Why does widow even need to do 300 dmg

Except hitscan in this game is so broken and everything else is so nerfed it basically doesnt matter


That’s true of most matchups with Junkrat. Widow isn’t really the problem.

i think it’s stupid snipers in overwatch are way to forgiving compared to other games in most games snipers are projectile an have barely any mobilty while in overwatch it’s the complete oposite

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That’s mostly becuase they’re bad at CS:GO and hitscan in Overwatch is waay easier/more forgiving :wink:


Well someone had to say it

She doesn’t need to do 300 dmg, people just like her to be able to.


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She teaches you how to use cover, shields, coordinated dives, best coach ever if you can learn.
Should be paying widow mains for coaching you to git gud.

That said if winston or dva aren’t in trash state the whole widow problem wouldn’t be there, the reason a genji or tracer can’t get in to dive widow is cause you don’t have a tank disrupting, winston isnt weak cause of widow headshot he is weak cause everything else will kill him, once you fix winston dva, ball is already good then tracer genji can join and proper dive can happen.
Right now you are missing scissors against paper, instead of removing paper from game how about fixing scissors.

People: Roadhog is op. Theres less barriers and no counterplay to his 20m hook

Also people: wtf don’t nerf widow, shields literally counter her, don’t ruin her one shot at 70 meters


woah this post blew up

anyways my personal opinion widow should cap at 250 damage headshots.

spaces out shots so they can be responded to more quickly as well because the widow would need to wait longer for the full charge, esp for a 250hp squishy

she has no business murdering helpless tanks who cannot counter her

You’ve missed the point.

It’s true for almost every dps matchup with Widow. Position badly and you risk dying instantly with no counterplay.

In order to balance for this Widow herself shoud also have extremely harsh counters that she can’t do anything against. Or a rework to decrease how hard she counters most dps.

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I can’t react to a df flying it with seismic slam.

Only my zarya can react to such a move.

Whoever uses RP for doomfists power doesn’t play correctly.

RP is arguably df’s worst ability.

SM - shot - UC - shot.
As a victim you can’t do much.

As a friendly zarya, you have all the power to deny her.

What can i do as a victim?
Considering i can start to react after he smashed 3 buttons and i’m flying super predictable through the air. With a little bit of hp left…

Regardless what am i complaining…
My supports only rage if i ask for healing
Or rage if i die after beeing behind them for 45sec on 10hp. :sweat_smile:

If the counter needs to either play like hitting every pixel wanted or only executable in gm+

I wouldn’t mind.

Problem is, counters in the eye of the forums take as much skill as winston leaping in, holding m1, vs 0 counters and just jumps out.

While the widow wouldn’t win even if its a gm smurf in gold.

As example:
Bronze whine about tracer stomping them.
You watch the game and they go 1by1 into a 1v1 with tracer instead of using 1 tank and 1 support to quickly anihilate her.

Tanks not even trying to help theye support/backline and just walking 1by1 into a 1v6 on 2cp…:sweat_smile:

Counters in the eyes of the forums need to win a 1v6 without effort…

Now i ask, based on this,
Where is the phara counter?

Simply clicking heads isn’t one of them.

If we need a “i win” widow counter, we can give widow a official aimbot. :sweat_smile:

Inb4, buhu widow has no counter, i dive her and hog killed me. Nerf widow :joy:

If Widow is capable of killing my whole team, meanwhile they ignore her for the whole duration of the match… that’s not because she’s OP. You could easily go 2v1 against her, and you don’t even need to kill her… if you constantly annoy her, cause her to be out of position and constantly use her grapple to escape rather than get a good spot, that’s good enough to make her switch off Widow.

If you chase her around the map and she still ends up killing you, it’s still a win for your team because you distracted her long enough so she only targets you.

I like using Genji/Mercy to chase her. Or Dva/Mercy, or even Winston/Mercy. dmg boost is awesome as it really shortens the time she’s got to try and headshot whoever dived her.

As someone who can competently play all of these heroes (with the final three being preferred), I think that this statement is quite true. Hitscan advantage is real, and leading shots is a skill of its own.

This doesn’t mean that Hitscan prowess isn’t skillful though. Not dying as McCree long enough to hit something is quite commendable. I couldn’t do it until I was a platinum border.

If it’s a skill matchup then it’s not a hard counter. At that point it’s an even matchup. A hard counter has built in advantages that significantly lowers the value a hero can bring.

That said, Widow having a fundamentally unhealthy design doesn’t give her an excuse to hard counter most of the roster. Equally it doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t be countered just as hard by other heroes.

Hyperbole. Let’s go with a more realistic scenario.

Havana with no sniper mains on your team. You straight up lose if the other team runs a halfway decent Widow and you dont have anyone to mirror. It’s unhealthy.

If Widow is getting dived constantly maybe it’s time to improve positioning and if that’s not possible, swap. You know, like every other hero. She shouldn’t get a pass purely due to the “muh skill” argument.

She hard counters huge chunks of the roster to such a degree that she should also be forced to swap when her counters are played.

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That actually could be a decent nerf to widow

At least one that will have more of an impact than the slap on the wrist she just got

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Hitscan needs to be changed to projectile.

A more complicated but balanced fix to the issue.

Ngl every character does something well, Hog and Widow oneshot people- that is literally all they can do.

It’s the only leverage they have for Widow and hitscan in genera.

Hitscan is much easier to land shots with than any other hero in the game. These people who claim hitscan takes more skill are left over scrubs from the old FPS days when it really did take skill. Here in OW the hitboxes are so large that it’s pretty much a freebee shot if you’re half way good at point and clicking.

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Its the player behind enabled by the widow.

That said, i’m not against the same principle for a counter.

Wrong, as the players behind widow aren’t gods, i can simply beat them with whatever doesn’t get hard countered by the rest of her team.

(edit: this is my point. If i just have to select widow to autopilot click heads, THEN i’d take a, pick this to beat her 100%, as a counter)
She’s just a tool. The counter should be just a tool too.

As mentioned above, i’m simply against hard counters “by design”
Not against counters enabling the player to “hard counter”

I see the Problem top players face. (aka your example)
But simply adding a hard counter thats design forbids a lose vs a widow is wrong on every single level