Why doesn't Ranked MMR Reset?

Hello, I am fairly new to the game at level 170, as well as forums so if this has already been asked a bazillion times, I apologize as I don’t know how to search for it. I’ve made the god awful mistake of playing ranked around level 70, thinking I was okay enough and to my surprise I got bronze… (sarcasm btw) A long while later I went back into it thinking I’d have a fresh start able to see how much better I got, but turns out I’m just stuck in elo hell and can’t carry myself out of it because I’m in support (my main role). It’s just disheartening I guess?


Just play hard carry supports such as Ana, Bap or Lucio (If you can make plays with him)

Climbing as Support is not impossible, I solo climbed from 800 to 2800 by one tricking Ana.


Resetting the MMR every season would lead to awful games, as bronze and GMs would get into lobbies together. It would take the matchmaker the entire season to sort everyone back into the SR in which they belong just for it to reset again in the following season.

If you dont belong in Bronze, you will make it out. Alternatively, you can buy a new account and start over. May actually be faster in your case.


that is statistically a small occurence and only for the first couple of placements. once the winners of winners brackets get sorted out from the losers of losers brackets, u just don’t have these collisions.

it would take approx 12-14 games to sieve players into roughly 300sr intervals from their true final ‘instantaneous’ rank. that is a really small price to pay for integrity restore. And it’s basically cleaner sorting then what you have on live (silvers with diamonds during lowpop hours, while bronze smurfs wintrade the same bronze smurfs every night of the week).

that is not how ladders should work.
the game rigs and smurfs plague ur progression.
5+ years without a reset means ranked integrity doesn’t exist.
nothing but washed garb in gm and hungry upstarts kept in plat.

A reset lets you retake the iq test. you take it, place, and get your score relative to the player base. SR is supposed to be a measure of your skill not a no-reset account winrate in a sea of corruption.

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You are forgetting that whatever number you are assuming for the matchmaker to sort someone into the right “bracket” (whatever your definition of that is) applies to every single player. Due the varying number of games individuals play, this would still take months.

Secondly, it sounds to me like you are saying that the matchmaker is pretty efficient at ranking people at their corresponding SR, so why propose a SR reset in the first place?

Literally never seen this ever happen. Players being two ranks apart - sure that happens occasionally at odd hours. Three ranks - no way.

Imagine thinking there’s people wintrading in Bronze.

This is exactly how ladders should work.

A claim for which you have zero evidence. On the contrary, there is an abundance of evidence that this is in fact not true.

If you don’t belong in a rank, the mm will remove you in time. Sometimes quicker, sometimes slower, but it will happen.


This is kinda BS, example Mercy is kinda easy hero to glimb up, what you have to do is also use Dmg boost instead playing as heal bot and focus not to die → as example if you see that your tank is 1v3 situation and it is very riskfull to go help him then look another party member to help out. Also do not use Ress if it is not ~100% safe = do not use your ress ability at middle of donkey land. Also use your Ult at team fight.

One good way is post few replay code about own gameplay also.

e: Personally i was ~800 SR support player and i hitted something like ~2150 SR by playing Mercy, after that i switched to Ana and i dropped to ~1200-1300 SR :rofl: but that is only bcoz i really don’t know how to play her correctly, maybe posting few replays could point out major mistakes. But yeah there are alot of supports to glimb up, other are easyer than others and personally i think that Mercy is easyest bcoz it doesnt request anything else than a bit of game sense and awearness, also reading kill feed will shows up who is worth of your pocket abilityes at some games.

This is probably most used method :grin: But tbh dunno is it worth to it, at the end if you belong to bronze you will drop back to there anyway and if you don’t belong there you will glimb up.

I have also done this as Rein from Bronze to Gold and took like ~100 games after i post replay about my own game play.


Yeah, I understand the chaos in that now. But even a reset like once a year would be so nice. I just hate the fact I’m pretty much being punished for a mistake I made as a newer player thinking i’d have another chance

Because i dont want to play against diamond players to get back to gm the whole season


You can always make up for whatever mistake you think you made! SR is dynamic, not static.

For Bronze, I would suggest you play a hero such as a Moira. If you don’t belong in Bronze, you will quickly climb.


that’s not how combinatorial designs and partition schemes work.
u absolutely can bin people with a few games.
iirc it was shown in a thread how ~14 matches is enough each accnt.
and that includes “error correction” i.e. placebo matches to test if smurfing.

if u want to refute that
pls explain
using math
how many games YOU think it would take to place someone.
state ur assumptions and back up ur claim of “months on months”.

your math would really help our community, instead of spreading misinformation based on heresay.

it happens people make posts about it and show codes.
use forum search. it’s usually a grouping thing, but sometimes it’s a sparsity of roles.

imagine not understanding how shuffling the same 30 trolls back and forth using mmr rigging would lead to involuntary wintrading. do u even kno how non-transitive effects work at the tail-ends of distributions?

every1 with math resets ladders periodically.
they do this to restore integrity, by remixing the active population u get a recalibration of player skill. They do this to break up non-transitive runaway, edge effects, sparsity issues, and to redistribute alt accnts away from the areas where they concentrate. It forces better/faster games because everyone is closer to the middle and has to recertify their ability.

Completely false. A ladder must be about natural unadulterated progression and improvement, with periodic resets to recalibrate the metrics. You don’t rig progress. And you ranking, scoring, payout and matchmaking criteria should be equivalent, if your metrics are fit-for-purpose. If they aren’t, you don’t have a ladder, you have sham.

This can be done more efficiently without mmr rigging. MMR exists only to rig and throttle engagement and retention vs. churn. See for example the patents that show how they rig.

LMAO. See the patents, definitions on rigging, and dev statements.
What evidence exists that shows it’s provably fair and not rigged?

Do provide luuul.

First of all, you didn’t explain anything “using math”. All you did is name a number and said that there was once a guy who stated that said number is all it takes to get these accounts to their corresponding sr.

Secondly, I didn’t intend to refute anything. All I did is take your number, which you pulled out of thin air, and argue that this number, whether it’s correct or not, applies to every single individual in the game, creating months long chaos with respect to game quality.

Here again, all you said is “no it doesn’t” without providing anything of value as to why.

The only time I have ever seen anything like this, was the minute after an update went live due to a bug. Otherwise there is no way a GM and a plat is paired, or a Bronze and a Plat, etc. Once again, you just pull something out of your a’ss.

Okay, so first of all “win trading” is the opposite of “involuntary”. By definition, “win trading” is the agreement between two parties to trade wins. So your argument already falls apart before you even get to your delusional statement.

I don’t, I am pretty sure you don’t either, but I think what you are trying to say is that at the outer bounds of each side of the bell curve, the match maker will become a little looser to fill lobbies. Well, I do play in one of the “tail-ends” and you can count on one hand how many times I have had diamonds in my lobby, and I have absolutely never played with a plat.

What’s your weird obsession with math?

Not necessary, as I said before all it does is create more one sided matches.

If someone actually plays the game and not only does his placements each seasons, they will drop or climb if they don’t belong in an elo.

Why do you keep pulling wrong definitions out of your a’ss? Do Chess ladders ever reset? Again, it’s actually the opposite: For a ladder to facilitate climbing the ranks, it needs to be consistent and not just reset every once in a while and destroy all of your progress. Not everyone has time to grind this game 5 hours a day.

No evidence and you can’t even refute the evidence that proves the opposite.

Just because you are misinterpreting the available information doesn’t prove that the system is “rigged”, sorry. I have put enough effort into explaining this in the past, I won’t do it again.


Everyone have another chance, specilal prize just for you : 20$

  • Bli$$ard

Your profile is locked so I can’t see what heroes you play.

I can sympathize with your frustrations. I think a lot of people jump into competitive play not really understanding how a competitive system works (matching you against your peers and forcing you to grind).

I know some people who group up frequently (who are closer to your rank) you might enjoy queuing with if you’re interested.

He has a point though. You could purchase a new account and hope that your experience and mechanics are enough to raise your MMR to the point where you’re matched evenly in games.

Realistically though, if you haven’t improved enough, after a few dozen games, you’ll slip back into low silver/bronze.


I enjoy a Mercy, Ana, Moira, and Brig when I see people she counters. I could never really get the hang of Zen or Bap though, I hear Bap is insane but I just can’t.

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He’s basically Soldier 76 with “almost” Ana quality healing. There’s a lot you can do with Bapt.

Zen is pretty much a DPS who keeps you from having to go for a health pack every team fight.


I had the same mindset, but climbing on support is very doable. Play high impact heroes like ana and zen and be offensive don’t be a heal bot especially in low ranks. Watch awkward’s unranked to gm series on YouTube. Within two weeks I got all 3 of my accounts out of high silver into plat by watching his videos and using his advice.


Oh, the horror of exposing GM’s to lower ranked players. It’s never happened before! :roll_eyes:

dont play support, you will never get out. Practice dps and frag you way out of bronze. its the only way. Tanks and dps are soo bad in this elo, healing them does nothing unless they are a smurf

So you want more of that horror or less? Because resetting the MMR will lead to more of that.


Because they want to make you buy a new account.