Why DPS always get the blame

It literally depends on your team. Not your role. Toxic people will go after the most vulnerable players that seem to be doing “nothing.”


When you start looking at yourself first, I think you see more of the game anyway.

I notice I get gold damage with Doom a lot when I play with a friend who has great damage boost timing.

So when that happens, it’s not me “popping off” it’s the level of support I get - if I don’t get those picks, I’m not doing my job.

I think the frustration for OP (or at least myself) comes from the fact that people immediately go to a single person for the blame rather than look at how they can perform better as a team.

Like any DPS in any given evening I will:

  • Outperform my level massively
  • Switch too late
  • Pick the wrong hero
  • Get rolled DPS by someone of my level
  • Get rolled by someone much better than me
  • Dominate the enemy DPS
  • Dominate the healers
  • Underperform my level massively

But none of that matters until we are losing and a tank has gold damage.

The reason for that doesn’t matter, the assumption is that then DPS is the problem despite me having games where I dominate (solo killing both DPS on a flank every team fight) when I don’t even have a damage medal.

If your brain is somewhat smooth, the possibility that there are multiple factors related to that one stat and that stat’s impact on the team’s performance is a little bit beyond you.

Because the wide majority wants to play DPS and when they are “forced” to play tank/healer they are unhappy and looking for something to moan about.


While I don’t disagree with you, DPS do get blamed moreso then other roles in lower ranks
I mean your team dies first > therefore they had more damage > therefore better DPS -> Plat logic
Back in open queue days it was “DPS aren’t doing enough damage, DPS swap” and then you’d end up with 3-4 DPS instead when you originally had 2 tanks


If they play zero peel tanks cough cough d.va cough cough, hog or ball tanks deserve the blame. Lucio otps are common on support as are moira lockers and they are annoying. Unless dps are trying to cheese (pharah, bastion etc) and then getting counter or simply feeding, dps shouldn’t be the one’s to blame.

You get some tanks that won’t push forward, retreat, work with their team or fellow tank. That gets annoying to work around.

All roles do get a fair share of blame. But maybe I’m just noticing it from my years of flexing while others remained stubborn.

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Eh, I play all 3 and get blamed on dps more when I am top performer than the other 2 combined. And I play tanks and healers nobody likes…


the problem with overwatch is that when the game is with random players there is no empathy. people dont play as a team they do NOT think of their fellow teammates. basically its just every man for himself and that is why a premade will always kill random players unless the exception is players who play as a team. (very rare as random pugs)

lately it seems that every man for himself is more prevalent now in most games

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I’m just saying if most of the time you get dps who go off flanking then it’s probably because they don’t find the tanks doing their job.

Another reason that you get too many teammates who don’t know how to play dps, and they are usually teamed with people who don’t know how to play tanks, or supports.

Remember, I was going by your comment on how the majority of the dps you get “do their own thing” which sounded like you are the one doing the blaming.

I don’t blame games I lose on the tanks/supports I get, not 99% of the tanks, not 80% of the tanks, and not even 50%, 30% of the tanks I get.

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I normally try to defend the first player to get flamed and spread responsibility over the whole team as unless they are put in a match way above their SR (which does happen), then it is likely they are not being enabled by the team if they are underperforming as they are pretty much the same SR as you.

Smooth brain: “Healers, where are you?”
My response: “Well they can’t heal if they are dead. We are not protecting them from the Genji.”

Smooth brain: “Rein, why didn’t you push?”
My response: “Well he can’t push because we are split as a team so he is effectively solo tanking into two tanks and getting burned down quickly. Let’s group up.”

Smooth brain: “DPS, can you get a pick please”
My response: “Well we aren’t taking high ground for them so let’s win that battle first or they will have a tough time”

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DPS are usually my last priority healing.


As they should be, lowest impact heroes should be last.

I understand that as if you lose the tanks, you lose the fight normally.

I play Doom and if I’m not healed while my cooldowns are coming back, I might as well be in spawn.

1 second too late and I missed the opportunity to take high ground or kill the Bap or counter charge the Rein.

Simply being told “I can’t heal you” might completely change my behaviour though.

Those in your games vary from mine. We can only go off our personal experiences afterall which will differ. But I see it across all roles.

I tend to notice there’s either a person who self sabotages themself or the team, diverts blame to hide their own short comings or players who act selfish and jeopardize the team.

Regardless of role there’s always someone who will encompass at least one of these when things fall apart.

Had supports hard dpsing ignoring the teams needs, Tanks who sit at the choke not taking any ground and damage dealers not focus firing or players in general not grouping up and trickling in.

Medals often get misinterpreted can result in this.

Yes, this is how it normally starts, like clockwork. It would be such a poor deflection attempt if people weren’t sheep. You could convince a team of anything, that is what I learned. As long as someone says it, it MUST be true!

In some points I would hardly disagree, but also depends on what DPS hero you talk about specifically.

Tanks need waaaay more help and support than DPS, Supports need waaaay more peel than most DPS.

And also… ‘DPS is the least impactful role’ is a clear lie at this point in time. In fact some DPS where this strong for a long time. You can easily carry with McCree or Tracer atm. You can swing teamfights basically instantly with an Echo or Hanzo.
Some DPS are indeed underperforming or just straight out outmatched by one of the mentioned DPS heroes above, but there is a fair bunch of DPS that have a extrem high impact in the game.


I think you are confusing least impactful with no impact. Those are two different concepts. Dps have plenty of impact, but it is objectively less than most tanks or supports. Obviously there are some exceptions, like Moira, she has the least impact in the game by a landslide despite being a support.

And generally, at this very moment, most tanks are going to struggle against Rein/Zarya, therefore they are having less impact. I would argue it is a big problem, but I guess Blizzar doesn’t see it that way.

No no no. Tanks have been the worst for a while now.

However supports are easily the strongest rn esp because of bap/brig who counters a lot of the dps roster, that’s why dps isn’t the best role anymore

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Understandable but again. Most highly picked DPS have an insane amount of impact even on their own while specifically tanks need allways support from either their healers, DPS or their tank partner.


It’s how I feel about tanks when I get 3 picks and they don’t budge an inch from choke