Why does this forum seem to like smurfs?

There is no “cheating” in stacking odds in your favor.

Only if we continue with automatic matchmaking systems.

I can’t disagree with you. You aren’t wrong

Sure, like corruption, I agree with you. But, allowing this from rules and making the war against are 2 things completely different that can change drastically the incidence of this phenomenon. You can see on chess online, they simply ban this in every form, is simple logic. If you offer a elo service you can’t allow smurf, it is a logical contradiction.

(with this I don’t say we have X certain number of smurfs or not)


If you can’t beat it, you can legalise it. Like it happened with corruption, when it became lobbying.

What do you propose they do to eliminate the awful smurfs?

They can’t do anything. But luckily there isn’t that many. So we can just report them if we find them and move on with our lives.


They don’t ban Smurfs. They’d lose too much money. From a business perspective and a game developer perspective, smurfs arent really an issue. What is an issue is actual cheating. They do care about that.

Do smurfs make it rough in comp? Sure. But nobody promised you a yellow brick road to GM. Even GM deal with smurfs. Every rank does.

The more I read these smurf posts, the more I realize that it’s mostly people who haven’t played many seasons, who place too high of expectations on themselves. You’re not going to go from lvl 25 to GM as a new player… In 3 or 4 seasons. Sorry. You’re not.

This game is designed to make you grind and even if you somehow made it to GM, you wouldn’t stay there long because you aren’t a GM player in reality (if a person is newer).

My coach told me it took him 3 years to get to GM and a while other year and a half to get rank 1 on EU PS4.

Most ppl dream if being in GM but you’d hate it there because you’d get punished so hard you’d uninstall… Not because they are smurfing, but because they have skills that overshadow yours by miles.

I have found that once you hit mid diamond, things change. Aim is better, punishment is harsher. You’re no longer trying to meet average stats, rather, you’re getting called out for throwing if your hero isn’t an ideal pick for the situation. Ppl are more serious there because they’ve either dropped from masters and want back up or are trying to get to masters and really focusing.

Smurfs should not be your concern. Your gameplay should be your concern.


If you can’t accept the situation ok, is normal.

But Blizzard already proofed enough they listen when there are a real problem.

In this forum there are many people lying about smurfing or can’t accept there are better players.

But even in this forum they are a minority.

Blizzard will never act for a little minority, they not even do some pr announcements.


You are delusional if you think someone would protect cheating, and you also delusional if you cant see a difference between skill advantage and cheating, which is 3rd party software with wallhacks and aimbot. Smurf is a person who plays the game just better than you. Instead of hate - learn something. Competitive games are for improvement, not for being hardstuck plat, complaining here and there.


Also. 99% of the time it is an alt not a smurf and usually someone who is at best 1 rank above you.

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This is false. They only make money on new accounts if that account buys loot boxes and other merch… Something a true smurf is unlikely to do.

Smurfing is bannable, and they have told you to report people for throwing games and boosting accounts. Then they will get banned.

But you are right. Because there isn’t many. Smurfs shouldn’t be your concern.

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Really doesn’t matter, smurfs shouldn’t be discussed as something bad at first place, cause there is only hypocrisy behind that is covered. Speaking about “victims”, these players don’t want to learn the game, they want to casualy play in sandbox, thinking it was made for them to stagnate there. OW is a competitive game which made ladder to climb, not to hardstuck or smurf. But smurfs can’t do the same approach to a game as casuals do, for some reason… (playing casually).
What I wanted to say, casual player = smurf in terms of game approach, only skill is the difference, smurf made it to gm or masters at least once to be able to do impact that way. He bypass other smurfs by trying his best and practicicing hard every day. OW is such a boring game when it comes to meta, that’s why most reasonable players would smurf with their genjis and doomfists in plat, cause it is unplayable heroes any higher, and many other heroes are at the same state with them. There is no incentive to grind in GM given by devs or game itself, becides you are poppular streammer, booster, or pro player.
I have like multiple accounts in gm, I don’t like these games, most of them defined who has better tanks and how much ppl would accept meta game with you. Someday you feel to tryhard a bit, somedays you wouldn’t. I still have like 50-60% wr there, so I don’t suck, I do decent, so “They suck at their own elo” is not a point, it is you who suck hard, that’s why you have smurf issue at first place (addresed for hardstcuck complainers) . When you hit higher ranks, as a benefit you willl have options to play something else anywere below with built muscle memory and gamesense, depends on how sophisticated are you. Think about it before post anonther essay, speaking about how your preccious experience being ruined by better players… (addresesd to hardstcuk pepegas, who complains at forums)

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I don’t see them as bad my self.

I just want people to actually report the correct people, not just any diamond noob that beats you.

The people accusing people of smurfing are nearly always wrong anyways.

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You’re good, I was just open minded with this wall of text, everytime I do that, I keep a hope that may be some low elo player would realise something and change his mindset to help himself at first place.

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Haha. I get you. Hopefully they will.

I am wise enough to know I can only learn from better players. Even if it is something tiny like a cheeky Torb turret spot.

I think I have encountered 2 actual smurf accounts in something like 400 ranked games. I am not going to worry if I encounter 1 and get stomped/carried.

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For having such clear mindset I will appreciate you with some clean montage, no self promotion, I am nobody, but I really miss those Ashe days sometimes =)

please, can you provide these proofs? Kaplan said in 1 single post that a player takes only 13 matches to reach his high elo. But with this, did not provide any single proof, asked us to trust on his words, not more. No words about how many accounts that single player can make, or how much frequently this happens, not 1 single number as proof.

The only proofs you know is the faith in a stakeholder company, that you think will care about your health than their incomes.

Maybe you should prove someone is smurfing before anyone else goes to prove they are not an issue.


Sorry, not linked properly; were you talking to me?

From my experience, people smurf to get more than 16% impact
When they often encounter games where they perceived the team to be lacking

IMHO you can’t win them all.
Either smurf = beat your enemies but get mad at your team
Git gud = get good teammates but get rekt by the enemy (now forums; insert enemy smurf here)