Why don't we go back to the first MM system?

So your proposal is to allow duplicate heroes in the 2-2-2 framework? How does that change anything besides allowing you to play your main regardless of team comp?

Because owl and previous balance makes it impossible. For example, cooldown rez

Because what is worse than one Mei? Two Mei’s.
What’s counter’s Mei? Pharah. What’s worse than Pharah? Two Pharah’s.

Also, because of team incompetence, some players decide to be lazy, and pretend not how to play their hero. Or they actually don’t know how to play him or her at all.

I look on the forums, and I don’t see one positive thread. Not one. Most of them are game idea threads. Others are either nerfs or buffs about a hero. The funniest one (imo) is this one:

There are multiple heroes that would be really unfun to play against in duplicate

Sombra, Mercy, Doomfist, Sigma, Hog, Orisa, Bastion, Torbjorn, D.va, Symmetra, Tracer, Winston, Lucio…

Some wouldn’t be so bad like say McCree but so much of the cast would just be such a slog to take down that even if you won, it would be an awful match.

Like I love Sombra. She’s one of most played and beloved heroes. But two of her is god awful. It’s pretty rare to double up on hack, but with 2 Sombras it wouldn’t be.

Maybe not threads because most people who are gonna make a thread are gonna do so to complain. But if you go in the threads themselves you will see plenty of people who like the change, and plenty of people who do not.

It’s a controversial change with a lot of people on both sides.

AKA, the “everyone” you were pointing to.

If you REALLY want to dig deep into the community, the biggest one is this one:

Read the second comment. Its pretty funny.

Yay. Then we’ll never run out of CCs and rez

Did you even read my fist post, RaspBerry?

oh… well, I was just expressing my opinion. You’re free to disagree…

I didn’t say you’re wrong.

Nope :p.

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