Why doesn't Ranked MMR Reset?

Which is funny because GM smurfs already exists so.

it’s like some of you don’t want to think


Honestly at this point with alot of the smurfs i don’t care anymore.

We’re going to get that regardless, so I vote for an honest ranked experience over a dishonest one.

and what makes you think a hard SR reset is gonna make it more honest than it currently is?


btw, this thread inspired me to test this myself. I am currently doing an unranked to GM run. So far I have played 34 games which puts me at 3680 SR with a 84% win rate. This is still 500 sr below my actual SR.

Let’s assume, i will maintain a 80% WR (which I HIGHLY doubt), i would have to play another 22 games to make it to GM to be within 100 Sr of my actual SR. This puts me at 56 games in total just to get back to my old SR.

So those 14 games that you mentioned is so incredibly far off, it’s not even funny. Additionally, everyone else would try to get back to their SR as well, making games very unbalanced and a 80% WR exceedingly unlikely.

A hard SR reset would be catastrophical for MONTHS.

There, i did your “math”.


They’ll actually worry about grinding their accounts back up. Even if it’s only 40 or 50 games, it’s 40 or 50 less games they’ll be smurfing. Maybe a couple of weeks of unspoiled matches. That would be nice.

but in these 40 or 50 games, they will literally be smurfing. how is this remotely fair for lower ranked players when random masters and GMs have to battle it out in diamond lobbies trying to get back into GM? The same happens to plat players suffering from having diamond and masters players in their lobbies, and so on.


winners bracket will still contain bronzes that got carried dude.
we all saw how it went when role lock came out


I went from silver to gm. if you cant carry then its a lack of skill


I carried myself as support from Low Gold to GM/Top 500 (4100 Peak) mainly playing Lucio. You need to play more aggressive and get value


You’ve never seen the Rein that presses shift just for fun, have you…

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Then go with him, push hard

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Not our fault that certain people are not willing to improve and instead bank on a MMR reset to boost them up :rofl:


It’s literally what I’ve been getting this entire thread “I did this” I did that" but hardly any actual advice. People just insist on making someone feel bad than give any actual help.

It’s not white-knighting when it’s a fact that game quality will suffer for months.

The only reason it’s being suggested by people is because they can’t accept the fact that they are not climbing and blame the MM, smurf, or cheaters. But why would a SR reset fix any of those things? Please enlighten us how you think this would play out?


If you’re directing that towards me, I play every day and always look to improve.

It’s really sad - I hope they pay well.

At this point any suggested change to system is some “scheme” to rank up. I think when we signed up for this game we figured not everyone is going to gm m diamond and so on… but this tough dogs**** we do see could possibly me remedy some real world stuff.

It’s the act of trying things and learning - the stuff you guys preach about the game can be applied outside the system to improve the system.

But no it’s met as some scheme to rank up.

I don’t think it’s people blaming smurfs or cheaters. Just like my example, I just want a fresh start.