Why does this forum seem to like smurfs?

On the cost of ruining ranked for other people who are also trying to climb.

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They are not costing you.

You ignore my rank question… so I shall try something else as the season is nearly over.

How many games have you played?
What is your win rate for the season?

The last time when I played I was matched against a premade of 4 lvl 25 account.

None of these matters for the current topic.

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Yes they do, because you are claiming they impede peoples ability to climb.

So just answer me this then. How many games have you played this season.

Mine is 278 games this season… with a win rate of 51% (58% on support and below 50% on tank and dps.

The reason for my drop this season on Tank and DPS? because I am not playing well enough. Whilst on support my play style seems to suit the current patch more.

Enough to have at least 2-3 surfs every 2nd game.

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You are just talking in hyperboles.

Bring data to the table.

There are not enough smurfs for you to be playing with/against that many.

It took me 7 games and i was already diamond on my alt ( went 4-1 in placements and won the other 2 games). That means I was already diamond at level 26. If somebody is still in plat by level 50 then they’re not actually a smurf smurf and they just are a plat player making an alt account. Only exception is buying an account that was bronze or something but even then, most people in this game only smurf one rank lower than theirs.

That is something which only blizzard can provide.

Yes there are. And i was getting them even season ago before they became a common thing to other ppl as well.

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So only Blizzard can tell me how many games you’ve played this season?

I can tell you that, if you didn’t have a private profile.

No, what has become more common is people accusing people of smurfing. That isn’t the same as people actually smurfing. A diamond player playing in gold/plat and popping off isn’t a smurf. (even if their inflated ego might make them think they are).

And why it has become common if it wasn’t true?
They aren’t even trying to hide that they are smurfing. Even if you have the best aim and come from another game, there are things that are specific only for OW and it is very easy to spot those ppl.

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Just because someone is accusing, doesn’t mean they are right. And sadly, most of the time they are very very wrong.

I have been called a smurf so many times, just because my account is low level.

It is cute, and flattering. But so far from the mark I just have to laugh at them.

Just because someone knows how to play the game, doesn’t mean they are a smurf.

And the bigger question is, you have clearly played this game a lot (the account level…) so what was stopping you improving your skills along the way and being the player that stomped others.

And I have played long enough to be able to tell smurf from ppl who are just good on their first account.

Skill doesn’t improve over night. It only does when you are put in a rank that is way lower than your skill level.

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Well clearly not. Sadly.

No, skill does not necessarily improve over night. But it will improve by the time you get to what ever border you are at.

So either you are not bothered about improving (so why cry about better players), or you are belligerently stamping your feet blaming others when in fact the real issue is yourself.

Like myself. My failure to climb much this season is because I haven’t improved enough. I need to either accept that or practice more.

Yeah it will but I won’t be stomping anyone because the change happens gradually unlike with smurfing where you can be GM and just start from gold on a new account.

Messing up the matchmaking on purpose for other ppl is the issue here.

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No you can’t.

If you are a GM player, at worst you will place about 2750 and be in diamond in about 3 to 4 games. But more likely will place in diamond.

they are not messing anything up, other than your mindset. And that is more of a you issue.

Lets ask the unranked to GM streamers.

Mine and a lot more ppl apparently. Actually no, no. We are just imagining it. :smiley:

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This thread really blew up, didnt it?

I’ve watched a lot of them because some of them are pretty interesting and useful if you are trying to improve.

Most placed in diamond. a couple got high plat. One ended up in gold. The gold player never got to GM because they weren’t good enough on the role they were trying.

“a lot of people”. Well as I always say, a lot of people think god is real… doesn’t mean they are right.

I just start reporting smurfs. There is no need to have them in the game.


Please share how you know they are a smurf?