Why does this forum seem to like smurfs?

Lets ask the unranked to GM streamers.

Mine and a lot more ppl apparently. Actually no, no. We are just imagining it. :smiley:

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This thread really blew up, didnt it?

Iā€™ve watched a lot of them because some of them are pretty interesting and useful if you are trying to improve.

Most placed in diamond. a couple got high plat. One ended up in gold. The gold player never got to GM because they werenā€™t good enough on the role they were trying.

ā€œa lot of peopleā€. Well as I always say, a lot of people think god is realā€¦ doesnā€™t mean they are right.

I just start reporting smurfs. There is no need to have them in the game.


Please share how you know they are a smurf?

You can tell by how they play. If you are lvl 25 and getting headshots left and right with Widow then you are a smurf. You can tell easily by gameplay that they are smurfs. Also your rank tells as well. If you are a LVL 25 and in rank plat or higher then you are a smurf.


HAH found the smurflol

Account level doesnā€™t mean anything about smurf.

If they are lvl25 they will almost certainly be an alt account just popping off.

So you are false reporting.

I am low level and 2700ish on support. I am not a smurf.

You are ignoring when you ā€œtake a rideā€ on them too. Net effect is 0 on your SR. The only argument you can make against smurfing is you simply donā€™t have a good experience in the actual games themselves which can be a valid argument. However, when you try to make the argument that they are keeping you from climbing up the ladder you are quite simply wrong.

The reason I am not against smurfs is because they have helped me get better over time. Sure it can be annoying and disappointing, but you canā€™t give up or throw a fit. You just have to try to learn from it or learn how to deal with them. Then you yourself will be a better player.

Lol ok but reporting them does nothing blizzard doesnt care about smurfs all you are doing is wasting your time and theirs.

Ranking up does this, but infinitely more effectively. Excuses

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  1. Clarify the circumstance: many, MANY people post about ā€œsmurfsā€ incorrectly, and often are referencing alt accounts, or are offering opinion without background. They could think anyone better than them in their rank is a smurfā€¦ itā€™s a readily available scape goat.

  2. I think itā€™s unfair to say these forums like smurfs. We like critical thinking, and we like being objective and we like making sure we know what it is exactly we are talking about. So when people start opposing an OP who is complaining about Smurfs, we try to get to the bottom about what it is exactly we are talking about, ā€˜less it just be scapegoat whining.

2B) to reiterate, I do not think ā€œthese forumsā€ like Smurfā€™s. It may be a small handful of people that doā€¦ but itā€™s unrealistic to phrase it this way.

i just donā€™t like the common belief that if u are level 25 and in comp then u are automatically a smurf. it is very hard to tell.

and personally, i really enjoy getting smurfs/better players in my ranked and qp games. it allows me to learn how to properly play the game in a higher skill environment.

(btw i am in no way saying that smurfing is ok or shouldnā€™t be enforced against. making a new account to stomp on worse players is a scummy and un fun thing to do)

People seem to think that players all start in silver and have to work their way up to GMā€¦
This is categorically false. In fact, if you legitimately finish placements in silver I posit that you will find it literally impossible to work yourself up to GM. Your MMR will be set in stone long before that.

Below average players play for hundreds of hours and grind and grind to reach Platinum, so when they see a low-level player already in their rank, they immediately want to believe that they must be smurfing. The reality is probably this: If you are in plat and you see a bronze border player, it is because they placed in Platinum.
Many, many players start in Diamond or better. It wasnā€™t uncommon to see low level players in masters. Not all players start out playing like silver rank.

The argument I would make in favor of smurfing is that it is no longer possible for me to play with my friends on my main account. They removed the ability to play as a group.
I stopped playing the game entirely after that, but many players made new accounts.

ā€œAlt accountā€ is an euphemism in 90% of cases.


You do not need the same experience as obviously that is impossible, but what you need is an experience where people are actually trying to win. If I want to learn Doomfist, I am not going to learn him playing against Sigma/DVA/Genji/Bastion/Mercy/Moira, that is being played as 6 individuals. Diamonds will do the right thing, but will do it fairly slowly which gives time to actually learn your hero.

As you get better playing against real people trying to really win you can either let the account you are on rank up, as many do when they make a Ball/Doomfist account or you can be like ā€œI think I got thisā€ and jump on an account 500 SR higher and probably be 50/50 for awhile (starting off losing more than winning but it will even out) before feeling better with that at which point you can play your real account again.

Either way the only way to properly learn a hero is to play them in competitive and if you are in GM, where your pick matters, or you are just trying to learn the timings, you cannot play them on your ā€œmainā€ account without dropping about 900 SR which means unless you want game quality to take a massive nosedive you should support the idea of alt accounts.

Fact:Most dont even know what a smurf even is
Fact:Most who do cry smurf are subpar at the game and think anyone who kills them HAS to be as smurf.
Fact:I just saved 15% by switching to Geico

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you know why is smurfing considered as a problem? Cause 99% of playerbase are playing for fun, not for improvement, but game is comepetitive and about climbing. So if you do not climb, at least learn it from smurfs mb. Bad players are the same lvl of problematic as smurfs in that case, but actual smurfs (really good players went to lower elo like gm in plat which is common rn.) are only 1% still. So 99% is a bigger issue for me. You have to realise that you can not play for fun unless you deserve it in competitive enviroment - thatā€™s what smurf knows and you donā€™t. Elo is not a sandbox where you would play, elo is a way from point A to point B, if you do not go anywhere donā€™t call issues like that besides ā€œme being just bad at the gameā€ Everyone can be grandmaster but not everyone wants it hard enough. Your time limits, dedication, all excuses are your personal problem, not game problem. You either work hard to beat YOUR issue (like I did for myself) or suffer from your lazyness.

Probably because normal players accept there are people better of them

Normal players donā€™t need to think players kill them must to be smurf.

Normal players donā€™t need this excuses.

Basically smurf is the new excuse for modern players, at least before we have only the ā€œcheaterā€ excuse.