Why does the community hate Mercy mains?

LOL, go back to reddit if your arguments are “LUL Triggered” and upvotes.

Yes, strawman. Your entire position here is “I never saw this, thus I don’t think it happened”. I never said that the opposing opinion was an empirical “fact”. I said it was an observation and an experience. Thus, what you haven’t seen and what you don’t think are irrelevant.

Not my fault you took the analogy super literal.

Glad to hear you admit that you aren’t even trying to argue on good faith.


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Fair point. I’m going to create one now. Not a DPS main myself, but they do need more recognition!


I don’t but when there’s nothing but mercy posts on the forums with the same feedback it gets really old, it’s all blizzards fault though, it’s not like mercy mains caused the mercy meta, they’re just dealing with the bad balancing.


All I’m really gonna add to this is: when other heroes get reworked,there’s not much of a backlash apart from people on the forums

when Mercy’s rework was announced,it was trending worldwide on Twitter

I finally have some time to compose my thoughts about players who play Mercy and while i posted it on another thread to encourage a new player who is considering to main Mercy, i think that it is equally relevant here.

I cannot fathom the hate on Mercy as a character nor the vitriol directed towards players who play her so i cannot comment on that.

Please do allow me to say only this:

You cannot imagine the sense of utter relief i feel when i see someone insta-lock Mercy in any game, Competitive; QP and Arcade. Straightaway, i have a positive feeling towards that player because i know that that person is the type who would look out for his/her team mates.

Will die so that other might live.
Will brave the fiercest firefight to get to heal me.
Will wade through the thickest bloodbath to rez me (assuming not on cooldown).

How can you not like, no; LOVE, a player who places others above him-/herself?!

Let others say say what they will. This old man loves Mercy and anyone who plays her.

Yeah she was, like I mentioned, especially on console (let’s not leave half the playerbase out of this).
I played S2 and 3 both on PC and console (because I had friends on both platforms).
I literally NEVER got asked to switch off Mercy in console gold/low plat.
I only got asked to switch off Mercy onto Ana when we had 3 tanks (one of which was Rein) and I was solo-healing in PC plat. Which TBF, is a legit ask. I have 21hrs Mercy in S3 and 10hrs Ana. As long as we had a second healer, nobody ever asked me to go onto Ana, because it was low plat.

I can’t say much about Bronze, I haven’t been there, but even in silver people were happy that I was playing Mercy in S2 PC. Probably they were happy someone was healing at all…

People flamed me on console when I picked Ana… Like they flamed Hanzo and Widows back then. Mercy was always a better choice on Console than Ana, even when Ana was OP. I’m obviously talking about the ranks where the majority of the playerbase is in, so below diamonds (87%, according to Jeffs recent post).

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I played Season 3 on console, too. Mercy was the most common pick there, as she has been in EVERY Meta, but that doesn’t mean people didn’t commonly demand an Ana.

If we actually analyze the stats you provide there, Ana was picked about 15% of the time in Bronze while Mercy was picked about 36%. That means Ana was picked in Bronze roughly HALF the rate that Mercy was. Mercy has ALWAYS been the most popular character in the game, especially for beginners, so pickrate alone doesn’t tell us much alone.

But if we look at S10 stats:

https:// 3.bp.blogspot .com/-ri_3b_aD2aw/WvxjoYKOT9I/AAAAAAAABzQ/0p784gHjOjsRCwQ1nKwWoixI0fiBXxjyACLcBGAs/s640/PC_Usage_Support.png

We see that Mercy is more than SIX TIMES more than use than Ana was back then, in Bronze. This ALSO consistent with console stats from back in Feb:

https:// 3.bp.blogspot .com/-bGF6eRajh0I/WoRLTRyma7I/AAAAAAAABjY/TzpK5yXGE5wc6sgFPyFIoot2cUkqyLxZQCEwYBhgL/s640/Console_Usage_Overall.png

So I stand by my point. Ana was used about half as much as Mercy was in Bronze, and it was extremely common for people to demand that you swap off of Mercy to play her. Again, this being Bronze, I’m not saying it was a sound strategy. But Mercy was often considered a “troll pick” even there.

I honestly don’t think they hate mercy “Mains” they hate the inflexible “I’m only playing mercy and nothing else” players.

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Please don’t put everyone in the same bag, just because a minority of the community is edgy kids making questionnable jokes about Mercy players doesn’t mean we all share the same mindset.

If it can make you “happy”, we all get flamed and trashtalked in OW, no matter what we play or who we are IRL.

That being said I’m really, REALLY tired of people creating 15 topics about her everyday to repeat the same thing over and over.

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  1. She was a sub-optimal pick compared to other supports so those who played her were disliked in competitive environments because players jeopardized meta when they played her
  2. There was the hide ‘n’ seek meta involved with her that everyone hated. Even if some player’s nostalgia is getting better of them this was something people complained about daily. Pros kept bashing on the meta and her on a daily basis
  3. After the long waited rework she was blatantly broken. The strongest hero in the history of the whole game up to a point where both teams had to have her or their loss was almost guaranteed

Now that she’s balanced people are still pointing fingers at her because of all the frustration she has caused in such a long period of time earning the common nickname “Moth”. On top of that Mercy players don’t like that she’s being changed every now and then, especially those trying to create content and guides to her that can’t really put up a guide as everything is subject to change with every tweak

Threads like this is just gonna make others hate her more. Why are there so many mercy threads everyday when there are other heroes in the game? Not to mention whenever there’s an event, mercy fanboys begs for more skins just like they’re hoping she gets another this event.

You mean like pretty much every fan of their favorite character? That is in no way a Mercy main only thing. There is no reason to just single Mercy mains out for that. Everyone who has a favorite character does that when there is a new event.