Why don't they bring back overwatch 1?

I’ve seen people talking about this and it’s actually a good question why can’t ow1 comeback?
I seriously don’t know why it’s taking so long, I mean blizzard could profit for selling the game again right and there is no need to connect the game to ow2 so why can’t they do the same thing they do with call of duty or WOW?
literally both us and blizzard could win with this!


Don’t worry, when OW2 player numbers tank so much that the remaining few cash shop whales won’t be able to maintain the bottom line presentable to their shareholders - they will make “Overwatch Classic” (i.e. OW1) in a desperate effort to milk as much $$$ of the player base. All that - while working on “Overwatch Immortal” to be the next release in the franchise.


overwatch 2 is already dying people keep coping by saying ‘’ BUT IT’S ON XBOX MOST PLAYED GAME LIST ‘’ yeah funny that could be also lies since there is no actual numbers and how come more people played AC valhalla than master chief collection that is simply stupid

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b-but it’s on number 12 most played game list…that means there are a lot of people playing at least 25 gorrillions :nerd_face:


Because it would be a waste of time, money & resources.

The forums vastly overestimate how many people actually want 6v6 to come back.

The state of the game in 2020->2022 is all the proof we need that 6v6 is not some golden version of the game.


The state of the game in 2020->2022 was “Delay all content until OW2”. There were literally no updates. Sojourn was teased in 2019. They literally just held onto content for their “big reveal”. OW2 is the whole reason why 2020->2022 sucked.


Because it would undermine MTX sales made from within Overwatch 2.

It’s the ONLY reason we don’t have Overwatch 1.


Would it tho?
I mean at this point they would profit more by releasing ow 1 again for like 20 or even 60 bucks and it would not even affect ow2 since everyone knows what to expect from the shop and the battle pass specially if the 2 games are not connected in any way.

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I will have to agree with the Overwatch classic but Overwatch Immortal what would that be? Overwatch 3 or Overwatch mobile hahaha… (blizzard please no).

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Don’t you have phone?

Charging a 1-time “20 or even 60 bucks” is just that: a one-time instant profit, but still it would be pulling people from another title that potentially charges them endlessly for MTX because they willingly spend. So that results in money being lost in the long term.

A spending player may not play because they necessarily want to spend money or find some sort of perverse enjoyment out of gaming itself by spending money, but just happen to spend anyway (whether they feel good or bad about themselves afterwards for doing so is irrelevant). A title that is enjoyable to a customer AND saves them money compared to a title that is enjoyable and regularly costs money? Yeah, you can tell which game customers are more likely to flock to. Even for those that just “don’t care.” They may play whichever game their friends are playing and spend accordingly to make themselves happy. If a high spender is prioritizing a cheap game because they value their time spend with friends, then they won’t care for playing another more expensive game just to spend more money simply because they want to play with their friends instead. And their friends, or rather random picks of the population of players will be more likely to happen to flock to cheaper to play/enjoy games for two identical games offering the same sort of enjoyment.

I mean… It’s not the same sort of enjoyment there is a lot of people who prefers how ow 2 plays like the 5v5 and no cc and there is masochists like me who prefers 6v6 and to be fair i doubt free to play players will pay to play the “same game”.

Do you really want mobile players in your games?
You gotta remember there’s crossplay in the game.

You’re preaching to the choir. I too, can hardly stand the new game and everything about it that changed. I had over 5000 hours of play time for the old game and played it for hours on a nightly basis, every night; couldn’t put it down, even during the content drought. This one? I play only to scratch the itch. Maybe a few games a week. I can’t stand 5v5.

For the people in charge, i.e., CEO Bobby K, the company shareholders, upper management: they want a game that focuses on making the most money out of the IP at the cost of everything else. That happens to directly compete and conflict with the ideals of the old title, and hence that is why we don’t have the old title around anymore.


Because if they did, hardly anyone would play Overwatch 2 because a not so shockingly large number of players honestly prefer Overwatch 1. I’d argue that there are a number of people not on the forums who are begging for Overwatch 1 to come back.

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Well we need to positives man look at WOW for example the reopened the old servers and made WOW classic when the numbers were down and let’s be honest ow2 numbers are also going down so let’s keep our chin up and pray for ow 1 to comeback.

Well we are a really weird Community (bunch of masochists), so it’s normal for us to prefer a lot of cc and 6v6.

I willingly embrace the CC if it means getting 6v6 back.


They’ve been caving on their brilliant ideas to cut features from the old game and are slowly starting to bring them back. They finally brought back the on-fire system, and for the people that missed it: more CC. Supposedly a player progression system that isn’t BP level progression will be making a return (maybe that means our beloved portrait borders). Who knows? Maybe we’ll get after-game player cards to vote on again, or LFG.

They seem to be hearing some of our complaints and—especially after the letdown and outrage of the cancelled PVE—so appear to be throwing us little bones here and there for damage control.

It’s why I keep suggesting a 6v6 mode to have. Even if it’s just arcade and unbalanced. I simply want to play it again. Be careful and note that if you do bring up having 6v6 as a playable option, whether here on these forums or on other social media, be sure to remind everyone that 5v5 does NOT have to go away for the return of 6v6. Otherwise your suggestion will be instantly shot down by 5v5 defenders and Blizzard shills.

That’s actually a good idea like a classic gamemode

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