Why does this forum seem to like smurfs?

Factually inaccurate seeing as there isn’t many smurf accounts.

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You cant even say “factually” because you legit dont have the numbers.
Istg why does everyone just regurgitate the company response or blindly accept it.
Blizzard isnt the goodwill amazing company it used to be.
Smurfs are everywhere in gold and plat, this coming from my experience smurfing on the account of a friend who has been hardstuck gold for 20 seasons on that account.

Its at least every other, or every third game, which for an elo as highly populated as gold and plat is ABSURD.

At least bring anecdotal evidence like I did, because its better than “no ur wrong, the facts say so”

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I am in gold and plat. I can confirm there are barely any in those games.

If you want to accuse someone you will need some good proof.

They were hard stuck for 20 seasons because they failed to improve in all that time. Nothing else.

Anecdotes are not evidence. If you want to cry smurf. Drop their profiles, or pictures of with names cut out if you want to avoid “naming and shaming”

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20 characters


Its the truth brother.

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He is mostly right though.

Ew, get a room, you two!


Would you like to join, it will be a good time I promise.


You don’t need many to spoil whole supply.

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True. Not saying what exists aren’t a problem.

But there is no where near the volume the keyboard warriors on here claim there is.

Don’t waste your time with him , if you read all his post he can deny that sun exist even if he can see a big giant yellow sphere in the sky.

Smurfs exist and ruin the comp experience for everyone.

This is a fact.

But they defend them otherwise if devs mind to find a solution and one day will ever find it

They will be matched in their true elo where people of same skill level will just give them a hard time and they can’t climb anymore and feed their ego.


Again i not need to change anything, so i don’t need to proof anything.

You need to proof or find enough people to make Blizzard do something if you really think there is a “smurfing problem”.

If you are right, than will be simple to find enough people.

Or maybe the problem is you know there aren’t enough people have problem with smurfs so you don’t even trying?

too many vested interests bruh. Just like why so many people are against the customizable chat filtering idea

Not the last reason is that Overwatch, when you are not smurfing, is just no fun. Way too many things, that can go wrong, that you can’t fix. As smurf, you at least have certain control of game outcome.

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Anyone who has this opinion on smurfs is either willfully blind or enjoys being a douchenozzle.


Nah, we see things for what they actually are.

In what world do you live? In each trial or science debate both accuse or defend have to explain their arguments?

If I say x cause y I’ve to explain this. If you say X don’t causes Y you have to explain this, does not matter if you are accuse or defend, this explains why in trials both the prosecution and the defense have their lawyers, their evidence filed and their witnesses, otherwise the trials would be done only with one side and the judge. Likewise in scientific debates.

currently there are those who say smurfing is a huge problem (without providing evidence), who like me say we do not know how to quantify the entity so we cannot make precise estimates (although raiot and other brands have publicly declared it is a real plague, some have even banned the practice in its entirety, see google), those who like you say the number is small or irrelevant (but you do not provide evidence, and when you are asked for it argues for an elusive alien logic that you are not required as you are not there 'accusation; forgive me but it is devoid of any logic).

Do you want to have a debate and have your say? Well, provide the evidence, don’t repeat over and over: “I don’t have to provide evidence of my own arguments”, it’s a lack of respect towards the interlocutors.

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I try to make it more easily possible.

There is no trial or debate.

There are some people think there is a smurfing problem talking alone, “normal” players are playing ignoring them, Blizzard are ignoring them.

This people need to bring proof of this problem if they want to be taken seriously and this problem recognized, specially by Blizzard.

Until this happen they will be always a little minority compared to the playerbase of the game.

And I can also share your opinion, but you have to provide numbers if you say something for truth. Can be that or can be the opposite, you don’t provide 1 single number, this is faith.

In other words, you manipulate the game to ensure you have an unfair advantage, otherwise known as… drumrolllll… cheating lol
You are literally describing what the word means.

dude, he’s not here for reality or facts, he’s a troll. He defends smurfs religiously, and shows he doesn’t care if the game is played fairly or not. Best to not even engage with him, you’ve seen he just says things and doesn’t have real answers or responses.