yet, also supports prefer to heal them cause easy to hit. And dps would have downtime looking for healthpack with a hero who requires some pocket like cree/ashe phara/echo to function proppertly. That way tank+supp synergy by default should be carrying game, but instead they are looking for who to blame.
When I boost accounts I wash low elo tank brains hard being toxic towards them, while carrying their game. Hope one day they will realise, probbably not xD

Even better … if you do poorly as DPS (true or not) others instantly tell you to switch off DPS but no matter how bad you are as tank or healer no one ever tells you to switch to DPS.

Because the tanks and support in you’re team are just flexing for tickets and they see every opportunity they themselves would have capitalized on.

I don’t know if I would say blaming DPS all the time is correct, but here’s the thing.

Not sure what mode you are playing in, but I play a lot of QP RQ.

And there, with the high demand role being DPS, and getting DPS players filling in healing and tanking roles occasionally, its a big damn mess half the time.


We get DPS players from all skill levels and mindsets, in all 3 roles.

Those brain dead tanks and healers you keep talking about? Probably are DPS mains, though its hard to say for sure since 98% of the time you can’t find out by looking at their profiles.


I’m not bashing DPS players here. So don’t think I am.

However. When I play primarily tanks, if I’m the only one on fire, the only one carrying gold kills most of the match, and we still aren’t making any progress (getting picks, etc), that means we aren’t doing enough damage or getting enough kills as a team.

Likewise, if I’m healing and have gold heals, keep the team healed up, but we still don’t get picks, don’t take space, don’t get any movement, or despite my best efforts to keep people alive, they are getting murdered in the blink of an eye because our defense and peek isn’t working, etc, then we aren’t getting kills as a team.

There is so many things that can go wrong with a game. Back to that sometimes you get rolled and sometimes you are the roller thing.

I have had games playing tanks with healers so bad I had gold heals as Hog and only healed myself for LESS THAN 3K the entire match. Love the card at the end for it too. lol

When I play Mercy, if we have a decent team and the second healer has good healing output I put out more damage boost. If our second healer sucks, heals just became priority over damage boost, but I NEVER latch and heal a full health hero. Always damage boost, and often I flick between the two during a fight, trying to boost their damage.

The few times I get to play DPS, I usually do Sym, who can be a mixed bag depending on the team. Either I get a decent team, and that allows me to setup and just friggin’ melt the opponent team, or I end up swapping to something like Junkrat or Mei. My damage output in general on DPS is not great, so I could be lumped into the bad DPS slot. lol

But anyway. There are a lot of factors that can screw it up. And yes, DPS can screw up, there are more of you.

But you aren’t all bad either. lol

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In what dimension? In my game everything is “Tank diff” or “gg our supports are feeding”.

I think most of my issue in the DPS role comes from the fact that they are the most versatile role in the entire game and most tend not to use that versatility. Other than healing or insane survival I feel like I can do most tasks I would find in the tank or support category when playing as DPS.

It can actually be kind of hard to decide what might be the best option to pick compared to tank or support where usually I feel like I have only 2 options for any situation.