The medal system breeds toxicity

The medal system creates more toxicity than anything else. It either A) makes some players feel they don’t need to switch (because they have “gold _____”) despite getting countered

B) when tanks or even some support have either gold elims or damage some tend to react and speak in a toxic manner to DPS (DPS you suck I have gold damage wtf) when in reality it doesn’t necessarily mean the DPS are doing poorly, maybe the tanks are focusing too much on damage or they’re just playing really aggressively

I feel a scoreboard or something might be a better means of tracking progress? The medal system seems kind of a breeding grounds of toxicity to me

Toxic players will be toxic no matter what system or stats you give them. Just report and mute.

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Medals can be shared amongst the team. It is possible for all six members to have gold medals in the same category.

I remember I made a dps smurf a while back and I was playing Ashe doing well with gold damage and silver elims. We lose one team fight and our moira with gold elims claims I’m not doing something like ok.

Well, this is what happens:

Players: Gold medals don’t matter.
Same players in next match: I’ve got gold damage on tank, dps switch.

In the meantime:

Playing hog and Dva is our tank lineup and we wonder how their Ashe has ults every other teamfights.

Dude, everyone except oneself is reason we lose matches. If we win, it’s because we hard carried.

DPSH!T Moiras and Off tanks are best at that. They don’t even realize Zarya does a ton of damage.