Why does Sym's primary still have ramp-up?

With 100% accuracy. Which is nigh impossible on anything that isn’t a tank or a shield.

Still feels way too long, and absolutely pointless. No other Damage hero has this slow ramp-up on their damage. You could say it’s kind of “glass cannon” type of thing, but you’re often dead before the “cannon” can really come out.

Remove the ramp up and give her 85 or 90 base dps

To appease those that cry “no skill” when she kills them. Even if it takes aim and they die to ramp-up they will cry foul.

It’s pretty much crap unless you can build charge on a shield first then go crazy melting people.

The enemy knows when you are trying to farm for barrier to charge and they wont let you, they will try to focus you before you can even reached the 180,

If you had an ally barrier the enemy will simply try to scatter so when you reached full charge you cant melt everyone, chnces are youll kill 1 if you get lucky, and if a brigitte is there its already a losing game for you because even if you reached 180 dps, the armor will make your damage do 80 dps. Rally makes everyone immune to symm max damage. All the skill of tracking and planning goes to the dumpster.

What if they made the size of the beam slightly bigger? It would make the ramp up slightly easier to make useful because you can hit more consistently.

“But it will lower her skill requirement blah blah blah” I’m not saying make it as large as Moira’s, but perhaps a bit larger.

Isn’t it 4 seconds if 100% accurate? Which is not hard when using it against barrier’s.

As for why she still has ramp up on it.

  1. Her utility is through the roof when compared to that of other DPS.
  2. She damage potential outside of her primary and secondary fire from her turrets.

If it had zero ramp up her dps would outshine other dps while STILL having the highest utility out of all DPS. Which would make her become a no brainer choice. Especially in organized play.

However, I do believe its current mechanics could be changed to get some more immediate benefit out of it.

This is an compromise I posted on another Sym thread.

Tell me what you think?

I think it needs to be less or to have one level removed and numbers adjusted.

Just saying it’s not 6 lol

If keeping her lock-on beam is “keeping her identity” like a lot of people said, then so would keeping her unique charge-up mechanic.

Two entirely different things. Nice false equivalence.

No thanks. How about fix her primary?

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Saying sym’s primary takes “4 seconds” to charge is like saying Pharah’s ult does 3600 damage…yes, in absolute perfect conditions which rarely ever happen in normal gameplay.

So no, it doesn’t really take “4 seconds” because that requires 100% accuracy which never happens outside of attacking a barrier.


That’s the issue

It shouldn’t be reserved for just barriers and tanks

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It should charge a bit quicker but that also should be its main purpose. The orbs and turrets combo is good at taking out non tank targets. She just needs a small boost to her short range fighting potential.

She may have to fight genji in close range

She needs to be able to defend herself

Just make it charge faster and make the base dps of the gun do more like 70

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I think that’s a good suggestion

If it charges faster it would also have to ramp down faster as well.

No it wouldnt 20 characters

If her primary is going to suck so hard then maybe they should give her primary fire piercing damage that’d be nuts

So they keep one of the WORST parts of old Symmetra because all it does is make her feel and perform worse? The part that no one actually wants? So kind of them. :roll_eyes:

No, they’re really not when relating to “keeping her identity”